The Republic of Texas XLIII: "Never Eat Mexican Food East of the Mississippi or North of Dallas"

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I didn’t as well lol. Tis ok though! I’m just binge watching Invincible Season 3 until I fall asleep 😭
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Where do I find where I match? I prematched to my #1 but I can't find where in TMDSAS to find the actual results. Nvm, clicked on the red button
I know today is a crazy day for everyone, some of y’all are excited and the others are devastated. I was in the same shoes as some of you last year - had 4 IIs, didn’t match. Nobody can really put into words what that feeling feels like when you’ve worked so hard and still didn’t get in. Not to get too personal but I went through a depressive episode - it wasn’t just a matter of me not matching, it was also that every single one of my friends who applied had gotten in. I couldn’t leave my house for days because I was feeling embarrassed and doubting my self worth and ability. For a while after grieving, I had hope that maybe I would get in off the waitlist and would obsessively check my email for months. Spoiler alert didn’t get in off the WL so I reapplied this cycle and thankfully got in. I know it sucks to be in this position right now. Take time for yourself and get help if you need it. Set a deadline for yourself (ie if I don’t hear back by March 15, I’m going to start preparing for a reapp) because you also need to be realistic. I am proud of every single one of you, regardless of if you matched or didn’t match. Having the will power and the perseverance to push through an app cycle is something to be proud of. Feel free to PM me if you need someone to talk to.
Probably won’t move much until Texas residents forfeit their Texas acceptances for OOS schools and things start trickling down, which would be in April I believe
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The schools will notify you in a week or two
If I matched somewhere but already got a waitlist email, is it okay for me to accept the matched seat (TCOM says deadline is 2/28)? If the waitlist seat opens, can I go there if I accept the TCOM now?
I got the survey and I’m not even a Texan, I just share water. It’s basically tmdsas spam
If I matched somewhere but already got a waitlist email, is it okay for me to accept the matched seat (TCOM says deadline is 2/28)? If the waitlist seat opens, can I go there if I accept the TCOM now?
Yes and yes.
If you get an offer of admission later from that WL you will then decide-
Stick with my match school, or accept the new offer?
The choice is yours, & if you accept the new offer you will contact school 1 directly and withdraw
If we prematched to a school but matched to another school we ranked higher, is there anything else we need to do for the prematched school we forfeited?
If we prematched to a school but matched to another school we ranked higher, is there anything else we need to do for the prematched school we forfeited?
Good question - no, you don't need to take any action. The TMDSAS Match system takes care of that for you.
I know today is a crazy day for everyone, some of y’all are excited and the others are devastated. I was in the same shoes as some of you last year - had 4 IIs, didn’t match. Nobody can really put into words what that feeling feels like when you’ve worked so hard and still didn’t get in. Not to get too personal but I went through a depressive episode - it wasn’t just a matter of me not matching, it was also that every single one of my friends who applied had gotten in. I couldn’t leave my house for days because I was feeling embarrassed and doubting my self worth and ability. For a while after grieving, I had hope that maybe I would get in off the waitlist and would obsessively check my email for months. Spoiler alert didn’t get in off the WL so I reapplied this cycle and thankfully got in. I know it sucks to be in this position right now. Take time for yourself and get help if you need it. Set a deadline for yourself (ie if I don’t hear back by March 15, I’m going to start preparing for a reapp) because you also need to be realistic. I am proud of every single one of you, regardless of if you matched or didn’t match. Having the will power and the perseverance to push through an app cycle is something to be proud of. Feel free to PM me if you need someone to talk to.
I was also in the exact same situation last year, the one many of you are in right now. I even remember me and @milk_chocolate fretting over not getting transcript status changes and emails last year. I remember the pit in my stomach, the despair, the somber mood. The fear, hopelessness. Getting angry at myself thinking "I am such an idiot, why did I waste my college years for this". Wondering how I could even go through another app cycle; the first one was unbearable. How in the world am I going to bear another one. It felt impossible at that moment. But if anything my initial fears were wrong and the next cycle was much more bearable. It may be hard to believe at this moment, but going through this brutal cycle made you a stronger more resilient person.

I know how awful the feeling is. But there are tons of people who understand your pain and want to help out as much as they can. I am more than happy to help people who need advice, an ear, feedback on a reapplication. I would love to read essays, give interview help, help out anyway you need. Please feel free to pm me.

Just like milk_chocolate said, it's hard to feel proud, but as time moves you will and should. This process is brutal and anyone who can even attempt it with a honest effort ought to be extremely proud of themselves for their strength, perseverance and grit.