University of Florida Application Thread

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That sounds nice I really am afraid I will Have to reapply next year I got a masters in toxicology and drug chemistry from UF a 3.6 GPS in grad school but i think my 63 PCAT wont let me in, I guess I will retake it after may :(

They're obviously in our pcat range so don't give up hope just yet. just keep your head up. still have interviews going on till May plus alternates in June so a lot could still happen.

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They're obviously in our pcat range so don't give up hope just yet. just keep your head up. still have interviews going on till May plus alternates in June so a lot could still happen.
Man I really hope so!!! Well Good luck on your interview !!when is it by the way??
How are you all doing I know most of you have probably already been accepted and are experience in the field. I am currently a UF Graduate Student and my masters is in Clinical, forensic toxicology with a dual degree on drug Chemistry from UF; My Graduate GPA is 3.6 and my undergraduate is 3.2. I know that sound good but I only got a 63 on the PCAT :scared:!!! I had just had surgery and was so tired by the end. I have some good work experience as a pharmtech for a vet pharmacy supplier for 2 years and recommendation letters from the MD director of that company and a UF Vet School professor. SO Do you guys think I have a realistic Chance to get in at this point I applied back in January but UF told me application was only processed until march!

Wow! your background looks good! PCAT scores are not the only thing that determine your acceptance to the school. I'm sure you will get a interview! :)
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Wow! your background looks good! PCAT scores are not the only thing that determine your acceptance to the school. I'm sure you will get a interview! :)
Thanks for the good energy man I really hope so I dont want to work for a year and waste more time :(!
Do you guys know if everyone is supposed to here from UF on wednesdays after the friday interview, or do they just start sending it out acceptance emails then?
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and same here, i've been refreshing my email every hour too...depressing
I totally feel everyone's pain, it took me exactly two weeks from my interview to hear back. The office gets extremely backed up especially when Penny is the only one compiling and sending out the e-mails. So don't lose hope and once you all get accepted it will be such a relief :)
ahh man as it gets closer and closer to five im realizing that there probably wont be any emails today......

dangggg if i have to wait two weeks i think i might go lie lol
It's so comforting to know I'm not the only insane person here! Haha. I'm driving myself crazy waiting and meticulously checking!
yea, I know. I really thought we would find out today:(
At the interview, I asked one of the pharm students how long it would take for the school to get back to us, and he said up to 3 weeks... i hope its doesn't really take that long though

Yep, I remember them saying 2-3 weeks. :scared: I think one of the biggest reasons we all think we'll hear back within a week is because the last group that interviewed in Gainesville heard back that quickly. I wish it could be us, too, but I know other groups didn't hear back so soon. So I'm gonna try to remain patient! But yes, my interview was last Friday!

Good luck, all! At least we know we have to bare this together!!
I'm HOPING we hear by Friday. I just want to know so I can relax because I have so much school work/ studying to do this weekend, that not knowing if I'm accepted or not is going to be a huge brain distraction LOL.
I'm HOPING we hear by Friday. I just want to know so I can relax because I have so much school work/ studying to do this weekend, that not knowing if I'm accepted or not is going to be a huge brain distraction LOL.

HAHAHAHAH i know exactly what you mean the exact same way i have a huge test this coming tuesday and i can just not get myself to start studying for it lol.....
I can almost guarantee you I will be stalking this website and my emails all

interviewed friday 3/25 for g-ville campus and was notified today 10:45 am eastern time that i received conditional acceptance.....

SOO happy as this was my first choice bya lot.....

best of luck to everyone!!
Just got my email too!!!!!! Omfg can't believe this is happening :):):):)

see everyone in the fall!!! Class of 2015 woop woop!!!!!!!
Just received my conditional letter of acceptance!!!! Sooo happy the torture is over!!
JUST GOT MINE TOO!!! IM SO EXCITED RIGHT NOW!! WOOOHOOOOOO I cant wait to meet all you guys!

UF St. Pete!!
just got my conditional admit letter tooo
i am so happyyyyyyyyy
does anyone know if there is a facebook group or anything yet for UF-Gainesville C/O 2015??
I just got my conditional acceptance too =) =)
Accepted to St. Pete.

Nothin' but net.

Grats, everyone!
Has anyone else received an invite to interview at the Orlando campus on April 22? Please post if you have.
still waiting on an interview invite. when did you get yours?
CONGRATS EVERYONE!! I told you everyone would get accepted :)
I know Orlando interview was 2 weeks ago but anyone accepted join our group, the link is posted in my signature and a few posts up.

Anyone accepted to Gville NGowl has a group going too so check that out

WOHOO UF COP 2015 is growinggg!
Yaaaaaaaay!!!...I was finally able to check my email and I got accepted!!!

I'm soooo happy!

UF-St. Pete class of 2015!!! :D :D
Congratz guys I hope to join some of you in any one campus LOL!!! I am so stressed I just got gastritis meds from my Doc :(!
Because I'm technologically slow, someone who's attending the St. Pete campus make a facebook group so we can get to know each other a little better!
Congrats to everyone :D
A few tips

-Weigh classes accordingly, don't waste time on a minor quiz when a major exam is on the same day

-Make friends with upperclassmen ASAP! Some professors are ok with you using old exams/quizzes to study, don't be shy about asking the 2's and 3's for their stuff, it helps A LOT!!!

-Striving for a 4.0 will make you miserable, not to mention it nearly is impossible. There are several years in the Dean's List where 0/~300 were able to get all A's (and this was before they introduced the +/- system last year)

-Don't join 4 organizations, just stick to 1 or 2 that you can make an impact on

-Find a way to de-stress yourself outside of school

-Traditionally every campus has maintained and kept to their own facebook page, but last year we started a facebook group involving all 4 campuses and it has worked out great, look into it

There will be times when you feel absolutely terrible as you cram for your billionth exam and you're on the verge of breaking down. Just remember the adcoms saw something in you resembling greatness, and that there is indeed a light at the end of the tunnel. Good luck!
Thanks for the tips Namishin :thumbup:
Congrats to everyone :D
A few tips

-Weigh classes accordingly, don't waste time on a minor quiz when a major exam is on the same day

-Make friends with upperclassmen ASAP! Some professors are ok with you using old exams/quizzes to study, don't be shy about asking the 2's and 3's for their stuff, it helps A LOT!!!

-Striving for a 4.0 will make you miserable, not to mention it nearly is impossible. There are several years in the Dean's List where 0/~300 were able to get all A's (and this was before they introduced the +/- system last year)

-Don't join 4 organizations, just stick to 1 or 2 that you can make an impact on

-Find a way to de-stress yourself outside of school

-Traditionally every campus has maintained and kept to their own facebook page, but last year we started a facebook group involving all 4 campuses and it has worked out great, look into it

There will be times when you feel absolutely terrible as you cram for your billionth exam and you're on the verge of breaking down. Just remember the adcoms saw something in you resembling greatness, and that there is indeed a light at the end of the tunnel. Good luck!

thx 4 the tips!!!