Medical Schools that I can apply to now?

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Jul 11, 2010
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Hello everyone,
I am a bit worried about my chances in getting into medical school this cycle, since I am getting alot of rejections and no interviews yet. I applied to ~35 schools

Are there any medical schools that I can apply to right now?

I am a bit down about this entire application process, do you have any advice?

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I think most schools had deadlines in January for complete applications
If I were you I would start addressing issues in my app and preparing to apply again, because many schools have stopped handing out interviews at this point. I'm a little confused looking at your post history though... it looks like you had a great app in 2012, did you apply then?
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You'll want to ramp up to reapply now. If you don't have any interviews yet, sorry to say, it's almost certainly not going to happen this cycle.

The silver lining is your dream isn't over. I'm a reapplicant, and got 2 acceptances this cycle. Call schools that rejected you for feedback, take it into consideration, and critically think about shortcomings in your app. Address them, and write your essays ahead of time, so you can submit AMCAS on the first day and turn around secondaries immediately. Also, consider retaking the MCAT if your score <30. You might also consider DO for next cycle. Applying for med school sucks, but if a career as a physician is really your desire, you can make it happen.

Edit: also just looked at post history - is that thread you started in 2012 real? bc with stats and ECs like that, you should be a lock if you apply widely enough, unless you've got some red flags going on, and if that's the case, it may not matter where you apply. What's going on?
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How is that possible? Your app looks amazing
I had to apply three times to get in, come back stronger
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While the DO cycle is much longer, it would be very foolish to apply now to them or any other med school. Why? because most classes have either filled up, or seats are getting rationed and Adcoms tend to get a lot pickier. You don't want to be interviewing for a spot on a wait list.

Identify why you're getting rejections, fix your deficits, and apply stronger when you are 100% ready, even if it means skipping an app cycle.

You should be contacting Admissions deans for feedback (not advice) on your rejections.

Make sure you have a well thought out list.

Hello everyone,
I am a bit worried about my chances in getting into medical school this cycle, since I am getting alot of rejections and no interviews yet. I applied to ~35 schools

Are there any medical schools that I can apply to right now?

I am a bit down about this entire application process, do you have any advice?