MSAR help needed - finding programs that accept online coursework

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5+ Year Member
Apr 19, 2018
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I can't figure out how to use the MSAR to see which medical schools accept online prerequisites/coursework. Can someone help?

Yes, I already know the stigma with online classes and whatnot. I'm not looking for someone to offer advice that I should do X at a community college or retake Y at a university. Just needing some help on how to find what medical schools accept online prerequisites, please. I can't figure it out.

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You need to go to requirements and then find the course requirement grid. One of the columns is online acceptable.

Thanks so much for the help. Seems like a lot don't have that info there. I'm assuming the best course of action would be to filter out the schools that are close to my MCAT and GPA (with a couple of reach schools) and email every one of them before applying.