*~*~*~*Official AMCAS Questions Thread 2012-2013*~*~*~*

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If you already mentioned a certain activity that's very meaningful to you and go in great length in your PS... do you think I should leave it out from the work/activity section if I have nothing else to add?

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You might as well leave it in if you have nothing else to replace it. What have you got to lose?

I mean, it's gonna be just a blank activity. Everything needed to be said already said in the PS... I don't know what else I could write.
If you already mentioned a certain activity that's very meaningful to you and go in great length in your PS... do you think I should leave it out from the work/activity section if I have nothing else to add?
It should be included in your work/activity section anyway as you shouldn't have all the necessary info in your PS (hours/week, contact info, etc ) Be sure to read this before going into great details about an EC in your PS http://forums.studentdoctor.net/showthread.php?t=536199
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I sent my transcript to AMCAS and also myself a week ago. When I saw the transcript, Phi Beta Kappa is not on there even though I was inducted this semester. Can I still put on the application or is it not worth it?

AMCAS doesn't verify awards so it doesn't matter if it's not on your transcript yet.
You might as well leave it in if you have nothing else to replace it. What have you got to lose?

Plus it's set up a little differently: time periods, contact, etc. I wouldn't make it a "most meaningful" though!

Oops - sorry about the repeated info....
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I explained some about poor grades in the first year of college (high school still) in my PS. However, now that I opened the application, I have 1325 characters to explain my academic probation I was put on after that year. Should I remove the explaination from my PS since I now can explain how immature I was at 17 to take school seriously and how I have shown Ive overcome that in the last 4years? I dont think I need it both places right?
My first semester I had to take a one credit course that was an introductory course for freshmen, basically to introduce us to the college environment. I can't figure out what catagory I should put it under as I'm filling out my course work on the application. Special Studies? Other?
How long does it take for AMCAS to show that they have received letters uploaded to their site? I have two references that said they uploaded two days ago but neither of them have changed to "received" yet...

Sorry if this has already been addressed but I couldn't really find a definitive answer.
My first semester I had to take a one credit course that was an introductory course for freshmen, basically to introduce us to the college environment. I can't figure out what catagory I should put it under as I'm filling out my course work on the application. Special Studies? Other?

I had the same thing--I put it as Other. I highly doubt AMCAS will contest that :p
If one were to list a course as BCPM and then AMCAS disagrees with that classification and changes it, do you think this leads to a delay in processing the application? Am I being ridiculous?
Kind of at a loss for what to say in regards to the most meaningful activities. What types of things are you all talking about in your explanation?
Kind of at a loss for what to say in regards to the most meaningful activities. What types of things are you all talking about in your explanation?

Agreed - I feel "meaningful"-ed out. I have sent in TMDSAS and done their secondaries in the last week also. I cannot say another thing at the moment without sounding like a cheeseball.

Chose one hobby, one non-med volunteer experience, one clinical volunteer experience...but I am taking a break for a few days before writing them. Basically picked ones that I really enjoy, so I'm hoping I sounds enthusiastic when writing about them. Nothing will be earth-shattering, just how each has taught me something. I don't imagine being anywhere near the character limit.

Speaking of, do you still fill out the 700 character description if it's a "most meaningful?"
Yeah, I did the 700 and an additional 1325. What I did, and this may be wrong, is I talked generally about what I did in the 700, and specific in the 1325, and how I grew from that experience.
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Yeah, I did the 700 and an additional 1325. What I did, and this may be wrong, is I talked generally about what I did in the 700, and specific in the 1325, and how I grew from that experience.

That makes sense, thank you.

Maybe I'm not a chatty person, but I feel like I can knock out the high points of every activity in much less space than I'm given. Very hard not to repeat.
That makes sense, thank you.

Maybe I'm not a chatty person, but I feel like I can knock out the high points of every activity in much less space than I'm given. Very hard not to repeat.

really? this character limit thing sucks for me
I have been working with this professor for a couple of years who is also a practicing doctor and he wrote me a rec for med school. I submitted the letter to my school's pre health committee. Recently, i was told that he has been sued for sexual harassment and his medical license has been temporarily suspended. He said he is fighting to have his priviledge back. Does his reputation and legal issue have any influence on the letter and my application? Btw, I also applied to the school which he teaches and it is one of my top choices, so I am really worried...

Thanks for any input!
Should the coursework that you list match exactly what is said on the transcript? My school uses a lot of abbreviations for classes. For instance, for "fundamental statistics", my official transcript reads "fundmntl statistics". Is it OK if I just write "Fundamental Statistics"?
It is ok to write about, but fundmntl is self-explantory anyways.

Question: Up until now I have been considering MD-only applications. Recently though, I'm thinking about sending a few md/phd apps. Can anyone tell me how it works when applying to a program's md-only AND md/phd program? Do I have to pay for two primaries/secondaries for the same school?
really? this character limit thing sucks for me

Lol. Maybe because I am writing resume-style fragments, not full sentences? Or maybe because I did TMDSAS first, which has a 300 character limit.

Should the coursework that you list match exactly what is said on the transcript? My school uses a lot of abbreviations for classes. For instance, for "fundamental statistics", my official transcript reads "fundmntl statistics". Is it OK if I just write "Fundamental Statistics"?

I would do exactly as they say. Everyone's has all kinds of weird abbreviations like that.
Should the coursework that you list match exactly what is said on the transcript? My school uses a lot of abbreviations for classes. For instance, for "fundamental statistics", my official transcript reads "fundmntl statistics". Is it OK if I just write "Fundamental Statistics"?

I called AMCAS and asked about this today. The guy I spoke to said just enter it exactly as is. So I guess unless the abbreviation makes it incomprehensible, just copy it verbatim.
I sent my transcripts to AMCAS this past week. Once they receive them, will it show my cgpa and sgpa on AMCAS? (even though I haven't taken my MCAT yet)
As the poster above said, first you have to submit your application (that means paying up the $$$), and then they will match up the classes you listed to what appears on your transcript. If everything checks out, your application is considered "verified" and it will show your GPAs
I sent my transcripts to AMCAS this past week. Once they receive them, will it show my cgpa and sgpa on AMCAS? (even though I haven't taken my MCAT yet)

No, not until your application is verified.

As the poster above said, first you have to submit your application (that means paying up the $$$), and then they will match up the classes you listed to what appears on your transcript. If everything checks out, your application is considered "verified" and it will show your GPAs
Merging with Official AMCAS Questions Thread.
really? this character limit thing sucks for me
Couldn't agree more. :thumbup:
After hours of editing, I got my entries down to around 650 characters for the top box, and I used up around 1250 characters for the second box. I hope adcoms don't get annoyed with this. I had a lot to say, and no space!

Basically I used the top box to hatch out what I did.
And then I used the second box to describe one or two important things I gained from the experience and maybe an example.
I picked two non-medical activities, and just one medically relevant volunteering experience. It's odd, but hopefully it doesn't hurt my application.

Quick question....if I volunteered during the semester and plan to start back up in the fall. But I am not volunteering during the summer because I am home, should I list the end date as May? Or say "until present" because I plan to continue it when I return to school?
Same question as the quoted post below. One of my parents was (and is, though *knock on wood* hopefully not for much longer ;)) unemployed. It didn't affect me, since I paid for my entire college education anyway. But.... does this designate me as "disadvantaged" anyway?

Quick question, when browsing through the disadvantaged section here I came across:

State and Federal Assistance Programs: These programs are specifically defined as "Means-Tested Programs" under which the individual, family, or household income and assets must be below specified thresholds... Such programs include...unemployment compensation; ...

Specifically the "unemployment compensation" part caught my eye. Does that mean I am disadvantaged because one of my parents collected unemployment at any point in time? I mean, personally I would rather not as I do not feel I was disadvantaged via 1 of my parents brief unemployed period. I paid my whole way through college on my own, perhaps that is an unemployed factor in itself?

I could be wrong, but I don't quite know which Academic Term I should select for the way the academic years at my school are structured. I tried to do a search on the forums but haven't come up with anything.

We have a Summer Term, Quarter I (Sept + Oct), Quarter II (Nov + Dec) (Fall/Winter), Winter Term, Quarter III (Feb + Mar), Quarter IV (April + May).

How do these translate for the drop down menu options? Am I missing something?

Thanks for your help!
All my classes are capitalized, lack spacing in between letters, and are heavily abbreviated. Should I do the same on the amcas? For example for on class it says: "CHEM 1B THRMDN&ELCTCHM&KNTC"
Copy and Paste every course, only expanding the name when it's not understood.

I understand that's the second part of your chemistry, the thermodynamic electro kinetic part is worthless. CHEM 1B is all I needed.
Copy and Paste every course, only expanding the name when it's not understood.

I understand that's the second part of your chemistry, the thermodynamic electro kinetic part is worthless. CHEM 1B is all I needed.

really? I read somewhere here that we shouldd include everything that's on the transcript?
It should be included in your work/activity section anyway as you shouldn't have all the necessary info in your PS (hours/week, contact info, etc ) Be sure to read this before going into great details about an EC in your PS http://forums.studentdoctor.net/showthread.php?t=536199
The activity is a hobby but it played a significant part in my development, which I went in length in my PS. So I'm not sure what else to add for it in the work/activity section
1. Im a sixth year pharmacy student so I am doing rotations for the next year as I am applying. We still need to register for the rotations through the school so for the next year my classes are Advance Practice Experience 1, 2, 3....etc. All of these classes are 5 credits. My question is, do I list the credits for all of my 'planned' classes for the next year? I know exactly what the classes will be and unless i plan to be kicked out of pharmacy school i will definitely take them. However I am only registered for the summer and fall classes, not the spring, and AMCAS says to only list credits for classes that will appear on the transcript. Should I find out exactly what appears on my transcript and only write the credit hours for those classes?

2. My parents went to college in another country and the colleges arent listed under AMCAS. Should i do my best to find out the names of these institutions? Currently my application says 'School code not listed in AMCAS' or something like that.
I'll be working at a doctor's office for the rest of the summer, but I don't start until a few days after apps submit. Can I still include it? Also would I put it under job or clinical?
I'll be working at a doctor's office for the rest of the summer, but I don't start until a few days after apps submit. Can I still include it? Also would I put it under job or clinical?

I would put it as you just list starting month. Your choice of where it goes, partly based on your job description, and partly based on where you're lacking in your app. :)

How do I add a letter after my application has been submitted?

Provided you have not already entered 10 letters, log back into your AMCAS application and select the letters of recommendation tab. There you will have the opportunity to add more letters. To assign the letter to an participating medical school that you've already applied to you must select the medical school tab and then select edit to the school you'd like to the letters to be received at and select the new letter. If you are adding a new school that participates in letters, you will be prompted to select the letters you desire at the end of adding the school.

Please note: Each time you select a new school and add letters, you must resubmit your application.

Would this mean that I have to pay the primary fee again if I wanted to add letters?
my school submitted my transcript on may 18. when should i expect it to show up on AMCAS as "received"? Hopefully before June 5, right?
Here is the deal, I'm a senior and plan on applying this cycle. I already sent in a transcript without my spring grades because I initially wanted to submit on June 5th, and did not think my grades would make all that much of a difference. But now I'm a little concerned I will not actually submit on June 5th because I have quite a bit to do between now and then and want to make the application the best it can be. Because of this delay, I thought I may as well include my spring grades as they will likely be available within the first 2 weeks of the application being open.

I am curious as to if I can send in a new transcript when my grades are available in early June (before submitting) or will this screw everything up? - cause they will now have two from the same school.

BTW, my spring grades will take me from a cGPA of 3.752 to 3.775 and a sGPA of 3.810 to 3.818.

Let me know your thoughts

Here is the deal, I'm a senior and plan on applying this cycle. I already sent in a transcript without my spring grades because I initially wanted to submit on June 5th, and did not think my grades would make all that much of a difference. But now I'm a little concerned I will not actually submit on June 5th because I have quite a bit to do between now and then and want to make the application the best it can be. Because of this delay, I thought I may as well include my spring grades as they will likely be available within the first 2 weeks of the application being open.

I am curious as to if I can send in a new transcript when my grades are available in early June (before submitting) or will this screw everything up? - cause they will now have two from the same school.

BTW, my spring grades will take me from a cGPA of 3.752 to 3.775 and a sGPA of 3.810 to 3.818.

Let me know your thoughts


I have no expertise whatsoever in this issue, but if I were you (i am also applying this cycle), I wouldn't worry about it too much. your cGPA is changing by a whole .023 and your science GPA is changing by a whole .008 -_- unless you had something to prove this semester (which it doesn't look like you did), I wouldn't worry about it all too much. Besides, I think schools can request for grades later, if they want to see them.
Is AP Psychology considered to be classified as "Behavioral & Social Sciences" or "other"?

Also, are you guys capitalizing your course name (like on the transcript?
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I plan to attend grad school this fall (Aug 2012) and haven't taken any courses yet (I am registered for classes, but no grades). Do I still need to send in a transcript?
Hey guys. Ok, so I took the MCAT on 05/19 and am trying to come up with a plan for the next few months. I averaged around a 29 (10, 9, 10) on the AAMCs. Should I go ahead and sign up for another test just in case?

Also, at what score would you suggest retaking? If I get a 28 or 29, would it be better to stick with that score and get my application looked at early or retake and risk having little improvement and stiffer competition in August when my potential retake comes out?

Here are my stats so far:

cum gpa 3.46, BCMP gpa 3.71

very strong rec letters from my PI at UCLA Med Sch (where I work as a Research Coordinator), doctor I shadowed extensively, and several science professors.

I have loads of clinical and research experience, but am worried that that will not be enough to be considered for MD schools. Cool, well let me know what you guys think. Thx.
Quick transcript question...

-Say i initially classify a course as social science instead of biology. When AMCAS starts to verify my transcript and they decide to change the classification to biology, will there be a delay in my application verification or will AMCAS just change it immediately and that will be the end of it?

What i'm trying to say is that can I just take a chance to classify a course I got a bad grade in as social science instead of biology without negatively affecting my applicaiton or verification time?

can you review your AMCAS as a pdf or something before you actually submit it. As in can you look at everything exactly formatted as the medical schools will see them?
can I just take a chance to classify a course I got a bad grade in as social science instead of biology without negatively affecting my applicaiton or verification time?

There is a tip thread here somewhere that I read recently (and of course cannot find quickly now) that advises doing this to help your GPA. From what I got out of that, AMCAS will change it and run it by you, the only long part being if you want to contest their change. Basically it seemed the posters advised this as you've got nothing to lose if you accept their rare changes.

On the other hand, if this isn't just a hypothetical situation, I'm not sure you could classify anything beginning with BIOL into a social science.
There is a tip thread here somewhere that I read recently (and of course cannot find quickly now) that advises doing this to help your GPA. From what I got out of that, AMCAS will change it and run it by you, the only long part being if you want to contest their change. Basically it seemed the posters advised this as you've got nothing to lose if you accept their rare changes.

On the other hand, if this isn't just a hypothetical situation, I'm not sure you could classify anything beginning with BIOL into a social science.

well the course is beginning with BIOL but it is cross listed with PSYCHOLOGY....
well the course is beginning with BIOL but it is cross listed with PSYCHOLOGY....

Does it show up on your transcript as BIOL or PSY? I know sometimes departments offer the same class, but typically you enroll in one or the other, and that's the one that shows up. If it's BIOL, it might be worth a try, but I'm guessing it would be harder to slip by. I think it would be easier to go the other direction (claim the PSY class was mostly Bio content). Hope it works for you though. :xf:
I served as a TA for my gen chem classes and I got 3 credits for each semester and was graded on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory scale. Do i just put S under transcript grade?
Also, the course number has CHE in it, do i still classify it as chemistry courses and how does it affect my AMCAS calculated grade?

many thanks!
I'm about to go to my university today to request my transcript. I only need to send one to AAMC right?