UCSF/SFSU 2019 DPT Decisions

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Feb 4, 2019
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Has anyone heard back from UCSF?

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yeah i know every year historically they have done this but I've literally seen no one post that they've been accepted this year so im confused
I got a call yesterday around 4:30 with an acceptance.
do you know of anyone else that got a decision? isn’t looking too good for me right now lol
do you know of anyone else that got a decision? isn’t looking too good for me right now lol
My friend got a call this morning. I unfortunately have not. But it looks like there's still hope though.
Congrats to those who were accepted! Honestly everyone looks so impressive last weekend. Does anyone know if they send out wait list yet? I haven't heard from them so figured that would be the next best thing for me!
Congrats to those who were accepted! Honestly everyone looks so impressive last weekend. Does anyone know if they send out wait list yet? I haven't heard from them so figured that would be the next best thing for me!
They should be still sending out acceptances from what I’ve heard from faculty about how it usually works. Top picks generally within 3 days after interviewing and others later in the week, and then waitlists maybe starting next week.
Congrats to everyone who got accepted!! Has anyone heard from them today?? Still waiting on an answer...
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Congrats that's awesome! Random question, but did you have any outstanding prereqs?? I'm curious if I might be lower on the waitlist since I took a class last fall and they might be waiting for the end of the academic update to see how I did

no all my prereqs were done
Hi all,

I’m on the waitlist, anxiously waiting to hear back. If anyone is accepted and giving up their spot can you let us know? Lol i just want to know if I have a chance.
Congrats that's awesome! Random question, but did you have any outstanding prereqs?? I'm curious if I might be lower on the waitlist since I took a class last fall and they might be waiting for the end of the academic update to see how I did

Just wanted to weigh in - I was accepted and did/do have outstanding prereqs (am still enrolled in prereqs this spring). I would not think it would impact your placement on the waitlist.