LSU New Orleans - 2012

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Sep 16, 2007
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Hi hi! (^_^)v

I was just accepted to LSU New Orleans, and I couldn't wait to begin a thread here and start hearing from my soon-to-be classmates!:banana:

It's going to be awesome seeing everybody at Camp Tiger!

Best warmth,
Kev (^_^)b

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I am LSU-NO Class of 2012...I got my letter on the 28th.
When did yall have your application completed? How did they notify you about interviews and stuff - e-mail or regular mail?
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I sent off my secondary in early July and was notified of my file being complete on Aug 1st, I think. They email you all notifications including secondary, completion notice, and interview invite.
Also in...congrats to the others.
Hey!! What's up fellow classmates. I applied regular decision and just got my letter of acceptance. Bourbon Street isn't going to know what to do with me!!

Anyway... I hope I run into all of the 2012 people that post on SDN.
Congrats to everyone that got accepted. I think they just sent out another wave of acceptance notices so hopefully traffic on this thread will pick up.
congrats guys! i'm debating on attending lsu-no or msu-chm. i grew up in nola and all of my friends and family are still there.
Congrats to everyone that got accepted. I think they just sent out another wave of acceptance notices so hopefully traffic on this thread will pick up.

Once you've received a letter of acceptance, change your status to "Medical Student"... you've got to own it as soon as possible because it's going to be your status for a long time :D.
Once you've received a letter of acceptance, change your status to "Medical Student"... you've got to own it as soon as possible because it's going to be your status for a long time :D.

Problem Solved...

On another note, you location says San Diego so why LSU-New Orleans?
Louisiana is home (BTW, go UHS). I left when I was 18 to go to Claremont McKenna College. I live in San Diego now because I got a really, really good job in San Diego 3 months before graduating. Now I'm heading back home.
Where are all of the tech savvy LSU people? We don't have very many posts for the class of 2012 and I am willing to bet that a lot of LSU people have letters of acceptance already. Should we go hunt for LSU people in the pre-med sections?
Welcome from the class of 2010. :)

Congratulations! Let me know if you have any questions.
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Hi everyone! I am starting med school in August and I'm so excited, only I'm torn between staying in Shreveport (where I grew up) or going to New Orleans. I've been accepted at both schools...but there are a LOT of issues to think about.

I'm not from New Orleans, but I really would love to live there. And I don't know whether I should live in the dorms (I sent in my housing deposit and rooms are available) or look for an apartment in a safe area...

If anyone has any info about the city, where to live, etc, please let me know!

My dad is supportive, but my mom is scared to death of the city and is really upset that I want to go there...
Hi everyone! I am starting med school in August and I'm so excited, only I'm torn between staying in Shreveport (where I grew up) or going to New Orleans. I've been accepted at both schools...but there are a LOT of issues to think about.

I'm not from New Orleans, but I really would love to live there. And I don't know whether I should live in the dorms (I sent in my housing deposit and rooms are available) or look for an apartment in a safe area...

If anyone has any info about the city, where to live, etc, please let me know!

My dad is supportive, but my mom is scared to death of the city and is really upset that I want to go there...

When I was interviewing Dr. Eubanks (I think I spelled that correctly) said that New Orleans, as a whole, was about the same as Baton Rouge when comparing crime rates. He went on to say that areas most students live in (Warehouse District, Uptown, Garden District) have much less crime and that the majority of crime happens inside of a 10-15 block area. And I don't mean to offend Shreveport, but New Orleans would certainly be a much more interesting that Shreveport.

Like all cities, you learn what areas to avoid pretty quickly. As far as moms are concerned, aren't they always terrified of every big move their kids make?

Good luck choosing your school!!
Like most if not all cities in the US, there are bad areas and there are nice areas. I am sure you will be able to find a nice place to stay in New Orleans. Plus, like theCool said, I have to believe New Orleans is a little more interesting than Shreveport. (but I may just be bias)
I have a clear bias so take what I say with a grain of salt but consider this:

Long term, when it comes to impressing faculty on your local and away rotations fourth year the range of things you're exposed to is key. Where are you more likely to see more interesting and complicated medical cases as they pertain to the field of medicine you're interested in? The location that answers that question is where you should go.

Also you've got a little time to decide, I recommend you wait for match day and see which school matches more people to the specialties/locations you would like.
Hi everyone! I am starting med school in August and I'm so excited, only I'm torn between staying in Shreveport (where I grew up) or going to New Orleans. I've been accepted at both schools...but there are a LOT of issues to think about.

I'm not from New Orleans, but I really would love to live there. And I don't know whether I should live in the dorms (I sent in my housing deposit and rooms are available) or look for an apartment in a safe area...

If anyone has any info about the city, where to live, etc, please let me know!

My dad is supportive, but my mom is scared to death of the city and is really upset that I want to go there...

Hey everyone. I was accepted into LSU-NO too, but am still deciding as of now if to attend. I'm not sure if everyone received this letter (I'm OOS), but Dr. McClugage sent my parents a letter outlining the safety concerns one might have about NO. It outlines the measures that the school has made to ensure the safety of their students. It also mentions that your mom could call Dr. McClugage to talk with him personally about her concerns. In my opinion, I don't think the area around the campus was dangerous (went to USC, which is not in the greatest of neighborhoods).
Hey everyone. I was accepted into LSU-NO too, but am still deciding as of now if to attend. I'm not sure if everyone received this letter (I'm OOS), but Dr. McClugage sent my parents a letter outlining the safety concerns one might have about NO. It outlines the measures that the school has made to ensure the safety of their students. It also mentions that your mom could call Dr. McClugage to talk with him personally about her concerns. In my opinion, I don't think the area around the campus was dangerous (went to USC, which is not in the greatest of neighborhoods).

Yea my parents got that letter too.
hey guys~
Congrats on all of your acceptances. I was just reading your posts. I have an interview this coming week. I am an OOS (MD/PHD prog), and now I am really safety big enough of an issue that they address your parents in a letter? Annnyyyways, we'll see what happens.

As for the interview....any advice? Is it correct that there are three one on one interviews? Are they intense? A lot of ethics? Thanks

In my opinion, the security issues are blown a little out of proportion. The majority of violent crime in the city is isolated, gang on gang activity, ect... I have lived in/around the city for years, work in the city, and go out most weekends and feel no more threatened than in any other major city in the U.S. If it is any further help, check out this link from the NOPD website gives locations of recent crime around the city (may be useful in finding a residence.) Good luck to those interviewing.
That link you posted is very useful though I could never get the crime data and a map to display at the same time... I ended up switching back and forth between that site and Google Maps since the crime data includes the nearest street intersections.

But anyway... I was really impressed by the number of burglaries and thefts. It doesn't really appear as though there are any areas that are safe from burglary. There were safer areas, but the interactive mapping did not comfort me. The Uptown area has more thefts/burglaries that I would have expected, though Uptown looks like heaven when compared to the area just east of LSUHSC. The biggest take home message for me was: DO NOT PARK YOUR CAR ON THE STREET...EVER.:eek:

As a person who will likely start a family in New Orleans (while in med school), it does concern me A LOT that there is so much theft. Nonetheless, I'm still really looking forward to my time at LSU-NO, and my being a fast learner will hopefully help me to completely avoid the "bad" areas.
That link you posted is very useful though I could never get the crime data and a map to display at the same time... I ended up switching back and forth between that site and Google Maps since the crime data includes the nearest street intersections.

But anyway... I was really impressed by the number of burglaries and thefts. It doesn't really appear as though there are any areas that are safe from burglary. There were safer areas, but the interactive mapping did not comfort me. The Uptown area has more thefts/burglaries that I would have expected, though Uptown looks like heaven when compared to the area just east of LSUHSC. The biggest take home message for me was: DO NOT PARK YOUR CAR ON THE STREET...EVER.:eek:

As a person who will likely start a family in New Orleans (while in med school), it does concern me A LOT that there is so much theft. Nonetheless, I'm still really looking forward to my time at LSU-NO, and my being a fast learner will hopefully help me to completely avoid the "bad" areas.

There's far less crime in metairie and that's really where I recommend people who are not familiar with the city live. My family and I live in eastern New Orleans though and haven't had any trouble so far.
That link you posted is very useful though I could never get the crime data and a map to display at the same time... I ended up switching back and forth between that site and Google Maps since the crime data includes the nearest street intersections.

Yea...I noticed that too after I had already posted it. Oh worked a few months ago.
I just recieved a letter from New Orleans saying I am under further review.... I had the same letter last year and ended up on the waitlist. Anyone have any advice? Does anyone have any personal experiences that may give me a little hope? I really cannot immagine waiting ANOTHER year after this. I keep coming so close. Anything would be helpful. I am also on the "acceptable list" in Shreveport. I am sick of these lists...
Hello all! Just got my acceptance letter last week. :) I sooo can't wait to get started!!!

I have lived in NO all my life in a lot of different areas of the city (some nice, some not) without being directly affected by the crime problem. Students just have to learn which areas are safe to live in and trust their feelings & instincts when going out. For the average person, the crime is really not as bad as it looks in the news.

Congrats everyone and I'll see some of y'all in August!
Congrats to all those who've been accepted...pretty exciting ain't it!

To those still waiting for a definitive response be patient and remain hopeful. I interviewed on March 29th and didn't hear an official word that I'd been accepted until the first week in June.
I am a MSIII at LSU -NO and know a guy that wants me to advertise some houses for rent/ sale That would be perfect for a group of incoming 1st yr med students: THESE ARE ALL IN SAFE AREAS!!!!!!!

6771Marshall Foch
4 Bedroom 2Bathroom
$1900 p/month Call 504 908 8881
Too many amenities to list. This house is on a premier street in Lakeview. This section of Marshall Foch is back with many kids, neighbors etc. Very safe and not your typical street.
Deck in back, nice yard with shade huge tree, play or entertainment room, office, formal dining. Everything is brand new in this house! Awesome kitchen all granite custom cabinets and all stainless steel appliances. Note on this house is well over $1900. We are leasing for less so we can hold until market rebounds….

6951 Louis XIV
4 Bedroom 2Bathroom
For Sale or Lease
Sale Price $287,000
$2050 p/month Call 504 908 8881
Too many amenities to list. This house is on a premier street in Lakeview. This section of Lakeview is back with many kids and families, neighbors etc. Very safe and not your typical street.
Huge Backyard, almost the size of another lot. Huge tree, play or entertainment room, office, formal dining. Everything is brand new in this house! Awesome kitchen all granite custom cabinets and all stainless steel appliances.

5386 Fleur De Lis
5 Bedroom 4 Bathroom
$420,000 Purchase
$2900 p/month 504 908 8881
Too many amenities to list. This house is on a premier street in Lakewood and was valued at over $600,000 pre Katrina.
Deck in back, nice yard with shade, media room, play or entertainment room, office, formal dining, library etc. Everything is brand new in this house! Awesome kitchen all granite custom cabinets and all stainless steel appliances. Note on this house is well over $2900. Great Pad for Medical Students, close to downtown hospitals and uptown boozing.

I can probably arrange to get pics emailed if interested.

my email:

[email protected]
or PM me here and I can get you in touch with landlord.
Hey guys ....Do any of you know if they are still offering acceptances or is the class pretty full? I have some friends still waiting to hear and I was just wondering if any of y'all knew anything. Thanks for the help.
Hey guys ....Do any of you know if they are still offering acceptances or is the class pretty full? I have some friends still waiting to hear and I was just wondering if any of y'all knew anything. Thanks for the help.

I interviewed March 12th. The last ad com meeting was March 7th and then they met for the last time on April 18th. We were told they still had spots left, but our chances were slim at this point. What I understood on the day of the interview was that if you are waitlisted you would not be consider again until after May 15th. After May 15th everyone on the waitlist will be pooled together and your advocate would be able to fight for your place in the class. I believe the only people who would get acceptance letters this round would be those who interviewed between March 7th and April 18th. I may be wrong, but this is how i understood it on interview day. I hope this helps your friends... Good Luck to everyone...:luck:
Was there anything mentioned about how many spots they were going to fill from the waitlist? I interviewed in late Feb, and my application has been on hold since then so I'm guessing I'm on the waitlist. I just really want to hear something definitive.
I interviewed the second week of March and I have not heard a thing from them as of yet... No letters at all. I dont know what to think of it. Why would they not at least let me know of my status. It has been seven weeks. Do you think it means I have been rejected?:confused:
I interviewed the last week of March. They told us the adcom would meet April 18 to determine who got in from the last few weeks of interviews. So assuming they met last Friday, I would assume letters would be going out soon if not already.

I wonder how long it takes for them to send letters out after they meet?
I interviewed the last week of March. They told us the adcom would meet April 18 to determine who got in from the last few weeks of interviews. So assuming they met last Friday, I would assume letters would be going out soon if not already.

I wonder how long it takes for them to send letters out after they meet?

I called and they said they mailed letters on Tuesday and Today... So I think we should hear something by Saturday at the latest. :rolleyes:
Thanks for the update. Good luck. I'm not holding my breath, I just wish I'd hurry up and know one way or the other. My guess is they sent out the acceptance letters Tuesday and the Rejected/Wait List letters today.... so since I haven't gotten one yet I'm sure I'm on the wait/rejected list.
Congrats to all those who've been accepted...pretty exciting ain't it!

To those still waiting for a definitive response be patient and remain hopeful. I interviewed on March 29th and didn't hear an official word that I'd been accepted until the first week in June.

Dont give up hope yet...

2tall gives me hope:D

I dont think there is any ryme or reason with the letters.
I know this is a hard process to go through, but dont lose faith
Good luck to you and keep me updated.
Hah yeah. Although I suppose it could also be alphabetical. I'm just trying not to get my hopes up too much.

My last name starts with P.... so who knows. :)
I believe the only people who would get acceptance letters this round would be those who interviewed between March 7th and April 18th.

If by this round you mean the "advocate" round is only for those who interviewed during the dates mentioned above...that's incorrect. From what I understand all waitlisted folks are re-evaluated.
Can any former premeds explain what it means to get a no action letter? Does anyone get rejected after they interview or does everyone who interviews get a no action letter if they are not accepted right away? Does no action mean waitlisted or does it mean no action just like it states? Is there a difference? I am sorry to be asking all these questions, but I am just trying to understand this whole process. I interviewed in March and just recieved my first no action letter. I am thinking my chances are pretty slim since they have many people ahead of me with no actions letters. Any info would be helpful. Thanks :D
Can any former premeds explain what it means to get a no action letter? Does anyone get rejected after they interview or does everyone who interviews get a no action letter if they are not accepted right away? Does no action mean waitlisted or does it mean no action just like it states? Is there a difference? I am sorry to be asking all these questions, but I am just trying to understand this whole process. I interviewed in March and just recieved my first no action letter. I am thinking my chances are pretty slim since they have many people ahead of me with no actions letters. Any info would be helpful. Thanks :D

No action means exactly what it is not a rejection letter. A handfull of applicants may get excepted or rejected right off the bat...everyone else (the majority of the applicant pool) gets the 'no action' letter after they interview.
Bumping to keep us off Page 2
It makes me feel a little better to see that I am not alone in this limbo waiting process. I am on the waitlist at LSU-NO and LSU Shreveport. I was on the waitlist on LSU-NO last year and didnt hear that I hadnt gotten a spot for sure until June. But I also had a friend who was on the waitlist and was accepted at the end of May. That is what is giving me a little hope. Also, I was hoping that since this is my second year on the waitlist they would have looked at me a little more. I mean come on here, how much can a person go through? Anyway good luck to everyone, KEEP UPDATING on your status. It helps so much to get any information. If anyone has info about Shreveport and their process that would be great too. Should all hope be gone at this point? Ahhhh:confused::mad:
I decided today that I am definitely going to LSU-NO (MD/PhD), and I was wondering if anyone has received a packet concerning classes, costs, and general information for next year.

I am very excited!! I will be moving to New Orleans at the end of May. This is a little random, but does anyone swing dance/ballroom dance? I will be in NO all summer and was hoping to continue dancing or at least stay active. I'm a little worried because I don't know the area well.
This thread is slowy dying. Surely someone has something to say. If I am not mistaken today is the day of the Advocacy Meeting so everyone still waiting should be hearing something soon. Good luck to all.
still waiting on two schools- about to give up for this time around and start getting my stuff together for next round. how many ppl usually get in after may in NO and in shreveport?
I havent heard anything....:confused:

Will someone post when they have heard from LSU New Orleans? I'm living in Philly, so it'll take longer for my mail to get here, but I'd like to know when I should be expecting it. Good luck everyone!
So i just found this thread but hopefully i can help. i got my acceptance letter in late october about 3 weeks after my interview. for those who are still waiting to hear back, from what i understand the key date you are waiting for is may 15. this is the date where applicants who have been accepted to more than one school must make a choice. this means that spots will be opening up and people will be accepted from the "wait" list. although it is rare, i've heard of people finding out they were accepted the day before classes began.

if you don't get accepted, don't give up. remember that about 50% of applicants don't get accepted on their first try. my advice would be to do whatever you can to make you application stronger (research, volunteer, masters degree, retake the mcat if need be, etc...). just don't re-apply with the exact same application. also, if you think you have a strong application, consider applying through the early decision program. good luck!!!
I think what some are confused about, (at least what I'm confused about), is the fact that I know the 15th is the deadline, but all I've received is a no action letter directly following my interview. I have neither been waitlisted, declined, nor accepted, and I had expected one to happen by now. So, has anyone received any information after receiving a no action letter?