NC State Admissions Information Update

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Jun 9, 2014
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NC State has recently updated the way admissions information is displayed on our website. We would appreciate your feedback on the ease (or lack thereof) with which you found and understand our information. We welcome suggestions that will improve ease of access to the information, visual appeal, and any areas which may be unclear. Start here:

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I think its pretty annoying that to read basic admissions details on the admissions page I have to open nine different PDFs, one of which (Deadlines) is literally just two lines of information.
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It also might be nice if you have a link to the DVM admissions page under the DVM Curriculum menu on the left rather than off on the right. It's just a very minor thing, but it took me a few moments to figure out where it was since I scanned through the left menu first, assuming it was there.
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I think its pretty annoying that to read basic admissions details on the admissions page I have to open nine different PDFs, one of which (Deadlines) is literally just two lines of information.

I agree with this... I think that there are certain things that should just be on the page rather than on a different document. I kind of preferred having most of it on the webpage itself.
I appreciate that NCSU is trying to improve their website. I applied to seven schools and NCSU's website was and continues to be the absolute worst for finding information. I don't bother going through the site anymore; I just find the page with a Google search.
Thank you all for your feedback! We will use it to continue to improve the layout of our information.
I agree with this... I think that there are certain things that should just be on the page rather than on a different document. I kind of preferred having most of it on the webpage itself.
What things would you specifically like to see posted on the webpage versus in a document?
I appreciate that NCSU is trying to improve their website. I applied to seven schools and NCSU's website was and continues to be the absolute worst for finding information. I don't bother going through the site anymore; I just find the page with a Google search.
Specifically what could we do to make it easier to find information?
What things would you specifically like to see posted on the webpage versus in a document?
I don't really see why any of the standard admissions things need to be in a document. I would understand maybe having one combined downloadable admissions info PDF with all the extra detailed info that some of the PDFs provide, but I'd like to not have to download anything to see a basic list of prereq courses, deadlines, admissions criteria, etc.
I appreciate that NCSU is trying to improve their website. I applied to seven schools and NCSU's website was and continues to be the absolute worst for finding information. I don't bother going through the site anymore; I just find the page with a Google search.

The worst vet school website I encountered was Tuskegee. Really no competition.

For NCSU, I have to agree that having all the admissions information in PDF format is really not necessary. It would be nice to be able to easily find a link that says "admissions", click on that. Then it should have links to information about prereqs, GRE, VMCAS, experience, supplemental application, as well as information specific to NCSU: admissions timeline (when interviews are sent out, approximate dates, etc), application statistics, vet school clubs, student life at NCSU, etc.

For example, if I want to know the pre-reqs, it would be nice to click on a link that says "prerequisites" that brings me to a new webpage with the prerequisites listed on the page. Then still have a menu option to the side with links to "GRE" "Objective Criteria" "Subjective Criteria", this allows quick navigation to where you want to go next without having to go back, open up a new PDF, read, go back again, open up another PDF, etc.

You can make it into a drop-down type of menu, like:

Admissions: (after user clicks, the following open)
-Pre-requisites (can include the animal nutrition info on this page)
-Objective Criteria
-Subjective Criteria
etc, etc....

Hope that explanation makes some sense. :)
i actully thought the old NCSU web site was one of the easier to find all of the information compared to the other schools that i was looking at. I likeed the fact that when you clicked on admissions almost everything was laid out on the same page. I think the extra PDF docs for the information is harder. I think that if you used the menu on the left (that is on the black box now) and listed GRE, Pre-requistes, that jump you to the spot on the page that would be beneficial.
When I applied last year to NCSU, I really liked how everything admissions-wise was found on one page. The organization of the website itself wasn't visually appealing, but all the information is there. I would hate having to open up 9 different PDFs on the new site to find what I wanted to know. Couldn't you just have a table of contents at the top with all the information on one page? With links that lead you to the part of the page you are interested in? For instance, I could click on "Prerequisite Chart" and it would take me to that spot on the page. Or, if I wanted to read everything, I could just scroll down the one page and read each section one by one!
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I've no vested interest in NCSU's page one way or the other, but I gotta say that I think it's great a school is soliciting public feedback on the ease of interacting with their website.... very cool.
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Specifically what could we do to make it easier to find information?

I appreciate that you are seeking feedback - it really was and is a frustrating experience to try to find information on the website.

I'll pull up two other schools I applied to for comparison so you can see what I mean: Cornell and Ohio. These aren't perfect sites, but they are so much better than NCSU's site.

As an interested student with no experience with the school's site, if I go to Cornell's site I can find admissions information right away: it's clearly labeled "College Admissions" in the top menu bar. What does NC State put in its top menu bar on its absolute front page, which ostensibly contains the most important and frequently-used links in the entire website? Programmatic areas of study (!). I get that NCSU is proud of their unique areas of study, but that is hardly the very first piece of vital information that anyone is looking for on the site, student or not. (And if you do click on one of the programmatic areas of study, there is no admissions link anywhere - even though it would be logical to include admissions links on these pages!)

On Ohio's site, I don't have to look long to find admissions information - "Future Students" is right there in bright red underneath the photos. A prospective student looking for admissions information has to click only once to be taken to a page packed with useful information. At Cornell, it's two clicks, but the links are clearly marked that will lead to admissions information. At NCSU, it is three clicks on three links, none of which are clearly marked or stand out from their surroundings in any way. First, you must click "Education," which is buried in the middle of an eye-straining white-on-red menu, then you must click "DVM Professional Degree Program" - again, buried in the middle of an unremarkable menu - and then you must look all the way to the other side of the screen to find the actual "Admissions" link. It's non-intuitive and it wastes time. I am not the only current student who hates working with the website.

Another difficulty when clicking through the menu options under Education and its subpages is that all of the pages look essentially the same. There are no photos, no visual indicator of where you are in the site, and no way to easily find your way to other pages. The result is that visitors feel lost and disoriented. For example, looking at the education page, there is for some reason a link to the exact same page at the top of the menu on the left-hand side. Nearly all the pages on the site have these links to the exact same page you're on, which is not only redundant and unnecessary, but confusing. They should be eliminated entirely.

It would be so much better if NCSU's top menu on the Education page (About, Alumni, etc.) looked like tabs in a filing cabinet, which the menu currently does, but only when you hover over the links. For a comparison, see Ohio's admissions page. At the top menu, you can easily tell which subcategory of the site you are in. Looking at the menu on the right, you can easily see that you are in the Admissions subpage, and you can easily see your options to navigate within Admissions. Not only that, but the link to the page you are on is bolded and black. You are absolutely certain that you know where you are.

I could go on and on, but the biggest changes I would make are:

1. Get rid of the areas of study bar at the top of the first page and replace it with a no-nonsense top menu.
2. Make sure that at LEAST two links are at the top and in an eye-catching color on the very front page of the college: ADMISSIONS and ANIMAL EMERGENCY. Admissions, because prospective students will probably spend more time than anyone interacting with the site, and animal emergency, because prospective clients with an emergency on their hands won't have time to spend clicking around.
3. Make menus and submenus indicate where you are in the site. See the paragraph about Ohio's admissions page.
4. Add photos to pages. Doesn't matter what they are of - visitors will subconsciously register "oh, there's that cat again, this is the admissions page." Photos are just one more way to facilitate visual wayfinding on webpages.
5. Get rid of the links to the same page you're on that are found at the top of many menus.

This turned into a manifesto about website navigation and design, but I think it's important - this is the face that NCSU shows the world! I'm sorry to have gone on for so long, but visual representation of information is one of my weird obsessions. I am happy to talk with you if you want to discuss the site - I am on campus for the next couple of weeks. PM me if you are interested in meeting.
Oh, but I will say this: I am very impressed that NC State is soliciting feedback, and that NC State has a presence on this forum. Thanks so much for being here.
I totally agree with @hygebeorht. It is very hard to find the admissions page from the home page of NCSU CVM.
I appreciate that you are seeking feedback - it really was and is a frustrating experience to try to find information on the website.

I'll pull up two other schools I applied to for comparison so you can see what I mean: Cornell and Ohio. These aren't perfect sites, but they are so much better than NCSU's site.

As an interested student with no experience with the school's site, if I go to Cornell's site I can find admissions information right away: it's clearly labeled "College Admissions" in the top menu bar. What does NC State put in its top menu bar on its absolute front page, which ostensibly contains the most important and frequently-used links in the entire website? Programmatic areas of study (!). I get that NCSU is proud of their unique areas of study, but that is hardly the very first piece of vital information that anyone is looking for on the site, student or not. (And if you do click on one of the programmatic areas of study, there is no admissions link anywhere - even though it would be logical to include admissions links on these pages!)

On Ohio's site, I don't have to look long to find admissions information - "Future Students" is right there in bright red underneath the photos. A prospective student looking for admissions information has to click only once to be taken to a page packed with useful information. At Cornell, it's two clicks, but the links are clearly marked that will lead to admissions information. At NCSU, it is three clicks on three links, none of which are clearly marked or stand out from their surroundings in any way. First, you must click "Education," which is buried in the middle of an eye-straining white-on-red menu, then you must click "DVM Professional Degree Program" - again, buried in the middle of an unremarkable menu - and then you must look all the way to the other side of the screen to find the actual "Admissions" link. It's non-intuitive and it wastes time. I am not the only current student who hates working with the website.

Another difficulty when clicking through the menu options under Education and its subpages is that all of the pages look essentially the same. There are no photos, no visual indicator of where you are in the site, and no way to easily find your way to other pages. The result is that visitors feel lost and disoriented. For example, looking at the education page, there is for some reason a link to the exact same page at the top of the menu on the left-hand side. Nearly all the pages on the site have these links to the exact same page you're on, which is not only redundant and unnecessary, but confusing. They should be eliminated entirely.

It would be so much better if NCSU's top menu on the Education page (About, Alumni, etc.) looked like tabs in a filing cabinet, which the menu currently does, but only when you hover over the links. For a comparison, see Ohio's admissions page. At the top menu, you can easily tell which subcategory of the site you are in. Looking at the menu on the right, you can easily see that you are in the Admissions subpage, and you can easily see your options to navigate within Admissions. Not only that, but the link to the page you are on is bolded and black. You are absolutely certain that you know where you are.

I could go on and on, but the biggest changes I would make are:

1. Get rid of the areas of study bar at the top of the first page and replace it with a no-nonsense top menu.
2. Make sure that at LEAST two links are at the top and in an eye-catching color on the very front page of the college: ADMISSIONS and ANIMAL EMERGENCY. Admissions, because prospective students will probably spend more time than anyone interacting with the site, and animal emergency, because prospective clients with an emergency on their hands won't have time to spend clicking around.
3. Make menus and submenus indicate where you are in the site. See the paragraph about Ohio's admissions page.
4. Add photos to pages. Doesn't matter what they are of - visitors will subconsciously register "oh, there's that cat again, this is the admissions page." Photos are just one more way to facilitate visual wayfinding on webpages.
5. Get rid of the links to the same page you're on that are found at the top of many menus.

This turned into a manifesto about website navigation and design, but I think it's important - this is the face that NCSU shows the world! I'm sorry to have gone on for so long, but visual representation of information is one of my weird obsessions. I am happy to talk with you if you want to discuss the site - I am on campus for the next couple of weeks. PM me if you are interested in meeting.
Wow, i never even noticed education...when i was looking i went to quick links at the top and it said admissions so that is how i went in. Never even noticed the eduction link and tried to get in that way.
Wow, i never even noticed education...when i was looking i went to quick links at the top and it said admissions so that is how i went in. Never even noticed the eduction link and tried to get in that way.

My god, I have been using the NCSU website for two and a half years and I have NEVER noticed that tiny quicklinks menu. Literally I went to check the website right after I read your comment. That is one tiny menu.

I can't be the only person who never saw it, right? Museum Nerd, did you go to NCSU undergrad?
I agree with everyone else on everything previously mentioned..

Admissions should be one of the very first tabs visible to people coming to the site because I would bet money that the most hits on the site are prevets trying to find admissions info..

Something that I think is also buried on the site is the cost of attendance... On the left hand side there is the "money matters" tab.. ( why use a fancy vague name when you can just say Cost of Attendance?) ... But when you click on that you have to scroll all the way down to the bottom and sort through all the other financial aid stuff before you actually find the cost of attendance... It would be so much easier to have COA at the very top but then have a section with links to other financial aid concerns like loans and the FASFA.

Prospective students normally have two main concerns... What are the eligibility requirements and the cost to attend.. Making these two things easier to find would help out the prospective students tremendously.
Since we are talking about NCSU's web page I would like to add that overall its a great page with clear cut information; one of the easier ones I've been on looking for vet schools! I particularly like how they set up their previous class statistics. It was difficult to find at first but once you did find it; man was it useful! I was glad to see Admit, Waitlist, and Deny categories for in and out of state for GRE and GPAs! While looking at previous class statistics for other colleges they had averages of ALL APPLICANTS which tells me nothing about who actually got in so thank you for that NCSU!

One another note, I am an OOS applicant for the class of 2019 as a first time applicant. I know it is difficult for OOS individuals to get into NCSU but it is my DREAM school! I simply love the Zoo Medicine focus :) Therefore, I was curious is there such thing as "re-applicant mercy?" Do schools (especially NCSU) really care if you are reapplying and wish to attend really bad? This answer will not keep me from applying but I was just curious!

Thank you :)
Since we are talking about NCSU's web page I would like to add that overall its a great page with clear cut information; one of the easier ones I've been on looking for vet schools! I particularly like how they set up their previous class statistics. It was difficult to find at first but once you did find it; man was it useful! I was glad to see Admit, Waitlist, and Deny categories for in and out of state for GRE and GPAs! While looking at previous class statistics for other colleges they had averages of ALL APPLICANTS which tells me nothing about who actually got in so thank you for that NCSU!

One another note, I am an OOS applicant for the class of 2019 as a first time applicant. I know it is difficult for OOS individuals to get into NCSU but it is my DREAM school! I simply love the Zoo Medicine focus :) Therefore, I was curious is there such thing as "re-applicant mercy?" Do schools (especially NCSU) really care if you are reapplying and wish to attend really bad? This answer will not keep me from applying but I was just curious!

Thank you :)
We evaluate each candidate under the same requirements regardless of the number of times they have applied.