Post bacc forum 2017-2018 SFSU/UCSF/UCLA

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Feb 10, 2017
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Just thought I'd make a forum to see when people start to hear back from these post baccs !

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Hello! I'm applying to UCSF and SFSU.
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Hello! I applied to UCSF last week, so I'm just waiting to hear back.
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Hey yeah I applied last week as well and waiting to hear back Did you apply for the predental one as well?
I just got invited for an interview by UCSF!
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Thank you! I was confirmed for March 1st at 9:30 am ! Best of luck :)
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I got in to the UCSF post bacc. Lmk if we should make a fb page or something if you got in as well!
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I got in to the UCSF post bacc. Lmk if we should make a fb page or something if you got in as well!
Hello! I was accepted into the UCSF Post bacc as well! I think a FB group would be a great idea!
Good luck to all those still applying/interviewing!
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Hello! I was accepted into the UCSF Post bacc as well! I think a FB group would be a great idea!
Good luck to all those still applying/interviewing!
Let me know if you could find the fb group :)
Would you guys mind posting your stats? I'm hoping to apply to the UCSF post bacc next year and have no idea whether I even have a shot of getting in or not
Hello everyone! I have been accepted to the UCSF post-bacc program! Has anyone heard back from admissions? as far as financial aid packages? Also, did anyone apply for housing? And I sent a request for the Facebook link. Is this the official page?
Hello everyone! I have been accepted to the UCSF post-bacc program! Has anyone heard back from admissions? as far as financial aid packages? Also, did anyone apply for housing? And I sent a request for the Facebook link. Is this the official page?

Would you mind posting your gpa, extra curric stats please? I am applying to post baccs next year and really really want to get into UCSF. I have no idea of what my standing is compared to those who have been accepted however.
does ucsf guarantee an interview or an acceptance if you do their post bacc
does ucsf guarantee an interview or an acceptance if you do their post bacc
I havent heard of any post bacc that guarantees admission to their medical school just because you do their post bacc. There are linkage programs to other medical schools but that is also dependent on your performance within the post bacc. For example Washu's post bacc has linkages with case western and Umich but it does not have a linkage with the Washu medical school
Hello! Those of you who got in, did you get into UCSF post bac dental or medicine?
Did anyone interview for the UCSF post bac medicine and heard back already?
I got in to the UCSF post bacc. Lmk if we should make a fb page or something if you got in as well!
Hi! I got a conference call interview two weeks from now, do you have any tips for me? And also, was it one-on-one?

Thank you!