VIRMP internship package

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Full Member
Mar 7, 2022
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Hey guys,

Does anybody know approximately when VIRMP positions send out their detailed information packages (which you have matched with through the match or through open positions)? Like if the position starts in the beginning of July, typically when should you expect all the information emailed to you?

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Hey guys,

Does anybody know approximately when VIRMP positions send out their detailed information packages (which you have matched with through the match or through open positions)? Like if the position starts in the beginning of July, typically when should you expect all the information emailed to you?
The clinic just contacts you, as far as I remember. My clinic sent everything the week match results were announced. It’s been several years since I went through the match but I’m pretty sure VIRMP’s involvement ended on Match day. If you haven’t heard anything I’d reach out to the program director.