UCLA vs UoP vs Loma Linda

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Jun 28, 2015
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Hey all,

Does anyone have any thoughts/opinions about which school to choose between UCLA/UoP/LLU? I'm leaning towards UCLA because of the tuition and proximity to home, but I loved both UoP and LLU's atmospheres and professionalism. I'm planning on going into general dentistry, so specializing isn't really an issue.

Thank you in advance!

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UOP is very well known for their clinical education. Really good if you are set on doing general dentistry. And awesome that you will be done in 3 years! UOP is still close enough where you can likely go home several times a year. But ultimately it's up to you. Do you prefer SF or socal? How important is saving on tuition to you?
Voting ucla.
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Ucla. #collegelife #diddyreese #overratedfootball
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UCLA, with pass/fail if you want to go GP all you gotta do is cruise and pass your classes

and if you do decide you want to specialize still UCLA lol.

good luck
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UCLA, with pass/fail if you want to go GP all you gotta do is cruise and pass your classes

and if you do decide you want to specialize still UCLA lol.

good luck

This all, plus you get to watch great sports (if you're a sports fan), great reputation, all around amazing school

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UOP is very well known for their clinical education. Really good if you are set on doing general dentistry. And awesome that you will be done in 3 years! UOP is still close enough where you can likely go home several times a year. But ultimately it's up to you. Do you prefer SF or socal? How important is saving on tuition to you?

Three years is definitely a big plus! I loved the program and everyone there, but the distance from home and tuition are big hesitations of mine. For instance, if UoP was in SoCal, I think I'd be going there!
Thank you all! I'm thinking that UCLA offers the best overall package, so there's a 95% chance that I'll be going there. So hard to turn down the other ones down, though!
Definitely UCLA. The pass fail curriculum is a tremendous component of the curriculum. It is far less stressful in that sense. UCLA also does a fantastic job matching their students into specialties of their choice. I feel UOP 3 year program is a bit overrated in the sense that you are cramming 4 years of dental school into 3. Their students are balancing clinic and didactics well into their 2nd year and that is highly stressful, especially given they have GPA also. Dental school was a lot of fun, enjoy it while it lasts.
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