SOAP 2014 Thread

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Which field are you trying to SOAP into?

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My sister got 3 calls and 1 email conversation Monday and Tuesday, all local programs, nobody offering anything yet.
Wait, people can outright offer? I thought the most they could do was say you're on theri rank list?
Nothing for me today. Things are not looking good and everyone I talk to say getting a spot on SOAP is almost impossible for an IMG. Guess I'm **** out of luck.

:( Here's to hoping :xf:
Yeah, that's what I meant, nobody saying 'we're ranking you, etc'
I am not sure if we are allowed to link other forums on this site but it seems that two people on the other forum I have been stalking received a call each to tell them about their offer.
I don't get why they can't offer to X candidates, X being their number of openings, through a pre-12 phone call, like the nfl draft. If there are any rejections of offers, the next candidate on the list shouldn't be called but wait till the 12 pm thing. Why not?
I am not sure if we are allowed to link other forums on this site but it seems that two people on the other forum I have been stalking received a call each to tell them about their offer.
You can link to other forums? Or at least name the forum - please
I don't get why they can't offer to X candidates, X being their number of openings, through a pre-12 phone call, like the nfl draft. If there are any rejections of offers, the next candidate on the list shouldn't be called but wait till the 12 pm thing. Why not?
Because this would require all of the programs to call.
I literally just received a call asking if I have followup questions... I almost cried, I was praying it was going to be an offer :(

I'm still shaking from the call...
I knew when I wrote it there would be many other fallacies by doign that, but anything to clarify things would be nice, wishful thinking
Does anyone know if we can opt out of the soap after the first offer and start calling D.O. programs instead?
This is so nerve-wracking.
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Does anyone know if we can opt out of the soap after the first offer and start calling D.O. programs instead?
sounds like a good idea considering that unmatched DOs are prolly breaking rules and calling osteopathic programs as we speak.
Does anyone know if we can opt out of the soap after the first offer and start calling D.O. programs instead?

Per my school we can not contact any DO positions until Thursday at the conclusion of SOAP
Which makes no sense if you do not want to go forward after today
has anyone reached a program without them contacting you first??? I know you or someone on your behalf can't...... but i was told "ppl break that rule all the time, nobody talks about it"
Per my school we can not contact any DO positions until Thursday at the conclusion of SOAP
Which makes no sense if you do not want to go forward after today
agreed, and I would love to snag one of the D.O. Family medicine positions at this point.
How many people had to 'participate' in the soap this year? Do we have stats from last year to glean from?
My friends a resident at a program that didn't fill. Apparently residents were referring their friends for SOAP positions so much so the PD sent out a mass emailing saying not to recommend people as this is a match violation.

But then I read a PowerPoint from a us med school online that said schools "can't" contact programs in out behalf. Not sure what the quotes meant, but to me, sounded like foul play, which would be so unfair.
This may be old news to most, but I can't seem to find the answer anywhere: In ERAS ADTS, does "Available to Program" mean it has been "downloaded?"
the SOAP thread seems really quiet this year......are we the only people that didn't match? Makes me feel like the worlds biggest failure sometimes.:(
Hello! I was wondering if anyone had any information about how to best handle the transition between round 1 and 2. Since there is a lag between 2:30 and 5, is it better to submit right away or wait, or does it matter? Thanks for your help.

Good luck today!
Medicine is cruel. You wonder why any of us signed up for this kind of abuse. Right now I honestly couldn't advocate anyone making this career choice. Between the psychological insults, the strained interpersonal relationships, the opportunity loss and the practice environment, its a bum deal.

After this year's SOAP I'm officially done, I mean I won't spend another cent on this misadventure. There really is no point in banging your head against a wall for years. Life shouldn't be about torture.

Take care, everyone. I hope things work out for you all in the way that they should.
This may be old news to most, but I can't seem to find the answer anywhere: In ERAS ADTS, does "Available to Program" mean it has been "downloaded?"

When you click the help button (?) on the top right hand corner next to all programs bar it say -

Select a Program by either typing the program name or using the drop-down menu at the top of the Documents by Program section. The File column lists the names of your documents/files. You will see the corresponding status in the Available to Program column. Potential statuses are:

  • Date/Time stamp - date and time the document was downloaded by the program
  • Not yet retrieved –document is available to the program, but the program has not yet contacted the PostOffice to receive it
  • Retrieved but not viewable until Oct 1st Release (MSPEs only) – indicates the program has received the MSPE but cannot view it until October 1st
  • Not uploaded to PostOffice – applies to all documents/files that have not been uploaded to the ERAS PostOffice
agreed, and I would love to snag one of the D.O. Family medicine positions at this point.
1st How do you know which DO programs have positions available? 2nd Can an allopathic student apply for these?
When you click the help button (?) on the top right hand corner next to all programs bar it say -

Select a Program by either typing the program name or using the drop-down menu at the top of the Documents by Program section. The File column lists the names of your documents/files. You will see the corresponding status in the Available to Program column. Potential statuses are:

  • Date/Time stamp - date and time the document was downloaded by the program
  • Not yet retrieved –document is available to the program, but the program has not yet contacted the PostOffice to receive it
  • Retrieved but not viewable until Oct 1st Release (MSPEs only) – indicates the program has received the MSPE but cannot view it until October 1st
  • Not uploaded to PostOffice – applies to all documents/files that have not been uploaded to the ERAS PostOffice
Also, I wanted to reiterate what some one posted earlier. Downloaded by a program does not mean a whole lot, as it could simply be a resident printing out the application and associated material to place them on the PD's desk.
the SOAP thread seems really quiet this year......are we the only people that didn't match? Makes me feel like the worlds biggest failure sometimes.:(

Don't feel bad. Happens every year. Hang in there!
i got a call from a new program about an hour ago saying they were going to rank me in the first round. they basically just gave me a 5 minute speech about the program. i guess something happened at the last minute and they had to scramble to fill an opening
1st How do you know which DO programs have positions available? 2nd Can an allopathic student apply for these?
only DOs can apply for DO programs. however, next year i think the AOA (osteopathic residencies) and acgme are going to combine or something like that so that md can apply DO too so long as certain requirements are fulfilled. what those requirements are? - i'm not sure. You can only know which DO programs are available if you have access to the NMS(DO equivalent of NRMP) website.
i got a call from a new program about an hour ago saying they were going to rank me in the first round. they basically just gave me a 5 minute speech about the program. i guess something happened at the last minute and they had to scramble to fill an opening

Awesome congrats! What field?
only DOs can apply for DO programs. however, next year i think the AOA (osteopathic residencies) and acgme are going to combine or something like that so that md can apply DO too so long as certain requirements are fulfilled. what those requirements are? - i'm not sure. You can only know which DO programs are available if you have access to the NMS(DO equivalent of NRMP) website.
And even if you have that access, very few programs have actually updated their available spots on the unfilled list. You would basically just have to call every program on there to see if they are still available.
After this year's SOAP I'm officially done, I mean I won't spend another cent on this misadventure. There really is no point in banging your head against a wall for years. Life shouldn't be about torture.

Take care, everyone. I hope things work out for you all in the way that they should.

Are you an IMG or AMG? What field are you hoping to go into? Any red flags?
Also, I wanted to reiterate what some one posted earlier. Downloaded by a program does not mean a whole lot, as it could simply be a resident printing out the application and associated material to place them on the PD's desk.
Thanks for the response. Glad to have that cleared up
So, after first round, if we don't like it OR we have no offer, can we apply to 10 other positions right away? when r the programs updating their pages - is there a deadline? Do people already have their next 10 list? Sorry - I thought I re-read this thing, I think I am getting a brain freeze. I know no second offer for the same program - but are the programs supposed to talk to us right after they are rejected at any time?
does anyone know the answer to this:
lets say I applied to program X in first round, and program X didn't offer me any positions in first and second rounds, but yet they still have unfilled position. Is it wise to apply for it again in the new 10 apps we can send today?
in other words, do programs carry the applications from the first round, or does it get zeroed or reset for all after Wednesday offer rounds?
also a more general question
for programs that do not officially set some limits on the applications they will review, do they actually retrieve and consider ALL applications sent to them and then go through it to decide who get interviewed? or do those applications go first through an unannounced filter that will only pick highest usmle scores or recent years of graduation or any other parameter?
does anyone know the answer to this:
lets say I applied to program X in first round, and program X didn't offer me any positions in first and second rounds, but yet they still have unfilled position. Is it wise to apply for it again in the new 10 apps we can send today?
in other words, do programs carry the applications from the first round, or does it get zeroed or reset for all after Wednesday offer rounds?

From my understanding, you don't have to reapply to any programs where you've already applied in the first round to still be under consideration.
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also a more general question
for programs that do not officially set some limits on the applications they will review, do they actually retrieve and consider ALL applications sent to them and then go through it to decide who get interviewed? or do those applications go first through an unannounced filter that will only pick highest usmle scores or recent years of graduation or any other parameter?
I can tell you for a fact that it varies, and even programs who originally claimed to have a filter don't necessarily have one for SOAP.
I can tell you for a fact that it varies, and even programs who originally claimed to have a filter don't necessarily have one for SOAP.
so in the original match, if they say they accept all with no limitation, they ACTUALLY review ALL applications?
I can tell you for a fact that it varies, and even programs who originally claimed to have a filter don't necessarily have one for SOAP.

So as I was browsing the internet came across this link. The last page of the pdf could be a sample worksheet PD's may use in evaluating applicants. I know everyone is stressed, but hope this can give you some sort of a clue as to how they might screen applicants during the short time frame of SOAP. FM/APDIM Wksp 205_Chamberlain.pdf
So as I was browsing the internet came across this link. The last page of the pdf could be a sample worksheet PD's may use in evaluating applicants. I know everyone is stressed, but hope this can give you some sort of a clue as to how they might screen applicants during the short time frame of SOAP.
so in the original match, if they say they accept all with no limitation, they ACTUALLY review ALL applications?

No no, I'm not saying anything about the match process; I meant that if they do state certain requirements for interview selection for the match, those things don't necessarily apply for SOAP contact. I say it is a fact because I exist and it happened to me, so it is a fact.
According to the NRMP Facebook page (with live Q and A), if you don't get any offers, you will not receive an email from the NRMP.
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You guys, we just have to talk all the lady PGY-1 residents into getting pregnant and taking extended maternity leaves. Then we poach their open positions. Better yet, let's go get them pregnant.
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