*** Official Boston University SDM Class of 2013 ***

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have you guys noticed the Dean of Admission is no longer Dr. Shaw.....Ms. Sarkis is now the dean of admission ...and now I know why I am not accepted...I had my worst impression on her the day of my interview.

and also that one person added to predents, had the interview on March.6th..which I think means they give admission to people they want pretty fast , just like before,just as fewer seats are available they are more pickier on the applicants

I am sooooo mad cuz now I know I am getting rejected anytime soooon

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i got my acceptance email on march 6th, interviewed on feb 27th.
now to make the decision... (they only gave me 13 days to decide!)
hmmmm, seems like BU is giving spots to international students for the time being.
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so i had my interview w. Dr. Calabrese March 9....it didnt seem as if I even spoke about myself...pretty crazy, in fact I would go as far as to say he spoke the most .. so now im kinda worried .. lol
have you guys noticed the Dean of Admission is no longer Dr. Shaw.....Ms. Sarkis is now the dean of admission ...and now I know why I am not accepted...I had my worst impression on her the day of my interview.

and also that one person added to predents, had the interview on March.6th..which I think means they give admission to people they want pretty fast , just like before,just as fewer seats are available they are more pickier on the applicants

I am sooooo mad cuz now I know I am getting rejected anytime soooon

I didn't know that! that could be my issue as well. By that time of the day ( Dr. Sarkis' presentation) I had dried out contacts> I kept closing them and I think she thought I was falling asleep. I did ask a couple questions, however the closed eyes thing probably made me look bored.

I had my interview with Mrs. Sarkis and I thought she was wonderful. One of the reasons I chose BU over other schools actually.

P.S. during her presentation I couldn't stop myself from yawning haha, but luckily that didn't affect anything.
I didn't know that! that could be my issue as well. By that time of the day ( Dr. Sarkis' presentation) I had dried out contacts> I kept closing them and I think she thought I was falling asleep. I did ask a couple questions, however the closed eyes thing probably made me look bored.


you gotta carry rewetting drops! I carry them everywhere because you never know when they could go blurry- mine go blurry at the worst times:

- College Graduation- could not see anything!
- Celtics games
- Maryland Interview
you gotta carry rewetting drops! I carry them everywhere because you never know when they could go blurry- mine go blurry at the worst times:

- College Graduation- could not see anything!
- Celtics games
- Maryland Interview

I feel so stupid now. I'm not sayin shes not wonderful, I'm just saying I'm an idiot. Hopefully she doesn't remember that and just remembers my thoughtful questions. Or.... I'll be reapplying.. haha!
so i had my interview w. Dr. Calabrese March 9....it didnt seem as if I even spoke about myself...pretty crazy, in fact I would go as far as to say he spoke the most .. so now im kinda worried .. lol

Lol he was the same in my interview but I think he still gets an idea of who you are
hey everyone, does anyone know how full the class is as of right now? i had my interview a few weeks ago and now i'm starting to get pretty worried.

interviewed LATE (march 6), got in march 9 at 11am!! LOVED boston! i feel so relieved!!
i understand that it is quite late now to be hoping for an interview but I have still not heard anything from BU since application except for a single AADSAS update...I am wondering if the class has been filled up and if interviews go till April?
I just withdrew my invite for BU for this Fri for anyone thinking they may reschedule
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few things i wanna mention...i thought that every faculty and staff member there was incredibly nice to me...I thought Mrs. Sarkis was awesome... heres my take on this..if u dont hear from them after a wk from your interview I assume that they put some on a waitlist until theyve completed all interviews which I believe that it will be complete by the end of the month.

#'s game => estimates-- 4300+ applicants, 500-600 interviews, 250-300 acceptances, 115 attending

you do the math? quite difficult regardless whether u have high or low stats.
Any BU acceptances? I interviewed on the 24th and I'm starting to get anxious....Checking my email every 3 minutes and sweating profusely.
fenderdude Any BU acceptances? I interviewed on the 24th and I'm starting to get anxious....Checking my email every 3 minutes and sweating profusely.

You should get a BlackBerry.
I'm getting anxious as well...I interviewed on March 9th and still haven't heard anything back...I think that they are holding out on sending out any more acceptances until all interviews are finished and the AdCom meets to discuss everyone...it's pretty nerve-wracking! =/
Are they STILL doing interviews? I figured my group would have been the last.
when i called a month ago, they told me that last week would be the last week of interviewing...as far as i've seen, march 9th was the last day that they accepted anyone...i think they're just waiting for those people to reply before they take anyone...believe me, i understand your anxiety =/
when i called a month ago, they told me that last week would be the last week of interviewing...as far as i've seen, march 9th was the last day that they accepted anyone...i think they're just waiting for those people to reply before they take anyone...believe me, i understand your anxiety =/

According to the facebook page, someone who interviewed last Friday got in this Monday. So the quick response trend still exists but for others, ????
hmm...NO idea the number of accepted on predents.com hasn't changed for weeks though...
Ya, I'm anxiously waiting to hear the word as well. Interviewed Feb 10th, and that has been no update to my AADSAS page, or word by mail. I'm keeping my file up to date, and in contact with the admissions department. On the edge of my seat. Congratulations to all of the accepted applicants.
BU has been very very quiet for a while...what is goping on??????:confused:
just received the alternate email... anyone else?
I also got the alternate list email. bummmmmmer!!!!!!!
Welcome to the club... I got the email on the 17th... :scared: I don't get it... I called to see if there were still spots available, and they said that there were, but wouldn't give specifics. Why then are we waitlisted? Why aren't they handing out acceptances? Anyone follow up to the admissions office with a phone call? Any new info??? I really want to go to BU, but I have little to no hope at this point...
when did you guys interview? I wonder why I havent recieved it yet? I interviewed the last week of feb. Well i guess alternate is better than a rejection do you know if BU gives out any rejections?
I just got the alternate email too......I am trying to stay positive....
anyone has any idea how long the alternate list is??
when did you guys interview? I wonder why I havent recieved it yet? I interviewed the last week of feb. Well i guess alternate is better than a rejection do you know if BU gives out any rejections?
I interviewed Jan 23rd. The only BU rejections I have seen so far have been from those who never interviewed. I haven't heard of anyone being rejected that interviewed... Anyone else?
Add me into the list. Did you get the pdf file btw?

yea but the pdf didn't say anything that wasn't already in the email... did they just want it on BU letterhead?
ok ..in the Alternative list email they have encouraged to contact them during the summer.....how often would you contact and what would you ask?
I interviewed in January and no word so far. I have not received an email for alternate list last Friday. Anyone in the same situation?
me too haven't received anything and i interviewed in feb.... I dunno if thats a good thing or a bad im praying its a good thing :xf::xf::xf:
Does BU send rejections by e-mail or snail mail? I know interview offers and acceptances are sent via e-mail and I believe they mentioned during the interview that this year they are going green and are handling all correspondence via e-mail.
Does BU send rejections by e-mail or snail mail? I know interview offers and acceptances are sent via e-mail and I believe they mentioned during the interview that this year they are going green and are handling all correspondence via e-mail.

For the people who have not heard back after being interviewed - has anyone called BU to find out what is going on? Why are some people being put on a alternate list while others are still in the unknown?
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I have no idea i called and they said they cant tell you any info over the phone so im just waiting praying and hoping. Is anyone else waiting on any other schools? bachacata are you a us or international student btw?
So I just thought I should chime in some info for those trying to get in, including myself.

I talked with one of the people in Admissions and confirmed that the class is full, which is why the school have started placing candidates on the waiting list. And not everyone who interviewed get placed on the waiting list.
well im not giving up hope just yet.. maybe something will change in the next 2 weeks !!
has anyone set up a BU email account yet?

In the e mail regarding the orientation, they said that they will be sending an e mail with instructions and stuff but i havn't received any since then.
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well just to let u know, if u havent been rejected at this point u still have a shot...a friend of mine found out 4 days prior to orientation after being waitlisted for several months...so its not over u guys..hang in there..i wish u all the best
I called today to and they told me the same thing so well just have to wait and see. nealofgrafton did u get a waitlist letter or nnothing as of yet?
Hmmm.., that's odd because they told me the class is full, but I don't care now cuz that's great news :D

I did some digging of old thread and found last year's wait list. It appears alot got in starting June.

Here are some good info
guys, the wait list will move. it's just a matter of time. last year, 35 people withdrew after making a deposit. so, 35 spots opened up on the wait list. that's a lot!

good luck to everyone! :D

from past years, BU typically wait lists about 70-90 and accepts almost half of the wait listed people.
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