URM admissions

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Sep 13, 2015
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So this is my theory why affirmative action is bad (please tell me if my thinking is misguided)

Asians are subjected to much stricter admissions guidelines, so the asian population in med school is smarter

Blacks are subjected to LESS strict admisions guidelines, so the black population in med schools is less smart.

Because, as a result of the affirmative action, blacks will be less intelligent than asians.

This causes more blacks to be at the lower end of the class, and Asians to be at the higher end.

In other words, affirmative action PERPETUATED the stereotypes.


You can't just say "We want more blacks, so we'll admit more and ignore the lower grades" because this "short-circuits" the whole process.

To get TRUE equality, I think colleges need to focus on INCREASING minority GPAs through FREE TUTORING and things like that.

Its like, if there are two people Xiou and Jamal, and Xiou has an infection and Jamal has cancer, but then the doctor says "oh well we can't have any more black people dying, so I'm going to ignore his cancer and diagnose BOTH of them as infections for EQUALITY!" It's just insane. You can't just redefine something without any basis.

***This is what i truly believe. I truly want some discussions here. Is affirmative action actually perpetuating racial stereotypes by maintaining the differences in qualifications between races?

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I'm 100% serious. Is this not a logical argument? Please find a flaw and avoid ad hominem attacks.
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This thread perpetuates the stereotype that pre-meds are *****s.
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Affirmative action is an imperfect solution to a serious problem. You're right. It is unfair to Asians who have to score higher than their peers to get accepted to the same schools. For example, an Asian with a 3.7/35 is probably going to be targeting mid tier med schools and even some lower tier ones. But an AA with 3.7/35 has a good shot at the top 20. AA's fail out of med school at a significantly greater rate than other races and score significantly lower on standardized tests.

At the same time, there is no good way of evening out the playing field. Most AA's do not get access to the same resources as whites and asians. On average they are more likely to live in low income areas with high crime. Additionally the majority of AA families also don't have a culture that encourages academic achievement.

So is affirmative action unfair? Yes. Is it necessary? Also yes. Is there a better solution? I believe the answer to this is yes as well though, in our current political climate, we are unlikely to find it.
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I dunno, between this and your "I'm Switching to Dentistry for the Money" thread, I kind of doubt your intentions.
In addition, it's hard to take the OP seriously after reading their first post and the thread tags.
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In addition, it's hard to take the OP seriously after reading their first post and the thread tags.
Ugh, I ignore tags by default, but wow... Those are bad. Also, this is for you:

Anyway, diagnosis for the thread is officially Troll, so from here on out:
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Affirmative action is an imperfect solution to a serious problem. You're right. It is unfair to Asians who have to score higher than their peers to get accepted to the same schools. For example, an Asian with a 3.7/35 is probably going to be targeting mid tier med schools and even some lower tier ones. But an AA with 3.7/35 has a good shot at the top 20. AA's fail out of med school at a significantly greater rate than other races and score significantly lower on standardized tests.

At the same time, there is no good way of evening out the playing field. Most AA's do not get access to the same resources as whites and asians. On average they are more likely to live in low income areas with high crime. Additionally the majority of AA families also don't have a culture that encourages academic achievement.

So is affirmative action unfair? Yes. Is it necessary? Also yes. Is there a better solution? I believe the answer to this is yes as well though, in our current political climate, we are unlikely to find it.

The mission of medical schools is to educate and train physicians to serve all aspects of society. Doesnt it make sense that they should make an extra effort to find a way to help the under-served population? Their mission is to educate and train physicians. It isnt their mission to somehow be inherently fair to applicants based on an competition of supposedly objective numbers. The vast array of undergraduate experiences, institutions and educations render that shake that idea up, despite the all important GPA that premeds obsess about. Is it unfair? To an individual yes. But medical school isnt a right or entitlement to anybody. It is a privilege to be earned and it is up to schools to best judge from the pool of applicants in any given year.
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When will you Affirmitive Action thread starters realize that these conversations go absolutely nowhere and change no one's stance on the matter? What are you looking to get out of this? You'd be better off playing with your dolls, Xiou and Jamal, making a playhouse with medical school written on the front, and telling Jamal that he's gonna have to collect dust on the shelf because you think affirmative action is bad.

"To get TRUE equality, I think colleges need to focus on INCREASING minority GPAs through FREE TUTORING and things like that."

You do realize that you are assuming free tutoring leads to an increase in GPA?
WOW GUYS WOW!!! 90% of you just posted useless memes or "wow this guys an idiot". You are the idiots.

YOU ARE NOT ADDRESSING QUESTION: Doesn't affirmative action perpetuate these racial stereotypes by creating an ostensibly level playing ground with less-qualified URMS and more-qualified non-URMs? That is the question. ANSWER IT

We need to call in the pros: @Goro @Winged Scapula @LizzyM @efle @md-2020
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omg...not another URM thread
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Seriously, don't you have studying to do? Why is everyone on SDN so obsessed with URMs? I don't know whether to be flattered or pissed off.
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WOW GUYS WOW!!! 90% of you just posted useless memes or "wow this guys an idiot". You are the idiots.

YOU ARE NOT ADDRESSING QUESTION: Doesn't affirmative action perpetuate these racial stereotypes by creating an ostensibly level playing ground with less-qualified URMS and more-qualified non-URMs? That is the question. ANSWER IT

We need to call in the pros: @Goro @Winged Scapula @LizzyM @efle @md-2020

Feel free to join the already existing thread on this topic rather than starting a new one. We don't need multiple versions of this topic floating around the forum.
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URM here.

First I'll take your spot, then I'm taking your bitch.
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sigh. here we go again
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URM here.

First I'll take your spot, then I'm taking your bitch.

Good luck staying in med school and matching, buddy. And unless you have an enormous trust fund and your parents own a yacht, you will never come close to taking my girl. ;) Enjoy ya ratchet hoes
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Med School: The 21st Century Ghetto
@NewTab Don't apply. Saves me the hard work of making sure I take your spot.

And it's very sad that your girl can be bought. Says a lot about you and how you got her.
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Good luck staying in med school and matching, buddy. And unless you have an enormous trust fund and your parents own a yacht, you will never come close to taking my girl. ;) Enjoy ya ratchet hoes
my ratchet hoes? lol

You're talking big but are you really in a position to even turn down ratchet hoes?
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Med School: The 21st Century Ghetto

Well you can always just not apply to med school since you dislike it so much... you would be doing all of us a favor anyways.
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I completely agree, psychological screens should be part of the admissions process.

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Disillusionment at it's finest...yea the system's not perfect...but The System's not perfect....disparity is a reality.
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Before this thread gets locked, I'd like to draw attention to the hilarious tags on this thread.

I hate the system as much as anyone, and am of the ORM variety, but OP, you are going a bit over the line here.
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So this is my theory why affirmative action is bad (please tell me if my thinking is misguided)

Asians are subjected to much stricter admissions guidelines, so the asian population in med school is smarter

Blacks are subjected to LESS strict admisions guidelines, so the black population in med schools is less smart.

Because, as a result of the affirmative action, blacks will be less intelligent than asians.

This causes more blacks to be at the lower end of the class, and Asians to be at the higher end.

In other words, affirmative action PERPETUATED the stereotypes.


You can't just say "We want more blacks, so we'll admit more and ignore the lower grades" because this "short-circuits" the whole process.

To get TRUE equality, I think colleges need to focus on INCREASING minority GPAs through FREE TUTORING and things like that.

Its like, if there are two people Xiou and Jamal, and Xiou has an infection and Jamal has cancer, but then the doctor says "oh well we can't have any more black people dying, so I'm going to ignore his cancer and diagnose BOTH of them as infections for EQUALITY!" It's just insane. You can't just redefine something without any basis.

***This is what i truly believe. I truly want some discussions here. Is affirmative action actually perpetuating racial stereotypes by maintaining the differences in qualifications between races?

You're flawed in assuming "good grades" = "smartness"

Not so black and white, my friend
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WOW GUYS WOW!!! 90% of you just posted useless memes or "wow this guys an idiot". You are the idiots.

YOU ARE NOT ADDRESSING QUESTION: Doesn't affirmative action perpetuate these racial stereotypes by creating an ostensibly level playing ground with less-qualified URMS and more-qualified non-URMs? That is the question. ANSWER IT

We need to call in the pros: @Goro @Winged Scapula @LizzyM @efle @md-2020
@md-2020 is just another premed, hardly a pro lol (no offense md-2020)
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Its like, if there are two people Xiou and Jamal, and Xiou has an infection and Jamal has cancer, but then the doctor says "oh well we can't have any more black people dying, so I'm going to ignore his cancer and diagnose BOTH of them as infections for EQUALITY!" It's just insane. You can't just redefine something without any basis.

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