Uneven MCAT Score - MSTP

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May 5, 2017
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Just received my scores back for the MCAT and was worried whether my uneven score would hurt my chances into getting accepted into MSTP programs as they are already competitive. I had a total 518 score with a break down of 131/126/132/129 with CARS being the lowest section (GPA = 3.91 sGPA = 3.90). Most of my background is in research with 3 summers of research, 3 continuous home labs experiences, 4 publications, and lots of teaching experience. I have decent volunteering, clinical and shadowing experience probably about average as any other applicant. I don't think I'll retake the score, but am not sure whether I should just mainly focus on MD program applications instead of MD-PhD programs.
You should be fine... (Btw, people're probably gonna suggest that you should consider janitorial duties or that you pack your sunscreen for SGU's MD-phd program, don't listen to them, you have a pretty decent shot at Ross')
You should be fine... (Btw, people're probably gonna suggest that you should consider janitorial duties or that you pack your sunscreen for SGU's MD-phd program, don't listen to them, you have a pretty decent shot at Ross')
Are you suggesting that Ross is better than SGU?
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Go check out the physician scientist forum stickies. You'll be fine applying to MSTPs. Your publications will help you significantly and I highly doubt your MCAT will even get much of a second glance. Just apply broadly (there are some extremely high quality non-mstp MDPhD programs that simply haven't had enough graduates yet to have mstp status) and you'll be fine.
A 126 (for old people, ~9) isn't that imbalanced for CARS, which gets the most slack out of the four sections. With a composite 36, a 3.9 GPA, and 4 pubs I think you'll get plenty of interviews
I had an even more unbalanced score 128/124/128/129 and got interviews and acceptances. I think that fact that your CARS is above 125 might allow them to not view it unbalanced in such a negative light.
Just received my scores back for the MCAT and was worried whether my uneven score would hurt my chances into getting accepted into MSTP programs as they are already competitive. I had a total 518 score with a break down of 131/126/132/129 with CARS being the lowest section (GPA = 3.91 sGPA = 3.90). Most of my background is in research with 3 summers of research, 3 continuous home labs experiences, 4 publications, and lots of teaching experience. I have decent volunteering, clinical and shadowing experience probably about average as any other applicant. I don't think I'll retake the score, but am not sure whether I should just mainly focus on MD program applications instead of MD-PhD programs.
You're 100% fine.
Go check out the physician scientist forum stickies. You'll be fine applying to MSTPs. Your publications will help you significantly and I highly doubt your MCAT will even get much of a second glance. Just apply broadly (there are some extremely high quality non-mstp MDPhD programs that simply haven't had enough graduates yet to have mstp status) and you'll be fine.
Can you give names of those extremely high quality non-mstp MDPhD programs?
You should definitely apply. Minimum for the CARS is 125 for medical school to even look at your application. However, there have been cases of people who have gotten lower scores than yours. They are in medical school right now
You should definitely apply. Minimum for the CARS is 125 for medical school to even look at your application. However, there have been cases of people who have gotten lower scores than yours. They are in medical school right now

I’m also pretty sure this is a false statement.
You'll be just fine for MD/PhD. The MSTP threshold is a higher MCAT, which you have, and unless they're top tier MSTP programs (Harvard, Yale, Cornell Tri-I) the 126 isn't going to kill you. You have solid research experience, the crux of any MSTP applicant.

Disclaimer: just an MD and MD/PhD applicant rn lol.

If you have further questions, be sure to check out the Physician-Scientist Forum on SDN.