Possibly dumb question about deposit

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Full Member
Aug 10, 2021
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Really sorry if this is a an obvious question but:

Recently, I was lucky to get an acceptance at a DO school. I am incredibly grateful for this of course, but there is still a good portion of time left in the cycle, and there are a few schools I am still holding out for. The acceptance requires a deposit within 30 days.

I am willing to potentially lose out on the money should I be so lucky to get an additional acceptance at one of my top choices. So I'll pay the acceptance, but I was wondering if holding an acceptance has an effect on your chances at other schools? Can other schools see your status once you pay a deposit/receive an acceptance?

Thanks so much!!

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other schools can not see your other acceptances until pretty late in the cycle, i believe sometime in April or May, when you are required to commit to enrolling to a specific school. after that, they can see if you have another acceptance. so go ahead and pay that deposit, doctor!! congratulations!!!!