Prosthodontics Residency Program

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May 16, 2024
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Hello all, I was hoping I could get some insights on some of my concerns. I graduated dental school in Canada last year and am currently finishing up an AEGD residency in the states. I had a late pique of interest in prosthodontics and thinking about applying for the next cycle so I’ll need to start applying now. I think I will be able to get 3 good reference letters from a general dentist, prosthodontist, and an oral surgeon that I worked very closely with during the AEGD. However, I realize most of the residencies gets you a masters degree and has a big research component. My biggest concern is that I don't have alot of research experience or publications and I am wondering what my chances are for matching into the specialty even without research experience. I would really appreciate it if I could get any help!

Also what are some programs that teaches a good balance between digital and analog style of pros?


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Prosth resident here and can chime in. No you don't need research experience, is it a plus? Sure, but there are programs that don't do research as well. Many programs that require research and a masters also unfortunately aren't as clinically oriented because they struggle to get cases and patients for treatment (so they have residents do research to fill the time). The clinically oriented programs actually advise you against the masters because its essentially useless and it takes away time from you doing actual clinical and lab work.

If you want to do research, then there are many research oriented or literature heavy programs too. I would look Prosth programs that have a well-known research director. Usually those tend to push out publications and like for residents to do more research.

As for analog and digital. Most programs have both, you just need to know how much analog and how much digital you generally want to have.
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