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5+ Year Member
Feb 6, 2017
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So I've been struggling finding RC practice besides bootcamp. Has anybody tried CDP RC section? is it any good?!
I'm currently reading scientific articles everyday to improve my comprehension and timing skills, I've also done TopScore and trying different strategies.
English isn't my first language, and I've been scoring around 19 which is lower than the rest of my scores. Any advice on how to improve my score?

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I used CDP was decent practice, but its passages ran too long and it had an excess of tone/inference questions compared to the real thing. I personally read a Scientific American article every day to try to get accustomed to reading more dense, scientific articles (I think being able to read through the articles quickly so you have time left over to double check questions with their answer location in the passages is critical). Which method are you using on this section (e.g. search and destroy, reading the passage first and answering the question, etc.)? Which questions do you tend to get wrong most often (inference questions? specific recall?)?
I used CDP was decent practice, but its passages ran too long and it had an excess of tone/inference questions compared to the real thing. I personally read a Scientific American article every day to try to get accustomed to reading more dense, scientific articles (I think being able to read through the articles quickly so you have time left over to double check questions with their answer location in the passages is critical). Which method are you using on this section (e.g. search and destroy, reading the passage first and answering the question, etc.)? Which questions do you tend to get wrong most often (inference questions? specific recall?)?
What is CDP?
So I've been struggling finding RC practice besides bootcamp. Has anybody tried CDP RC section? is it any good?!
I'm currently reading scientific articles everyday to improve my comprehension and timing skills, I've also done TopScore and trying different strategies.
English isn't my first language, and I've been scoring around 19 which is lower than the rest of my scores. Any advice on how to improve my score?
I spoke with a student today who took the test a few days ago and said his reading passages were brutal. He had taken timed test and scored around 20 BUT on the actual DAT he scored 15. Search and Destroyer did not work on any of his passages and he was presented a lot of inference type questions.

IMO, study time should always be focused on increasing speed and comprehension skills. The faster you can comprehend and read a passage the higher your score will be.

Just my 2 cents..

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I used CDP was decent practice, but its passages ran too long and it had an excess of tone/inference questions compared to the real thing. I personally read a Scientific American article every day to try to get accustomed to reading more dense, scientific articles (I think being able to read through the articles quickly so you have time left over to double check questions with their answer location in the passages is critical). Which method are you using on this section (e.g. search and destroy, reading the passage first and answering the question, etc.)? Which questions do you tend to get wrong most often (inference questions? specific recall?)?

Ive been reading scientific American articles as well, my problem is trying to find passages that come with questions so I can practice more. I tried search and destroy and it didn't work for me. I have no problem with answering specific questions, i'm struggling with inference questions.
I spoke with a student today who took the test a few days ago and said his reading passages were brutal. He had taken timed test and scored around 20 BUT on the actual DAT he scored 15. Search and Destroyer did not work on any of his passages and he was presented a lot of inference type questions.

IMO, study time should always be focused on increasing speed and comprehension skills. The faster you can comprehend and read a passage the higher your score will be.

Just my 2 cents..


well good thing S&D didn't work for me so I won't depend on it!
Thanks for the advice! that is what I'm currently working right now.
Ive been reading scientific American articles as well, my problem is trying to find passages that come with questions so I can practice more. I tried search and destroy and it didn't work for me. I have no problem with answering specific questions, i'm struggling with inference questions.

In that case you might want to go ahead with CDP RC - their proportion of inference questions is higher than other resources but that may be just what you're looking for. I've also heard good things about DAT Genius's RC passages, so those may be worth looking into as well!
So I've been struggling finding RC practice besides bootcamp. Has anybody tried CDP RC section? is it any good?!
I'm currently reading scientific articles everyday to improve my comprehension and timing skills, I've also done TopScore and trying different strategies.
English isn't my first language, and I've been scoring around 19 which is lower than the rest of my scores. Any advice on how to improve my score?

HIGHLY SUGGEST you use crack the dat RC

questions prepared me extremely well for the DAT. I like how there are a lot of inference type questions and the passages are long --> prepares you well for the real Rc. honestly, crack the dat RC was very similar to the real DAT except less inference questions/shorter passages

I legit was scoring 18-19 on crack the dat RC and then ended up with a 24 RC on the real thing
HIGHLY SUGGEST you use crack the dat RC

questions prepared me extremely well for the DAT. I like how there are a lot of inference type questions and the passages are long --> prepares you well for the real Rc. honestly, crack the dat RC was very similar to the real DAT except less inference questions/shorter passages

I legit was scoring 18-19 on crack the dat RC and then ended up with a 24 RC on the real thing

What was your strategy? When I used crack the dat RC, I was consistently scoring 17's and found myself running out of time.
What was your strategy? When I used crack the dat RC, I was consistently scoring 17's and found myself running out of time.

i wrote 1-2 sentences (main idea) about each paragrpah as i was reading it before looking at Q's

then when looking at questions Id usually know approx area where to look because i wrote down 1-2 sentences for each paragraph
My strategy: read 1-3 scientific american articles a day. try to figure out the tone and the main idea/authors opinion. When you do the real exam, read 1/2 then answer till you cant answer anymore, read the rest. then search and destroy. Not gonna lie, my practice reading scores werent great 19-20s, using this strategy i pull it up 21-22. Was able to swing a 25 on the real thing and it was the section i studied the least for. so keep the faith! keep up the good work