PTCAS Volunteer Experience Question

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New Member
Oct 29, 2021
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I'm adding volunteer experience in PTCAS. One volunteer position I held was at my Church and I did it for around eight years (2012 - 2020). From what I've heard, schools like to see recent experience (like just the volunteer work done in undergrad). So I'm wondering if I should put all eight years or just 2019-2020? Thanks!

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I'd just put all 8 years. I wouldn't put multiple stuff I did in 2012-2017 if it was only like 1 or 2 years each but since your experience spans a long period of time including recent years, just put it all
I'd just put all 8 years. I wouldn't put multiple stuff I did in 2012-2017 if it was only like 1 or 2 years each but since your experience spans a long period of time including recent years, just put it all
Alright that's what I'll do then. Thanks for your insight!