Mediocre DAT...Low organic score..advice?

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Apr 3, 2017
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I took the DAT recently and I was disappointed. Long story short, I lost track of time in organic.

OGPA: 3.67 SGPA: 3.55 BCP: 3.50

In college I took 16-19 hours every semester, had research experience, took a rigorous curriculum with lots of upper level courses at once (histology, immunology, neurobiology, cell biology, biochemistry, pharmacology, microbiology, etc.). I taught biology for 3 years as a supplemental instructor, have lots of community service hours, and club involvement on campus. Graduated in 3.5 years with BS in biology with a minor in chemistry. Will have excellent letters of rec. (Also a white male, first generation college student.)

DAT Scores:
AA: 19
TS: 19
PAT: 19
BIO: 24
CHEM: 17
OC: 16
RC: 19
QR: 18

I have have had lots of unique opportunities from dental shadowing, as well as several hundred hours of patient contact through shadowing in a variety of specialities and general dentistry. I'm planning on applying broadly to schools. Do you guys think I have a decent shot at an interview, or will the chem scores hold me back?

Thanks in advance for the feedback!

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I'm sorry man, but that type of GC and OC score calls for a retake. If it was one section MAYBE that wouldn't be as bad, but considering it's both of your chemistries- I wouldn't risk it.
I'm sorry man, but that type of GC and OC score calls for a retake. If it was one section MAYBE that wouldn't be as bad, but considering it's both of your chemistries- I wouldn't risk it.

I agree 🙁 best of luck to you friendo

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I would retake this because both your ochem and chem are low, while your bio is pulling up your aa.
Some schools will not look at your app if you have less than a 17 in a category. The fact that both your chemistries are bad means you have to retake. If you are URM then you may have a shot but even then it is slim.

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I think you have a shot in getting interviews
& wow, almost similar stats to mine and i did most of your activities and semester load except the research part
Your biology is way higher than mine but i had the same genchem and ochem scores. i'm not going to lie, i was very nervous and if i had time and money, i would have done the DAT again. I still got 4 pre-december interviews, then one acceptance in December and the other was until March, which i think is because of the DAT. the DAT might put you in a tough spot waiting wise even after interviews, but you'll most probably get interviews. since its almost June, i would apply now and have everything submitted asap, submitting early is key.
But try and study again for the DAT and take it mid-july and send it as an update to the schools when you take it, then they'll get the the verified score (you dont have to let admissions know you're retaking, just update it later on so they dont wait on your application till your retake date)-- retake it only if you're sure you'll improve and that you're serious about studying. you might do worse, you might do better or even the same, so thats why take it if you know you'll put in the effort. a good 6-7 weeks from now is perfect time to practice and improve easily from your 19
I think an overall 19 with the rest of your application as a whole (heavy load each semester while maintaining a good GPA, good essays, good LOR, working, volunteering, shadowing, etc) is good and people have gotten in with that number, but it might be a risk as well. like someone said above, some schools want above a 17/18 in all sections, and some dont. overall, no one knows how admissions see these things, but you're very well rounded. people with 18s and 19s hear back in December, some dont, so its hard to say. the fact that you took rigorous semesters with a good GPA will definitely help you. Hope this helps in your decision, good luck!
I think you have a shot in getting interviews
& wow, almost similar stats to mine and i did most of your activities and semester load except the research part
Your biology is way higher than mine but i had the same genchem and ochem scores. i'm not going to lie, i was very nervous and if i had time and money, i would have done the DAT again. I still got 4 pre-december interviews, then one acceptance in December and the other was until March, which i think is because of the DAT. the DAT might put you in a tough spot waiting wise even after interviews, but you'll most probably get interviews. since its almost June, i would apply now and have everything submitted asap, submitting early is key.
But try and study again for the DAT and take it mid-july and send it as an update to the schools when you take it, then they'll get the the verified score (you dont have to let admissions know you're retaking, just update it later on so they dont wait on your application till your retake date)-- retake it only if you're sure you'll improve and that you're serious about studying. you might do worse, you might do better or even the same, so thats why take it if you know you'll put in the effort. a good 6-7 weeks from now is perfect time to practice and improve easily from your 19
I think an overall 19 with the rest of your application as a whole (heavy load each semester while maintaining a good GPA, good essays, good LOR, working, volunteering, shadowing, etc) is good and people have gotten in with that number, but it might be a risk as well. like someone said above, some schools want above a 17/18 in all sections, and some dont. overall, no one knows how admissions see these things, but you're very well rounded. people with 18s and 19s hear back in December, some dont, so its hard to say. the fact that you took rigorous semesters with a good GPA will definitely help you. Hope this helps in your decision, good luck!

Congrats on the acceptances! That is encouraging to hear. I will definitely consider a retake as you and the others have suggested. Do you have any suggestions of where to apply? I haven't received the guide to schools yet, but it's on the way!
Retaking and getting a higher dat will give you more schools to choose from.