Taking NPTE Prior to Graduation

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7+ Year Member
Jan 10, 2014
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Hi! Okay so I am trying to get more information on taking the NPTE prior to graduation. I am finishing my second year of PT school in CA, which I know is a state that does NOT allow you to sit for the boards before graduating. However, I am planning to go into travel therapy as a new grad. I am looking into sitting for the boards next April (Graduating in May) and applying for a state that allows taking it early that has available travel positions. I was wondering if anyone on this site has done this or knows someone who has?

I have looked at the following link that lists the states that allows it... But I am confused on the meaning of the states that say "school must verify student has completed the physical therapy program". I will be in the last couple weeks of my last clinical rotation with all didactics complete. Does that count as "completing the physical therapy program"? Or would I not be able to apply for those states since I will technically still be finishing up the clinical rotation.


I just would like to get as much information as I can on the subject, so any experience and information would be great! Thank you!

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The state's that require you to complete the program, will require completion of clinicals.
I am taking the NPTE early in TN. TN requires a letter from your program stating you have completed all didactic coursework and are scheduled to graduate in May. Hope this helps.
My state, Texas, requires a letter from your school that all didactic education is complete. However, my school does not provide these letters because they do not want students to take the NPTE early. So it would depend on whether or not your school would be willing to provide the letter, too.