Opinion on Bio Review Books?

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Dec 11, 2016
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I have the TPR and Kaplan Biology/Biochem content review books. I also have the EK Bio 1 book.
I have TBR for all the other sciences. (I don't have a strong recall of intro level pre-reqs)

Should I buy TBR for bio as well? Should I buy the EK Bio 2 book? If not, how should I tackle bio content review?


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Yup, recently bought the bundle

Don't buy another content book! You don't need it/them.

Start your prep by one of two ways:

1. Read the content books and take notes on things you don't know that well, or at all


2. Do the Q-packs for biology and do it accommodated. That way, after each question, you can click the little blue ? and get the answer along with explanation. THEN use the content books if that doesn't make sense.

If you start with content books, then move onto the q-packs and follow #2. Then after that's done, move onto the SB's, work in the Official Guide, the Sample test, and the FL's at the end.
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Don't buy another content book! You don't need it/them.

Start your prep by one of two ways:

1. Read the content books and take notes on things you don't know that well, or at all


2. Do the Q-packs for biology and do it accommodated. That way, after each question, you can click the little blue ? and get the answer along with explanation. THEN use the content books if that doesn't make sense.

If you start with content books, then move onto the q-packs and follow #2. Then after that's done, move onto the SB's, work in the Official Guide, the Sample test, and the FL's at the end.
Thank you so much :) This is solid advice. Question: How would I prepare for the experimental passages in B/B (I hear a lot of people are having trouble with that because some review books don't really prepare you for that) - Which review books do you recommend?
Question: How would I prepare for the experimental passages in B/B

You don't prepare for the section bank tests and those experimental passages using content books, you use the SB's as a guide for where you are weak and learn how to improve in those weak areas.

For instance, in one of the SB questions there is a bar graph with the results of research done with rats related to cancer. The passage before the bar graph relates to the actual research done, the pathway, mumbo-jumbo enzymes we're not expected to know, etc.

The first question relates to the pathway. another question relates to the bar graph - how does x effect y and if that causal relationship exists, what caused the effect?

I screen shot that entire passage, and then any question I got wrong, I wrote it down on the page and then the explanation in my own words. Any question I got right, I made sure to know if I got it right because I understood it correctly OR if I got it right because I crossed off the obviously wrong choices. If the latter, I wrote that down as well.

If I had been given one piece of advice before I started all this, it would be AAMC, Khan and nothing else. I could have saved myself a LOT of $$$.

The only additional piece of advice I can give anyone - is that if you're bored with the AAMC materials or run out of them, dig up research papers on PubMed and read them. Get used to reading real research with all the variables and things we're not expected to know. While doing so, try to make an educated guess as to the PI's conclusion and ask yourself "Why" ...

My method IS very time consuming and detailed. I want to make sure I understand the "WHY" of the passage and conclusion because that's what the MCAT tests. Thinking... not rote regurgitation of factoids.
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Yeah, I used TBR and EK as well but as someone else mentioned you should be good with the AAMC materials--make sure you do those before test day over anything else.
That being said if you are interested in EK materials, I am selling mine at a discount along with Kaplan and Barron's flashcards: For Sale - 509+ MCAT Prep: The Berkeley Review (2017 Set), ExamKrackers (2017), and Kaplan Review (Pre-2015)
Thanks for the advice - I actually have all those materials already, thanks though! :)
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Just scrolling through thought I could offer advise (Current MI, 130 on bio) , I used only Kaplan, it's plenty of detail and excellent pneumonics n=1