PCOM- Atlanta, Georgia Discussion thread 2007-2008

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I interviewed 2/13 and I'm still waiting to hear a decision as well.....:)

I wouldn't hold your breath...

1/31 and NOTHING so far.

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did you all get calls for interviews or emails?
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I'm just gonna throw out there that I'm withdrawing my interview to PCOM and sticking with DCOM. I just feel like DCOM is a better fit for me. In the end, your own attitude is the biggest factor that affects how good a physician you are. Go wherever you think you'll be most happy.
There is nobody in this world who would not be most happy at GA-PCOM.

Having said that, you need to withdraw ASAP, so that LauraDO and Oglesby can get in. I will hold them responsible for keeping me running and riding during school, and they won't be able to do that if they are somewhere else.
Hey I know you've got the whole school pride thing goin but there's no need to get all arrogant and whatnot. Hopefully, Laura will decide to come to DCOM too. I'm sure she'll love it there.
Please, please, don't fight over me, there is enough of me to go around!!:D
did you all get calls for interviews or emails?

My interview invite was through e-mail. But it was in my spam folder! The way they word the subject line just looks suspicious I guess. They were told about this by several students but I don't know if they corrected the issue yet. So check your spam folder and you might be surprised!
Hey everyone! My name is Lori and I'm a 2nd year at GA-PCOM. I just wanted to give a few helpful hints to those applying/interviewing/coming to join our family in the fall....

1. If you haven't heard anything from the school for over a month - call. :) Most people hear back about interviews anywhere from 2 -4 weeks after they interview.

Ex: when I applied. It had been like 6 weeks since I had interviewed at GA-PCOM and nothing......then one day I'm checking my voicemail and apparently I had missed a call from a 1st year student saying congrats on getting in. And I'm thinking, I haven't gotten in yet - they haven't sent me anything. So the next day I called the school and aparently my letter had gotten lost in the mail and they had to fax me a copy of my acceptance letter that had gone out 4 weeks earlier :)

Moral of the story - it never hurts to call.

2. If you're interviewing late - NO worries! Quite a few of my classmates interviewed in March and April!

3. A little thing to consider when looking at buying housing.....It is true that as of right now our rotations are mainly in Atlanta, however, we do have to travel to other portions of the state as well. For example: In my rotation group (there were 6 of us), one person was following a track where he is doing all of his rotations in Florida. The other 5 people have families/houses here in Atlanta. We just got done with choosing our rotation locations and I think I'm somewhat typical (for my group) in that I will be in atlanta for 7/12 3rd year rotations. My other five rotations are no further than 2 hours away. However, this means that I will have to live in another city for the other 5 months. Other rotations groups were different - some people only have to go away for 2-3 months. It all depends on the make up of your group. To expand a little - There are three tracks available for rotations. One is staying in GA (majority of the students do this) and the other two tracks allow you to do all of your rotations in Florida (West Palm - 12 students are admitted to this) or the Alabama Track (I think we had 2 students do this) For those people who are interested in mainly staying in Atlanta, there are rotation options in Fl, Ohio (supposedly a very good hospital), TN, SC, and NC on top of your Atlanta rotations. If you have any specific questions, feel free to PM me.

4. ENJOY your time off before school! Whatever you've wanted to do all of your life, do it. Don't feel like you have to work right up to entering school. Everyone takes out loans and whatever EFC they tell you on your FAFSA, throw it in the trash. Everyone gets as much loan money (up to the max) as they need. There's no expectation that you can really contribute 20,000 to your tuition.....

Hmmm - that's about it :) I really should get back to BOARD studying....and feel free to ask me about anything. And in case anyone was wondering - I'm completely happy at the school. We have our issues from time to time, but what school/student doesn't? I can't imagine having gone anywhere else. :):thumbup:
Hello Everyone,

For those of you that are coming to GA-PCOM in the fall, I have a room for rent, literally right across the street from the school.

It will be available as soon as next week! It has its own bathroom and the rent is only $340/month. The rest of the house is already furnished, so all you need is your own stuff to fill your bedroom.

If you are interested, PM me or you can email me personally at [email protected], and I can give you the details.

Congrats to all and welcome the the GA-PCOM family!
Sam Sakai

I interviewed in the 3rd week of feb.
Anybody interviewed around that time heard anything yet????

getting nervous

I interviewed in the 3rd week of feb.
Anybody interviewed around that time heard anything yet????

getting nervous

I interviewed one of the last days of February and nothing yet....ahhh

they said 2-2.5 weeks, but who knows
I interviewed Feb 14th and have not heard a thing yet either...so nerve racking!!!
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I am new to this community, and find it very interesting and informative to say the least. My question about PCOM-GA is does PCOM-GA require laptops; if so, is there a certain kind? What kind of curriculum does PCOM-GA generally follow?

Thank you very much!
its mid-march and i haven't heard a peep from the school. i was interviewed and waitlisted at UMN Duluth in January and they were already half full. is pcom full or do they interview up to april?
Right now they do not require laptops, however, in the future they might. They are currently working out the bugs in the computer based testing on campus. Right now my class and the first year class still has paper testing, however, if they can get the computer based testing working well, they hope to make all of our tests computer based so that it better prepares us for the boards. The school is currently hosting board style tests every few weeks in preparation for the boards. I do know that the third year class already takes all of their exams via computer, however, they are allowed to take their exams in the computer lab since they were not required to have a laptop. :) Hope that helps!
its mid-march and i haven't heard a peep from the school. i was interviewed and waitlisted at UMN Duluth in January and they were already half full. is pcom full or do they interview up to april?

I am the leader of the student ambassador program at the school (the program gives tours to all of the interviewees), so I know that as of right now they have interview dates as far out as the beginning of May. I'm not sure if they will keep all of these dates, but don't lose hope! One of my classmates interviewed in April and was still in my class in August. I wish I could tell you how full the class is, but I'm not really sure. Plus, how "full" the class is at this point isn't a really good reflection of how full it will be when the $2000 deposit comes up in April (I think it's in April). Lots of people at this point hold multiple spots at multiple schools so the numbers will change a lot when that date comes and goes. Good luck!
any updates? I have a deposit due tomorrow and really do not want to waste $1500. Going to call today to try and find out some more info. Its been 3 weeks...
any updates? I have a deposit due tomorrow and really do not want to waste $1500. Going to call today to try and find out some more info. Its been 3 weeks...

where are you deciding between?
DCOM, LECOM, here (so far) ahhh :confused: :D
DCOM, LECOM, here (so far) ahhh :confused: :D
Yeah, but putting that down and definitely having a spot, for sure, somewhere next year, and then having to put down more money to go to where you really want to go would be much, much better than not putting down the deposit, then not getting in anywhere else. It still sucks thinking about losing that money though, I totally feel you.
Hey yall,

I saw on a post about a month ago that the class was already 3/4 full. Can anyone confirm that, or has anyone interviewed recently and asked how full it is as of now? The reason I'm asking is because I have an interview scheduled on Wednesday (3/26), and I am wondering if at this point they are only interviewing for waitlist positions. GA-PCOM has been one of my favorites from the beginning because of PCOM's reputation and with Atlanta being so close to home. I tried calling to find the answer to my question, but kept getting sent to someone else and left a message, to which I never got a response. I already have two acceptances, both to schools I could really see myself at, but if I still have a chance at GA-PCOM...I definitely don't want to pass up the interview. Any advice or information would be appreciated!! Thanks!
I don't know how full the class is now, but I do know two things:

1. They don't interview many people. So if you get an interview, you've got a pretty good shot.

2. The deposit in December was only $250. The one due April 15th is the big one: $2000. After April 15th, there will be some spots opening up, as people will decide to go elsewhere (because they are *****s).
I am trying to choose between PCOM and Tulane. All my family is in Atlanta. I am still waiting to hear from MCG after an interview in early Feb.
Thats a real tough call. I know you have a touch decision ahead of you, but go with your gut. Obviously, MD vs. DO will have something to do with your decision if you have any second thoughts about your career as a DO, etc. If you honestly don't feel like thats a factor in your decision, then i would say that your best bet is to stay home in Georgia. You are married with a few children and are going to be playing the roll of full time medical student, mom, and wife. Schools in the Gwinnett area are well respected, and having family close by to help bear the burden of medical school will be more valuable than you can imagine. Also, the price of your education will be similar at both schools, but cost of living in Georgia is something you're already used to. At GA-PCOM, you have the option to rotate through the Metro-Atlanta area for 2 years, so you'll still be close to home during those years. I think that Atlanta is the "safer" choice that will be less of a life change than moving to LA. If you and your family like change, and feel like now is a good time to make a big one, then by all means enjoy your time at Tulane. Good luck with your decision and congrats on your acceptances.
Tulane would be awesome for learning medicine. That place is so ****ed up right now that you'd be exposed to absolutely everything you could imagine. On the other hand, I am finding out that there is something to be said for not having to move very far, and I don't think you'll be shortchanged on your education at PCOM.
KNOCk KNOCK where is my acceptance?
has anyone heard anything yet after our interview? its been almost 4weeks...
I'm going on 5 and a half weeks now...I tried to call on Friday to find out if they had made their decision yet but the school was on Spring Break so they told me to call back today. I'll let you guys know if I find out anything!
I'm going on 5 and a half weeks now...I tried to call on Friday to find out if they had made their decision yet but the school was on Spring Break so they told me to call back today. I'll let you guys know if I find out anything!

nice, keep us informed! I tried calling, and got a call back by some lady but it got cut off before I heard anything :( oh well
great!!! my name is alison and my freind nicole will be road tripping it with me (we are coming from New Orleans) will are leaving around 6amish. you?
great!!! my name is alison and my freind nicole will be road tripping it with me (we are coming from New Orleans) will are leaving around 6amish. you?

hah, my name's Allison too! I'm driving down tonight, cause its only like 3 or so hours from where I go to school and I'm staying with a girl a know who is a 1st year there. I guess I'll be seeing you tomorrow!
anyone still waiting to hear, or heard anything post-interview? I tried calling but couldnt get a hold of an admission person :(
anyone still waiting to hear, or heard anything post-interview? I tried calling but couldnt get a hold of an admission person :(

This is for everyone that's waiting to hear back about interviews.....and this is totally unofficial - I will completely deny ever having said this if asked ;)

I overheard today that they sent out 18 acceptances today for people who interviewed in Feb/March. Also, I overheard that most people who were outright rejected got their letters 2 weeks after they interviewed. I don't know if that helps anyone or not, but there it is.

For everyone else out there who hasn't interviewed yet - the class is NOT full. And they expect things to shake up when the April 15th 2000 deposit comes and goes.

Good luck to everyone still waiting to hear and waiting to interview. There's still hope :) I wish I could tell you all more, but I'm only privy to overhearing conversations :)

To the girls interviewing tomorrow - good luck! I may just happen to stop by to say hello......
hey guys,

i was accepted a couple of months ago but will be declining. that means one more spot will be opening up!
Any current students that have a fair grasp of matriculating statistics know how many students were interviewed in April. I had a science letter, that wasn't classified as a science letter of recommendation sit at admissions until late Feb. until I called and fixed the matter. I haven't heard since.
I interviewed on Feb 14th...and I JUST GOT IN!!!! I received an e-mail from Buffie saying congrats and that my letter was in the mail! I am SO excited to be joining all of you who have already been accepted at GA-PCOM...and to those of you still waiting, just think positive and it will happen for you!
Congrats to those who got in.

I'll be interviewing April 3rd which kinda surprised me since I was put on hold for a little while and it's late in the cycle now. I've already put my deposit down for ATSU-SOMA but I'll be definitely taking this interview from the things I've heard and from the PCOM rep. The more I read the more excited I get about this interview. Can't say the the same for my LECOM interview though, I hope GA-PCOM doesn't have a strict dress code, video recorded attendance, alphabetical seating chart, and no water allowed in lecture like LECOM :rolleyes:. A bit too strict IMO.

Anyways, I'm from Houston, TX and so far I've seen about 3 or 4 people from Texas get accepted. I know Texas is fertile ground for recruiting football players but maybe med students as well :) I hope I get in.
Congrats Scrubs! See you in August...or April 5th if you are coming to the new students luncheon.
Why would you do something so ridiculous?

i know, i know. it was a hard decision, because i really liked the school itself. i just couldn't see myself living in that area. :(
i still have about 2 weeks to change my mind, though!
Got an acceptance email on tuesday.

I hope everybody is attending on April 5th " accepted students getogether"