2024-2025 Midwestern University (Chicago, Illinois) CCOM

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just withdrew my A hope it goes to one of you 🙂

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Just got placed on alternate 😔 how many ppl get off the waitlist?
Hi all, got an II on 2/24 and I'm interviewing in-person mid march. Am I essentially interviewing for a spot on the WL?
i got a message saying there is an update but there is no change is that a R or mistake
hi, does anyone who’s an admitted student or current student/alumni let me know if CCOM offers merit based scholarships and if so, how much is awarded?
hi, does anyone who’s an admitted student or current student/alumni let me know if CCOM offers merit based scholarships and if so, how much is awarded?
there is a small chance you get a few thousand dollars, but it's nothing crazy. There might be 2-3 big scholarships for specific specialties, but overall no financial assistance comes from the school.
is there any info on what percent of people they take off waitlist/ how much movement to expect?
Any tips on interviewing here? I will be doing the in person interview so if anyone can speak to that, I would really appreciate it.
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Any tips on interviewing here? I will be doing the in person interview so if anyone can speak to that, I would really appreciate it.
Super chill interview, just prep for a normal interview and be prepared to talk about experiences. otherwise some presentations, downtime, lunch, and student panel. about 25-30 mins for interview
Does anyone know when the deadline is to receive a partial refund for the enrollment deposit?
Does anyone know when the deadline is to receive a partial refund for the enrollment deposit?
"REFUND POLICY (after the three-day cancellation policy has expired): with written notification of withdrawal more than thirty calendar days before the program begins. After a student has paid his/her entire matriculation deposit, he/she may request a $100 refund by writing to the Director of Admissions and mailed/delivered to the institution at the address stated here within up to 30 calendar days prior to the first date of orientation. Refunds are not given for partial or incremental deposit payments. A Student loses 100% of all deposit money if an official, written notification of withdrawal is received by the Office of Admissions less than one month (30 calendar days) before the date of orientation or if the student fails to matriculate at the orientation program."

It says you have to mail a written notice to the Director of Admissions, but I just sent a polite email requesting to be withdrawn and for the partial refund, which they said they will do.