Ok, so end of year portfolio performance for transparency. I don't see this changing too much since we only have a few more market days but will update it if it changes significantly. Altogether, pretty happy.
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Outperformed all the major indexes at 44.6% Lessons learned:
Stay vigilant. I got very distracted for a few months during the middle of the year with moving and was not doing very much active trading and I let all my stops get way out of date so when the market dipped in August, I got severely punished for it. I started actively trading again not too far after that time and managed to make up for it but it hurt. No excuse for the flat portfolio performance from May to July versus the rise in the index because I was just not actively trading much during that time with all the moving. Mentally, I had taken money out to buy a house and knew this year would be expensive with the move and new house projects so I anticipated not being able to contribute much toward the portfolio. In fact, all my fed contributions to the SEP were from my non tax deferred brokerage earnings so in essence I didn't contribute anything out of my paycheck this year and I think I let that get me down mentally. It wasn't until Sept once I got settled into the new house that I got revved back up again. I anticipate being able to aggressively contribute again in 2025 and even more so after I get my old house sold.
I think I can further optimize my stop loss orders for 2025. I think my overall "system" is getting nice and polished and the familiarity with the types and styles of trades is getting very automatic and I find the familiarity makes sticking to the rules easier, even when the trades go against you because I know the system works and it doesn't mentally mess with my head if a trade didn't work out. I may try to do a little more day trading in 2025 though historically I'm not a great day trader. I'd like to get better though.
Anyway, here's hoping that all of us have successful trades in 2025!
Oh, took over wife's portfolio about 3 months ago and so far so good. Beating SPY at 11% I plan to treat it exactly like my own with almost identical trades so we'll see how 2025 looks once there's more performance history.
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