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New Member
Mar 22, 2021
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I am currently a third year resident physician with extensive experience in MMI interviews, MMI question development and MMI Coaching. I remember how stressful medical school and CARMS interviews can be, so I wanted to create a coaching service that can help you excel in your interview and maximize your chances of being accepted to medical school! During my sessions I provide my students unique questions based on current events rather than using the pre-existing question other services use. I provide typed and verbal feedback, as well as a ranking using a standardized MMI Ranking Form. Furthermore, I provide insight on what the candidate can add or change about their answer to achieve the top percentile of scores (10/10). As a resident physician, I can offer insight on how a physician would approach a difficult patient situation or the current issues affecting our healthcare system. Over the past few years I have assisted numerous people in achieving their goal of medical school acceptance and matching to their desired residency program!

Experience and Qualifications:

  • 2 years of experience as an Interview Coach for medical school and residency (see testimonials below)
  • Served as a physician interviewer in 2019 and 2020 at a Canadian Medical School. Experience with both in person interviews pre COVID and Zoom interviews during the pandemic.
  • Served as a medical student interviewer for the MMI in 2018
  • Completed an MMI Interviewer Training Course in 2018, with a refresher course in 2019 and 2020.
  • Developed MMI questions and conducted and MMI interview as a student group executive to recruit new volunteers in 2015-2018
  • Developed 50 unique MMI scenarios relevant to Medical School MMIs which will be provided with coaching
  • Developed a unique Master the MMI Prep Course Presentation (120 slides) that will be provided to my students
  • Participated in MMI interviews as a pre-medical student, was accepted to my top choice for medical school despite applying after 2 years of undergrad and having an objectively weaker application and MCAT score
  • Participated in 13 CARMS interviews across Canada (mix of panel and MMI), matched to my top choice for residency
  • Volunteered as a resident interviewer for the CMA Mock Interview Prep sessions for CARMS in 2020 and 2021
  • Took an MMI practice course as a pre-medical student and have integrated this knowledge to create an improved guide to Mastering the MMI.
  • Volunteered as a mentor for medical students since 2019 assisting with CARMS application reviews and CARMS interview coaching

  • Offering customized private one-on-one interview coaching via Zoom or your preferred online platform
  • Free initial meet and greet to discuss goals and objectives
  • My Master the MMI Presentation with contains over 120 slides describing MMI theory, my hourglass approach to answering MMI questions, an organized approach for the 6 different types of MMI questions you will encounter, a crash course in medical ethics and links to high yield articles and information on current events, aboriginal health, sexism, technology and medicine, the Canadian Health Care System, mental health, transgender health, physician burnout, vaccine hesitancy and many more HIGH YIELD topics that you should review to be prepared for the MMI!
  • Offering full length mock MMI simulations with detailed feedback
  • MMI scoring on a scale from 1-10 with each session
Rate: $75/hour for new clients, $60/hour for previous clients

Availability: Limited availability on evenings and weekends due to the demands of residency, coaching will be offered on a first come, first serve basis.


My experience with MMI coaching was overwhelmingly positive. Most of you reading this likely want me to be candid, so yes I received an acceptance offer the first time I interviewed and I credit this in large part to my MMI coaching. Our sessions were professional, on time, flexible, and focused. I also found the feedback to be incredibly helpful and experienced continuous improvement with the practice questions and reading materials. The cost was very reasonable and honestly going into my MMI feeling confident that I could competently answer any question that I was presented with is more than I could have hoped for. I am absolutely going to reach out in preparation for my CARMS when the time comes. -A. accepted to U of C Medical School Class of 2025

The prep we did seems to have definitely paid off: the extra confidence I got from prepping with you really helped me feel more comfortable. I think the reading materials you gave were especially helpful in understanding key topics in medicine and gave me the confidence to speak about those issues. I learned a lot about the type of medical student/resident/physician I’d like to be from you! Your knowledge and passion for the work you do is inspiring and I’m very grateful that you took the time to help me hone my interview skills. -N. accepted to U fo C Medical School Class of 2025

At midnight EST, the OMSAS portal released its first offers, and I received an offer to attend McMaster University! I am THRILLED beyond belief. Thank you so much for your interview prep assistance! -L. Accepted to McMaster Medical School Class of 2025

Disclaimers: I signed a confidentiality agreement when I was an MMI interviewer so I cannot disclose specific details regarding question content, but can provide insight on the interview process and what distinguished excellent candidates from average ones. I will not be interviewing for the 2022 MMI as this prohibits you from assisting any potential candidates. With COVID, I can only offer virtual sessions to comply with social distancing.

Please email [email protected] if you are interested, coaching will be offered on a first come first serve basis. Best of luck in the 2022 interviews to all candidates!

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