Official 2016-2017: Oh no, I don't have a single Interview Invite thread!

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So they're so overused that eventually they'll become ineffective?


Or it will become the standard of communication and language as we know it will fade away

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As another week's end draws neigh, I'm left with thoughts swirling between my ears. Maybe I should have clicked A rather than B on question 28 of the MCAT. Was that the difference between my 30 and a 31? I will never know, so why waste moments in retrograde memory? Rather, I push forward to weeks anew and hope afire, for an II awaits my fate.

Or not.
As another week's end draws neigh, I'm left with thoughts swirling between my ears. Maybe I should have clicked A rather than B on question 28 of the MCAT. Was that the difference between my 30 and a 31? I will never know, so why waste moments in retrograde memory? Rather, I push forward to weeks anew and hope afire, for an II awaits my fate.

Or not.
I like this . a journal from the front line. Of people who have bought the ticket and are on the ride. Perhaps some narration from Ken burns with some memes being shown . emmy worthy.
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As another week's end draws neigh, I'm left with thoughts swirling between my ears. Maybe I should have clicked A rather than B on question 28 of the MCAT. Was that the difference between my 30 and a 31? I will never know, so why waste moments in retrograde memory? Rather, I push forward to weeks anew and hope afire, for an II awaits my fate.

Or not.

Well, my 90th percentile MCAT is not doing its job either. Its not your fault. Hopefully we hear back soon.

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I am going to do something unorthodox, I will bring in the the shaman of IIs to come and offer us a meme wrangling session. Here is a taste.
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Joining the no II train! LizzyM=low 70s. Submitted all my secondaries by late July. I applied to a wide range of schools (24 schools). this is starting to really feel like I am going to have to reapply. crushed... 🙁
I wonder if sacrificing my favorite doctor characters will make for a good offering to the Interview Invite gods. Will they give upon me good fortunes and interviews?
Does the meme sacrifice work if you've only had 1 II, or only for ppl with 0?
Jumping on the bandwagon. I have already had one II, but one of my interviewers was less than pleasant so not feeling super awesome about getting an acceptance from there. Waiting at about 6 other schools, all in state schools and my stats match most of theirs. Cmonnnn meme magic.
I originally wrote this on 12/30/15. It seems applicable now! I think that a lot of you will get good news soon. I feel it in my bones.

I thought I would post this for posterity, specifically to ease the minds of people who may be reading this thread in future application cycles. I applied to 24 schools in a timely fashion, submitting most of my secondaries in July. I got a couple of expected rejections from OOS-prejudiced schools and super long shots, and then I heard nothing. Silence. For months, and months, and months. I watched my peers get accepted in October when I had yet to hear from a single school. They told me interviews would come before Thanksgiving. They never did. These past few months have been among the most difficult of my entire life. I felt like a fraud and a failure often. And right around the end of the semester, I essentially gave up.

In the past two weeks, starting with the very first day of winter break, I have received three (count 'em, three) interviews from really solid MD schools.

I don't know if I will be accepted at any of these schools, but I do know this. Some people are superstars. Some people have some kind of ancillary factor that makes them attractive to medical schools. Some people, for whatever reason, get into medical school without much difficulty. I am not a superstar. If you are reading this, you probably aren't a superstar either. I'm just a normal person who has tried to do everything in my power to put myself in the best possible position. If I do get into medical school, I will be incredibly grateful that it took this long--because this has been an irreplaceably humbling and absolutely human experience that will eventually make me a better doctor.

So, if you are reading this in October or November or December some years from now, I urge you to not give up hope. You haven't received a rejection yet because somebody sees something in you. And I truly believe that if you are a good and decent person who has worked hard and not cut any corners, it will manifest itself in your application and somebody, somewhere will recognize it, and you will go on to do great things.
I was a part of my year's version of this thread last year and it pretty much kept me sane during this process. Meme-ing in solidarity with you all today.

The feeling you get when a relative asks you "if you've gotten into any schools yet" is pretty much the same feeling you get when your block director asks you if you are ready for the exam on Monday:

I have never used a meme in my life. I want to learn.
Reading all of your experiences with interview invites after November makes me feel better. I hope Texas schools work the same way with later II's. I had one interview, but I am super nervous with the rest of you.
Straight up got an reminder email from one of my state schools telling me that Dec 1 is the deadline. Come on y'all, I've had everything in by August. They dirty for giving me these mini heart attacks.
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