Prerequisites for Midwestern and Auburn, please help.

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5+ Year Member
May 21, 2018
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Hello, questions about prerequisites:
for Midwestern Mathematics 6 credits, I have Calc 4 credits, not sure if Statistics or Computer Science can be applied.
for Auburn Cell Biology requirement what other courses can be applied? I have Animal Genetics and General Microbiology.
Sent multiple emails and left voicemail for both schools, no reply. I am sure many applying to these schools, what courses you used?
Appreciate any help.

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I used calculus and and stats for my midwestern math pre-reqs. I’m unable to speak on Auburns courses!
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The schools are the ones deciding if it will count. No one on here can tell you whether they will for sure accept it, just if they might. Don’t apply until you hear it from the schools themselves. It would be a horrible waste of money if they didn’t accept your courses and tossed your application automatically. They often will require course syllabi to ensure it meets their requirements. Auburn very likely would require them to see if those courses would even count towards their requirements.
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The schools are the ones deciding if it will count. No one on here can tell you whether they will for sure accept it, just if they might. Don’t apply until you hear it from the schools themselves. It would be a horrible waste of money if they didn’t accept your courses and tossed your application automatically. They often will require course syllabi to ensure it meets their requirements. Auburn very likely would require them to see if those courses would even count towards their requirements.
Of course I will make sure that they do accept, just wanted to know if I should even consider to think to apply, sent links to description and syllabus for courses, the problem is that they do not reply at all, many other colleges do reply, will try to reach again a get person on the line. Thank you.
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finally got Auburn on line, they said: you need a Cell Biology, not any other course can be applied.
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