New MCAT and Pre-med Courses

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Dec 1, 2015
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Hey, guys.

I'm currently trying to figure out which classes to take before I take the MCAT without stressing myself out too much. This is my current "situation":


Next semester, I'll be a junior, and I've been advised that because of this, I should take the MCAT sometime in the winter of 2017. As highlighted in yellow, I figured I would take Orgo I, Physics 2, Genetics, an art class (if possible), and a psychology course for next semester, however I wasn't sure which psychology class would be best for me to take to help me prep for the MCAT. I'm between Abnormal Psychology, which would agree with my current schedule for next semester, and Social, Health, or Clinical Psychology, which would mean that I'd have to drop the art class that I planned on taking.

I'm also quite worried about whether I'll be able to finish the "recommended" courses before I'll need to take the MCAT. I'll either be in or have finished Orgo II, Biochem I, and whichever classes I'll end up having to take then, depending on if I take the exam after I complete my junior year at the end of 2017. I'm deathly afraid of rushing things and end up not doing all that well on the MCAT or in my classes.

Any input would be great! Thanks.

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A) Don't take the MCAT before you're ready, its just not worth it if you have to take it again
B) I took social psych spring 2016 and took the MCAT in May 2016. My friends and I renamed the class MCAT psych/soc 101. It doesn't cover some of the social theories (still can't figure out why things like feminist vs conflict theory should be on the MCAT anyway) but it was a really good basis. I did the TPR 123 class and barely used their psych/soc material in lieu of the class
... however I wasn't sure which psychology class would be best for me to take to help me prep for the MCAT. I'm between Abnormal Psychology, which would agree with my current schedule for next semester, and Social, Health, or Clinical Psychology, which would mean that I'd have to drop the art class that I planned on taking.
Many pre-med students are enrolling in introductory classes entitled: abnormal psychology/psychopathology ... or introduction to sociology/psychology.

Come to think if it ... it might be useful if universities would offer an "Introduction to MCAT Psychology for Pre-Meds" class each year in which we teach critical analysis and reasoning skills related to medicine, psychology and sociology.
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Make sure you take biochem before the MCAT. If you can handle the workload, I'd even recommend taking it during the semester leading up the the MCAT (so take it in the fall for a winter MCAT)
I wouldn't recommend biochem in the summer, you need time to actually digest and understand the material. My institution crams summer courses into ~1 month. This accelerated timeframe may actually make it harder for you, since they usually expect you to know the same material but with much less time between the introduction of a concept & testing said concept.
You're going to want to have a working memory of basic BCH so take it in the regular semester.

Also make sure you get a social/psych in (something that covers sociology AND the basics of psych)
Psych is pretty much based on how many definitions you can cram into your head before the MCAT. No hard concepts, just rote memorization. The class may help you keep some of them straight in your head. It was definitely helpful for me.

Biochem is a huge help. Seriously take it.
Make sure you take biochem before the MCAT. If you can handle the workload, I'd even recommend taking it during the semester leading up the the MCAT (so take it in the fall for a winter MCAT)
I wouldn't recommend biochem in the summer, you need time to actually digest and understand the material. My institution crams summer courses into ~1 month. This accelerated timeframe may actually make it harder for you, since they usually expect you to know the same material but with much less time between the introduction of a concept & testing said concept.
You're going to want to have a working memory of basic BCH so take it in the regular semester.

Also make sure you get a social/psych in (something that covers sociology AND the basics of psych)
Psych is pretty much based on how many definitions you can cram into your head before the MCAT. No hard concepts, just rote memorization. The class may help you keep some of them straight in your head. It was definitely helpful for me.

Biochem is a huge help. Seriously take it.

I'll definitely be taking Biochem I before the MCAT. Many have been telling me that it's major on the MCAT. I also figured I wouldn't take any science courses over the summer, since I'm not sure if I'll be able to handle the pressure and not only do well in the class, but actually learn. I've already taken intro to psych, and I'm currently in socio, but the overwhelming opinion I'm getting is to take social psychology over clinical/health/abnormal. Is that correct?
This is all kind of dependent on whether or not I decide to knock out the 1/2 course load of my senior that I have left. If I do end up doing that, I'll be going with the plan above, but if I decide to stick with my 1/2 of a senior year, I'd end up having to wait for the 2019 med school cycle anyways, and I'd have a good semester and summer to do whatever. If I went with that, wouldn't it be possible for me to hold off on the MCAT until the spring of 2017 (like regular premeds who plan on entering the 2019 cycle)? I feel as though I wouldn't be as rushed then, but I also feel that it might be unwise to not take the opportunity to graduate a year early.
the overwhelming opinion I'm getting is to take social psychology over clinical/health/abnormal. Is that correct?

That is correct.

but I also feel that it might be unwise to not take the opportunity to graduate a year early.

Why are you in such a rush? Enjoy the time you have as a carefree undergrad. I actually graduated undergrad in 5 years ( I switched into pre-med late and had no choice) but the extra time gave me memories and friends I will never forget. We tend, as pre-meds, to forget about our own lives during our singular pursuit of medicine. No adcom is going to care if you graduated early. They definitely won't care if you graduate on time.

I would tell you to stay for the full 4 years if you can afford it. Pick up a minor in something you love, join some organizations on campus, join a club team or intramural league. Study hard and get your academics in order, and don't forget that there is more to your 20s than university. I know several people who graduated a year early, they complain every day about how they wish they had enjoyed undergrad while it lasted. I'm not saying they are representative of everyone, but its something to consider. Those graduates usually end up going back to the university and partying with their friends (who are all seniors and loving it). You can tell they wish they had stayed.

If I went with that, wouldn't it be possible for me to hold off on the MCAT until the spring of 2017

As far as the MCAT goes, take it when you are ready, weather that is now or the summer before your application cycle. It doesn't matter. I took mine last spring and I'm applying this cycle. I did well because I took it when I was ready, not when I wanted to.