Should I take cc general science classes before transferring to 4 yr?

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Jan 30, 2018
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I'm switching my major from nursing to biology AS, I go to a community college and hope to transfer to IUPUI for pre-med. Most of the general science classes will transfer. However, I'm not sure if i should take the general science classes at a community college; some medical schools frown upon cc classes. There are still other science classes i would need after transferring, I just don't want to lower my chances of getting into medical school.

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For traditional applicants like yourself, the more science classes that you take at IUPUI, the better. Take the minimum amount of credits at the CC to transfer to IUPUI and take the rest of your credits at the 4 year...
I'm switching my major from nursing to biology AS, I go to a community college and hope to transfer to IUPUI for pre-med. Most of the general science classes will transfer. However, I'm not sure if i should take the general science classes at a community college; some medical schools frown upon cc classes. There are still other science classes i would need after transferring, I just don't want to lower my chances of getting into medical school.
Based on my exp and many others, no taking the majority of science prereq at cc does not lower your chance! Indeed, i took almost 90% of prereq at cc because they were transfer requirements anyway! Many of my friends took cc courses after graduating from 4-year too... in all and all, take as many as you can and need to (both for transferring and for med school)! My friends and I have been fine with the amount of interviews we received and many of our interviews came from top institutions soo that would be my take 🙂!
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Based on my exp and many others, no taking the majority of science prereq at cc does not lower your chance! Indeed, i took almost 90% of prereq at cc because they were transfer requirements anyway! Many of my friends took cc courses after graduating from 4-year too... in all and all, take as many as you can and need to (both for transferring and for med school)! My friends and I have been fine with the amount of interviews we received and many of our interviews came from top institutions soo that would be my take 🙂!
Sure, but if I took a significant number of prereqs at a CC I'd hedge my bets and make sure to take some upper level science classes at the 4-year as well.