Jefferson Class of 2008

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I got an ibook for Christmas, I'm hoping I can make it work. (it's pretty sweet. :love: )

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i'm thinking of going dell notebook (not sure what kind yet), simply b/c my college laptop is old and therefore sucks. since i'm not a computer person and i figure i'll have enough to worry about next year, i'd rather not have to worry about my crappy computer!!
Jeff recommends Dell . . . I just bought a new Dell notebook (Inspiron 600m . . . the quasi-lightweight one). Dells do tend to cost a little more, but they have been running specials lately and they are frick'n indestructible. My last notebook survived for 4 years and I just sold it for $350 (there wasn't anything wrong with it I just wanted a faster computer for med school). :thumbup:
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so has anyone heard anything from Jeff recently?
I called jefferson recently to inquire about waitlist movement and I got the impression that not much has happened (if any at all). She wouldn't outright say if anyone has been pulled off the waitlist yet. Does anyone else know if waitlist movement has started yet?
Just accepted to Jefferson off of their high priority waitlist. Dean Callahan said that this was the first week for waitlist movement. I'm definitely going- and I'm psyched. Good luck!
Celestron2000 said:
I got an ibook for Christmas, I'm hoping I can make it work. (it's pretty sweet. :love: )


If you're going to live on campus or use Jeff's wireless card you should look into compatability. My cousin is going to TJU next year and said that they told her that her imac won't work with the card. I got the idea from her that anything with an "i" wouldn't work. Just something to look into.
mm... not what I wanted to hear. But it's too late now, I'll just have to go and see what I can do. :(
Does anyone know the chances of getting in off the wait list? I am on the high priority list BUT when I called the secretary told me there was no difference in the wait lists. BUT Dr. Callahan told me the high priority list was given special consideration compared to the normal list. I am anxiously awaiting a decision from Jeff, I loved the place.
W222 said:
Does anyone know the chances of getting in off the wait list? I am on the high priority list BUT when I called the secretary told me there was no difference in the wait lists. BUT Dr. Callahan told me the high priority list was given special consideration compared to the normal list. I am anxiously awaiting a decision from Jeff, I loved the place.

I am in the exact same situation as you...

Anyone know how much the waitlist moves and what the high priority list really means? Thanks for your help.
I am also in the high priority waitlist. I have been accepted to a couple of other schools, but Jefferson is my favorite, and I'm really hoping to get in there. Anybody get in yet off of this list? Thanks. Jeff
Okay, I'm no expert, but based on Jeff's prospective student bulliten it looks like everyone who interviews has better than a 50/50 chance of getting in.
Here's how I figure:
Jeff class: 228
most medschools accept about 2x the class size to accomadate rejections: 456
The bulliten states that each year they interview ~800 students.
456/800=0.57 (chance of getting in once interviewed.)
Seems like those on the high priority list have a much better chance. Consider that many have already been rejected.
I hope this helps, instead of just leading to more stress.
:luck: Good luck to all. Personally I'd want to go to school with a bunch of people who want to be there as much as you guys seem to. I'm really excited about Jeff.
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I just checked my Jeff e-mail, and found an e-mail from admissions about pre-matriculation requierments. A new link for matriculants can be found on the admissions site. There is a schedule for orientation week, the physical exam form, and a form to specify your white coat requierments.
Check it out people.
OMG I'm so excited!
Yeah, at least HP waitlist movement has started. I got in last week. I am soooo there. Good luck to the rest of you guys! :clap:
This waitlist movement is starting to make me a little bit anxious. I am on the regular waitlist, but I really want to go there. I wish Jefferson would just accept me so I don't have to worry about the other schools that I am still waiting the hear from or waitlisted at.
One thing I used to make myself feel better and feel in control of the situation is write them a letter every couple of weeks and send emails telling them how i'm still very very very interested. This way you know you are doing your best for the situation.

I'm sure though that you've already done as much, maybe more. I just thought I'd share.

If all else fails, you can chain yourself to Dr. Callahan's office door. :luck:
Celestron2000 said:
I just checked my Jeff e-mail, and found an e-mail from admissions about pre-matriculation requierments. A new link for matriculants can be found on the admissions site. There is a schedule for orientation week, the physical exam form, and a form to specify your white coat requierments.
Check it out people.
OMG I'm so excited!

No email for me... :( Bummer.
A different question though...does anyone remember what the class schedule is for first year? 8-12 plus lab? 9-5? I can't find anything on the site. Thanks so much!!
I withdrew from Jefferson so I hope you all can get in. It is an awesome
school! Everyone is so friendly there.
Putting this post on top again. Anyone else off the waitlist yet?
Dr. Callahan said that people have been really slow in turning down spots and that movement really only started last week. I am sending a couple things to them this week and another letter of recommendation will go out next week. Hope it all helps.
Please! To the people holding a bunch of acceptances, make your final decisions and give other less fortunates a chance. :)
I hope this doesn't mean that there will be less waitlist movement as in past years.
Next week, I mostly likely will be withdrawing. I am waiting for their financial aid office to get back to me about something, and if they cannot match an offer I got at another school, I'll be giving up my spot.

Hope one of you SDNers gets it!
mellantro said:
Next week, I mostly likely will be withdrawing. I am waiting for their financial aid office to get back to me about something, and if they cannot match an offer I got at another school, I'll be giving up my spot.

Hope one of you SDNers gets it!

Thank you very much! I like you... and not just because your name rhymes with cilantro (a terrific herb)...
I withdrew today. Good luck to those on the waitlist, Jeff is a great school!
For those who are buying a new computer (or just got one), are you getting your wireless card through jefferson when we get there?? or are you buying one from somewhere else?
Most new laptops nowadays have intergrated wireless ethernet. Make sure that your computer does not have this feature before looking into buying an ethernet card.

Question: Any more movement off the waitlist? Anybody have any substantiated statistics on what percentage are accepted off the high priority and regular waitlists? I'm hoping some kind soul can help alleviate my anxiety.
hongspruce said:
Most new laptops nowadays have intergrated wireless ethernet. Make sure that your computer does not have this feature before looking into buying an ethernet card.

Question: Any more movement off the waitlist? Anybody have any substantiated statistics on what percentage are accepted off the high priority and regular waitlists? I'm hoping some kind soul can help alleviate my anxiety.

you don't need an ethernet card you need a wireless card. I just bought a new dell notebook (BTW Jeff recommends Dell) and true it comes with the whole centrino mobile wireless thing but the card pops out and you can replace it with the one you have to buy at Jeff.
hongspruce said:
Question: Any more movement off the waitlist? Anybody have any substantiated statistics on what percentage are accepted off the high priority and regular waitlists? I'm hoping some kind soul can help alleviate my anxiety.

I am also really anxious about this. I should be hearing back from Tufts and NYMC any day now as well, but things would be made much easier if I were to get that phone call from Jefferson.
Do we have to have laptops? I just bought myself a desktop because I prefer to use them, I have an older laptop that I got when I went to college, but I'm sure its not compatable with anything now. Do the dorms have regular ethernet, or do I need to be wireless?
I'm pretty sure there isn't any ethernet . . . but all of on-campus housing is in the wireless domain. You can set up cable or DSL if you need to. desktop, notebook, no computer at all its your choice!
Hey guys,

When you get pulled off the high priority waitlist at Jeff, do they call you or send a letter? I'm anxiously waiting. Thanks!
List your name if you're committed to Jeff:

List your name if you're committed to Jeff:

celticmists18 said:
List your name if you're committed to Jeff:


I just withdrew from UK, so now it's official! :thumbup:

List your name if you're committed to Jeff:

For you high priority WLers, I wanted to let you know I withdrew from Jefferson today. I think it was one of the toughest decisions I've ever made (there's always that part of you that does want to stay close to home.... but Jefferson was unable to match a better financial aid offer another school gave me).

Good luck, and I do hope you all get in. Jefferson is a great school :) You guys will love living in Center City!
Ill see you guys in August! Now all I need to do is find a bus route that runs by Jeff. Im a little upset about that because I never considerd myself a "bus person". :(

Celestron2000 said:
I just withdrew from UK, so now it's official! :thumbup:

List your name if you're committed to Jeff:

List your name if you're committed to Jeff:


Yay! I finally made my decision!!!! Can't wait to meet you all...
so what is the deal with the health form? do we send it in, and if so where? or do we just bring it with us to orientation? help, I'm lost!
celticmists18 said:
so what is the deal with the health form? do we send it in, and if so where? or do we just bring it with us to orientation? help, I'm lost!

Once you've got your physical and shots taken care of, just send it to the admissions office. Make sure you keep copies, in case they lose something.
Supadupafly said:
Once you've got your physical and shots taken care of, just send it to the admissions office. Make sure you keep copies, in case they lose something.

Send it to the admissions office? I don't want them seeing my medical history and physical! None of their business! (especialy all those nice STDs I've had :p ) Really though, can't we just send it to the student health service?

An speaking of comprehensive are the health services offered to students at Jefferson?? I need to figure out what kind of health insurance I need to buy.
I was wondering about housing at Jeff. I remember that they have decent dorms but do they offer single rooms. The girl who gave my tour said she lived in a nice apartment place accross the street, I am going to look into that. I would live with someone but I tend to be a pain in the @$$, basically because I am weird, and I dont want to force that on anyone.
I'm weird too...I usually have very bad roomate I'm living alone, in the dorms though, so hopefully I won't be too lonely :scared:
I will see you all in Aug.

Me too! Planning to get a single in the dorm that is. Seems like the perfect combo of no roomate, and still some community to me. :thumbup:
I was wondering if anyone knew where I could find the class calender. I am just trying to see what the class structure was like and how things were run. I remember they gave that to us during the interview day but I lost all that stuff during a large scale apartment cleaning. I was wondering what committee would be first, ect.