Reapplicant feeling lost- Caribbean as a back up?

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Hello hello,

This is my current situation:

Stats: GPA 4.0 over-all
MCAT: 1st time= 490, 2nd time= 495, took Kaplan Course then took 3rd time= 495

What university did you go to? I'm not trying to be offensive, I just am extremely curious how your study habits got you a 4.0 but failed you in the MCAT. Did your school have a retake policy

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What do you mean “auto acceptance”

LECOM and VCOM are currently the only DO schools with “automatic acceptance” if you meet a gpa threshold. I quote acceptance because you can still lose the seat if you act like a loser (has actually happened many times).

OP, you never ever go to the carribean. You go to pharmacy school before going to the carribean, even if you have no desire to be a pharmacist! Because at least a degree in pharmacy in the US is worth around 120k/year return on investment

OP, if you truly want to be a doctor but can not push ur MCAT or GPA past the 498 3.2 mark, look at podiatry.