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5+ Year Member
Nov 23, 2016
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Hi, wanted to get some input:
I am planning on applying to Western U's MSMS program which is a 1-year deal. I have LORs on Interfolio from the last few years in two versions from each letter writer--one that uses the term "special masters program" and the other the uses "postbac program" when referring to the program in question.

Do you think it would affect me negatively to use the LORs that use "special masters program" in applying to the MSMS program? Basically, do I need to hunt down my letter writers and ask them to upload another version that simply says "masters program" and not "special masters program"? I could do it (it would be a hassle but doable if necessary) but I'd rather not if enough people think it won't be a big deal.

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