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Apr 20, 2017
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Hello! I got into UF (UF Honors) and UVa for undergrad. I plan on majoring in biology, going on the pre-med track. UF is my state school, so it's almost free (about 3K tuition). UVa would cost me about 32K tuition. Putting cost aside, which school is better for premed in terms of course work, research/internship/shadowing opportunities, advising, and student atmosphere? Which school would be easier to keep up my GPA? I keep hearing at UF the general attitude of "it's what you make of it." I'm curious about UVa. Thank you!

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Consider more than just which has easier coursework. I went to a school that I thought would have easy As (lol), I quickly realized that pre-med courses at any decent uni are going to be hard so you might as well go somewhere you like that will offer you the opportunities you want. IDK much about UVa or your financial situation but I'll tell you this: It doesn't make any sense to go into debt for undergrad, good grades are needed for med school but consider the opportunities that each a school will give you both in terms of people you'll meet at ECs highly as well

I know that UF is a huge party school where not everyone will take school as seriously as you might need to and you basically need to be in greek life to have a good social life (I think this goes for UVa as well tho). Also Gainesville is in the middle of nowhere.. I think the danger with UF is it's easy to not make much of it..
You need to be able to make this decision. Go where you can get the highest GPA, and where you will be the highest.
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I'd go to the state school. They're both good schools, and I don't think med schools will care that much which school you went to between those two.The school name isn't worth the 6 figure price tag. Also, you'll probably be happier, and therefore able to do better, going to a school closer to home.
Go to UF. Not only is it way cheaper but it's the best school in Florida. Sure people party but most of them are serious about their grades. Like anywhere it just depends on who you hang out with. You work hard and you play hard. They may party hard but they still make good grades. How else do you think they got accepted? I'm a part of a student organization at another Florida school and we have done stuff with UF and see them at regional summits. They're my favorite people outside of my school. Dedicated people, close group with great camaraderie, and they party hard. If I had to do it all over again I would go to UF. Unless if you get scholarship money it doesn't make since to go over $120,000 in debt in undergrad when you've still got medical school to pay off.
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UVA is a good school, but not worth that much extra money. It's also a hard school to do well at as a premed unless you're near the top of the class. I would recommend UF. Getting out of undergrad debt free is a fantastic investment towards a medical career.
UVA is a much better school. It would be a no brainer if you were from Virginia. However, for 120K (which will become 180K after interest) I'm not sure it is worth it.

You can get into medical school from any reasonable university.
Hello! I got into UF (UF Honors) and UVa for undergrad. I plan on majoring in biology, going on the pre-med track. UF is my state school, so it's almost free (about 3K tuition). UVa would cost me about 32K tuition. Putting cost aside, which school is better for premed in terms of course work, research/internship/shadowing opportunities, advising, and student atmosphere? Which school would be easier to keep up my GPA? I keep hearing at UF the general attitude of "it's what you make of it." I'm curious about UVa. Thank you!
UF easily
UVA is a much better school. It would be a no brainer if you were from Virginia. However, for 120K (which will become 180K after interest) I'm not sure it is worth it.

You can get into medical school from any reasonable university.
i won't be paying 120K, more like around 60K. is it still worth it in your opinion? also where did you go for undergrad? are you a med student?
i won't be paying 120K, more like around 60K. is it still worth it in your opinion? also where did you go for undergrad? are you a med student?

Wow, UVA must have given you a ton of scholarships since OOS tuition is like $45k/year. But I would still go to your state school.

I'm a VA resident and I love Charlottesville. UVA is a great school. But it doesn't have anything you can't get from UF. UVA is a large state school with research, volunteer opportunities and an attached medical school. UF is a large state school with research, volunteer opportunities and an attached medical school. Except you'll be paying much less at UF and be closer to home. That might not seem like a big deal now, but you'll appreciate it after you've been at school for a few months.

To answer your other questions, I went to an out-of-state state school for undergrad. Graduated with about $60k of student loans, some of which I will be paying interest on during med school. (Stupid unsubsidized loans.) And I'll be starting med school in the fall.

But really, unless you can't see yourself at anywhere but UVA, go to UF. UVA isn't going to give you the leg up on med school that you think it will.

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i won't be paying 120K, more like around 60K. is it still worth it in your opinion? also where did you go for undergrad? are you a med student?

I am a fellow as my signature says. I finished medical, residency and fellowship. I am finishing a superfellowship now. I went to one of the schools you are asking about for undergrad- bet you can guess which one...

Is the 60K including living expenses? As others have said, being close to family is important. Add to that 15K difference per year (which will turn into 100K total after interest) and probably UF is the better choice.
Wow, UVA must have given you a ton of scholarships since OOS tuition is like $45k/year. But I would still go to your state school.

I'm a VA resident and I love Charlottesville. UVA is a great school. But it doesn't have anything you can't get from UF. UVA is a large state school with research, volunteer opportunities and an attached medical school. UF is a large state school with research, volunteer opportunities and an attached medical school. Except you'll be paying much less at UF and be closer to home. That might not seem like a big deal now, but you'll appreciate it after you've been at school for a few months.

To answer your other questions, I went to an out-of-state state school for undergrad. Graduated with about $60k of student loans, some of which I will be paying interest on during med school. (Stupid unsubsidized loans.) And I'll be starting med school in the fall.

But really, unless you can't see yourself at anywhere but UVA, go to UF. UVA isn't going to give you the leg up on med school that you think it will.

Wow, UVA must have given you a ton of scholarships since OOS tuition is like $45k/year. But I would still go to your state school.

I'm a VA resident and I love Charlottesville. UVA is a great school. But it doesn't have anything you can't get from UF. UVA is a large state school with research, volunteer opportunities and an attached medical school. UF is a large state school with research, volunteer opportunities and an attached medical school. Except you'll be paying much less at UF and be closer to home. That might not seem like a big deal now, but you'll appreciate it after you've been at school for a few months.

To answer your other questions, I went to an out-of-state state school for undergrad. Graduated with about $60k of student loans, some of which I will be paying interest on during med school. (Stupid unsubsidized loans.) And I'll be starting med school in the fall.

But really, unless you can't see yourself at anywhere but UVA, go to UF. UVA isn't going to give you the leg up on med school that you think it will.

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thank you so much! you really put it into context for me. concerning med school, did you apply/attend a school out of state? also, how much do ECs matter? my understanding is gpa and mcat scores get you to the interview and ECs get you past the interview.
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I'll be attending an in-state school. I didn't apply to any OOS med schools because I have special circumstances and only applied to one school.

ECs matter, but most colleges tend to have similar ECs available.

Pick an activity or two that you actually enjoy (and not just because you think med schools will like them). Pick a major you like, get mostly A's, go to office hours so your professors get to know you and can write good LoRs, and do well on the MCAT. Volunteer for organizations that you care about and do research on a topic you are interested in. You'll check all the major premed boxes but not stress yourself out over being the perfect premed.

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thank you! also, for nonscience majors, what do med schools look for in their apps besides the required premed courses? i hear about science majors doing research and ECs, but what do nonscience majors do to add to their app?
thank you! also, for nonscience majors, what do med schools look for in their apps besides the required premed courses? i hear about science majors doing research and ECs, but what do nonscience majors do to add to their app?

You can do any kind of research, probably bio research even if you want to-- doubt anyone's going to stop you because you're not a science major. I'd suggest trying a semester out and seeing if you like it/jump around and see if there's any specific topic you like.

Other EC's off the top of my head are volunteering, shadowing, etc.