Radiologists traditionally don't pay much attention to the retina, but maybe we should.

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Mar 17, 2017
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Usable medical image analysis seems far fetched but starting small has shown great potential.

Using machine learning to evaluate the vessels of the retina demonstrated promise to diagnose diabetic retinopathy. Why can't we do the same with ovarian or liver lesions? Thyroid nodules? #ML #radiology

Accuracy of a Deep Learning Algorithm for Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy

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As a retina specialist I think that this article is overstating what a machine can do. It's not hard to identify any diabetic retinopathy. You just have the computer look for red spots (dot blot hemorrhages) and differentiate them from the natural blood vessels. I'll bet it can't differentiate diabetic retinopathy from the many other disease that cause hemorrhages.