Low GPA and getting into Pharm school

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May 16, 2017
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Hello, I'm new here and was wondering if you guys thought I had a chance at getting into pharmacy school. I am a junior in college and have a low cumulative GPA, but would like to think I have other experiences to make up for it. My current cumulative GPA is 2.8(waiting to see this semesters GPA) . I know my GPA is really low and it's because I really messed up my first year getting around a 2.0 GPA for both semesters (moving far from home really got to me, and independence). Since then I have received deans list twice, have an upward trend in my gpa expecting to get a 3.5-3.7 this semester. I have been working in a retail pharmacy for 18 months now averaging 20 hour weeks (will be 2.5 years going into pharmacy school), lab assistant for gen chem for the past year, taking summer classes, will attend pharmacy school after receiving my bachelors, hopefully landing an internship at a biotheraputic lab this coming fall, as well as attending a liberal arts college. I also plan on taking my PCAT this summer, but a few of the school's I am currently looking at don't require scores.

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If you don't do absolutely terrible on the PCAT youll get in somewhere.
you'll get in somewhere, have $200k in loan debt, and have poor job prospects in 4 years. goodluck!
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Hello, I'm new here and was wondering if you guys thought I had a chance at getting into pharmacy school. I am a junior in college and have a low cumulative GPA, but would like to think I have other experiences to make up for it. My current cumulative GPA is 2.8(waiting to see this semesters GPA) . I know my GPA is really low and it's because I really messed up my first year getting around a 2.0 GPA for both semesters (moving far from home really got to me, and independence). Since then I have received deans list twice, have an upward trend in my gpa expecting to get a 3.5-3.7 this semester. I have been working in a retail pharmacy for 18 months now averaging 20 hour weeks (will be 2.5 years going into pharmacy school), lab assistant for gen chem for the past year, taking summer classes, will attend pharmacy school after receiving my bachelors, hopefully landing an internship at a biotheraputic lab this coming fall, as well as attending a liberal arts college. I also plan on taking my PCAT this summer, but a few of the school's I am currently looking at don't require scores.

What is your major?
What is your major?

Biochemistry, but it is a bachelors of arts degree instead of science since I attend a liberal arts college. Just finished off the semester with a 3.8, brought my gpa to a 2.9 (still sucks haha).
Biochemistry, but it is a bachelors of arts degree instead of science since I attend a liberal arts college. Just finished off the semester with a 3.8, brought my gpa to a 2.9 (still sucks haha).

Good so far. What state(s) are you looking to apply to?
Good so far. What state(s) are you looking to apply to?
Washington, Oregon, Hawaii, and the less competitive ones in California. Looking at applying to 6 schools. Hawaii is my back up with UW being my top choice (I know it's highly unlikely).
Hawaii and California are going to be tough to break into if you're from out of state.
Just about anyone can get into pharmacy school as long as you have a pulse and are willing to sign away $200k+ in loans. Actually landing a job to pay off all that debt is the hard part. You will most definitely have to move to flyover country to land a job assuming those areas aren't saturated by the time you graduate.
I did not really enjoy undergraduate having to do with writing lab reports and have that sort of in the way of exams since I was a chemistry major. I did not enjoy taking the time to write lab reports because it took away all my studying and the short answer exams were plain out difficult. After undergraduate with chemistry, my gpa was an 2.78 (my gpa when I applied to pharmacy school). My pcat score was low before getting into pharmacy school. After finishing my second year as a professional student at Hampton University school of pharmacy, my overall gpa is at an 3.80 overall! I feel all that pharmacy school is is just finding time to study and having that time management skill whereas in undergrad I had to teach myself. Hope this helps!