I'm a GP (and practice owner), and I have been for several years here before applying to Ortho this round. GPs, with ownership, can make good money. Associates in corporate, can make good money -- but will be worked to the bone. Associate positions in private practice are hard to come by. Most GPs who own around me (Western states, not coast) make 275k+, with associates making $150K-200k+.
Ortho's don't make fantastic money as an associate. This is well known. It's on par with most GPs. Very few private practice owners take associates. Most are corporate, which are very heavily based on production. So if you have high production, work 6 days a week, you can make good money. But you will work hard for it. And there is very high turnover in these offices.
If you own, however, the income potential goes way up. Easily over 350K. Ownership, regardless of the field, results in higher income. But ownership has risks. Start ups result in **no money** for 2-3 years minimum (so you better have income elsewhere!), and can still fail. Buying a practice results in a drop in patients/referrals, and comes with its own set of problems.
Do not expect to get out of school, as a GP, or Ortho, making 200K. Ownership results in more money, but more risks. Location is everything. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.