Midwestern (CCOM) Chances

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5+ Year Member
Jun 2, 2017
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Hello all,

I was curious at my chances at getting in this cycle; here are my scores.

Residence: IL

cGPA: 3.91 sGPA: 3.92
MCAT: 506 (128, 123, 127, 128)

Extracurriculars: Varsity sport (captain, academic all-American, all conference, etc.), Undergrad research (336 hours, no publications), Clinical research at UofC hospitalist project (132 hours), Volunteering (84 hours), shadowing of orthopedics (31 hours), Fulbright research project in Chemistry (partnership with clinical laboratory, as we are modifying Vitamin D for uses in cancer treatments), TA/Tutor, various academic awards (PBK, deans list, summa cum laude).

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Had similar stats and got an II. OOS applicant
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Based on numbers alone your chances for an II are high. Nothing is guaranteed, however. PM me if you have any questions about CCOM.
Recommend an SMP to raise your GPA.

In all seriousness, I would give my left nut for your stats

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Hello all,

I was curious at my chances at getting in this cycle; here are my scores.

Residence: IL

cGPA: 3.91 sGPA: 3.92
MCAT: 506 (128, 123, 127, 128)

Extracurriculars: Varsity sport (captain, academic all-American, all conference, etc.), Undergrad research (336 hours, no publications), Clinical research at UofC hospitalist project (132 hours), Volunteering (84 hours), shadowing of orthopedics (31 hours), Fulbright research project in Chemistry (partnership with clinical laboratory, as we are modifying Vitamin D for uses in cancer treatments), TA/Tutor, various academic awards (PBK, deans list, summa cum laude).

Yeah, you'll probably get an II at the very least. While I liked the campus and location, that tuition is outrageous (unless you're doing military).
Hello all,

I was curious at my chances at getting in this cycle; here are my scores.

Residence: IL

cGPA: 3.91 sGPA: 3.92
MCAT: 506 (128, 123, 127, 128)

Extracurriculars: Varsity sport (captain, academic all-American, all conference, etc.), Undergrad research (336 hours, no publications), Clinical research at UofC hospitalist project (132 hours), Volunteering (84 hours), shadowing of orthopedics (31 hours), Fulbright research project in Chemistry (partnership with clinical laboratory, as we are modifying Vitamin D for uses in cancer treatments), TA/Tutor, various academic awards (PBK, deans list, summa cum laude).
I'm from IL with slightly lower GPA and slightly higher MCAT. I'm not applying there because the tuition is so ridiculously expensive (twice the salary of SIU lol) If you can get in there, you can get into other DO schools that will give you the same opportunities.
I'm from IL with slightly lower GPA and slightly higher MCAT. I'm not applying there because the tuition is so ridiculously expensive (twice the salary of SIU lol) If you can get in there, you can get into other DO schools that will give you the same opportunities.

Don't undervalue having family close to school. I had several DO acceptances, and for me CCOM still outweighed lower tuition from those other schools because of the criteria I was looking in for a school.

And FYI SIU rarely takes applicants north of Joliet.
Don't undervalue having family close to school. I had several DO acceptances, and for me CCOM still outweighed lower tuition from those other schools because of the criteria I was looking in for a school.

And FYI SIU rarely takes applicants north of Joliet.
Okay fair enough! It's reasonable to say that OP has a good chance at UIC though.