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Do I have a good chance of getting into my school's medical honors program (15% acceptance rate)

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Apr 23, 2017
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I just finished my freshman year and I really want to get into medical school or my University's Junior Medical Honors Program (UF). I will apply to this program Spring Sophomore year. My science GPA dropped from a 4.0 to a 3.95 because I bombed the ecology section of my biology test (who needs ecology in medicine anyways). I haven't taken the MCAT yet as I hope to get into the Junior Medical Honors Program. I've taken both gen chems (A's in both) Bio 2 (A- :( ), Calc II (A), Bio and Chem Labs (Both A's), and molecular genetics (A 4000 level genetics course, which I'm getting an A in.). Next semester I plan to take

Orgo 1
Physiology (4000 level course)
Writing for medical sciences
Possibly Spanish conversation of research for credit. Taking 17-20 credit hours.

Currently, I have served over 250 community service hours, been recognized for my community service with the Presidential Service Award, volunteer at my hospital, and my county's department of health, and hold a leadership position on the volunteer club I run. I am also about to be published for the research I am doing in my lab and will participate in an REU/SPUR this summer. I also am hoping to do another lab next semester in an area I'm more interested in (I'm keeping my lab now also because I have such a good relationship with my PI). I also plan to volunteer at a rural medical clinic taking vitals, and possibly shadow an anesthesiologist.

Any thoughts or comments are highly appreciated :)

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Why bother
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Chill out bro. Life is more than being pre-med.
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Please do your best to not fall prey to neuroticism.
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You're either a troll or someone who needs a reality check, because there is no chance I'd let a 3.95 be my doctor.
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you are either trolling or trying to brag...someone with stats as good as yours should have enough sense to know you're in a good place. and you've only finished your first year of college, so your chances of acceptance to md school are actually impossible to determine now.
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At this point I suggest to start looking into Working as a janitor, the A- in bio says you will never be able to handle the rigor.

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Come back when you have an MCAT score.

We also can only advise about odds of getting IIs. Getting accepted to med school is 100% on you.

I just finished my freshman year and I really want to get into medical school or my University's Junior Medical Honors Program (UF). I will apply to this program Spring Sophomore year. My science GPA dropped from a 4.0 to a 3.95 because I bombed the ecology section of my biology test (who needs ecology in medicine anyways). I haven't taken the MCAT yet as I hope to get into the Junior Medical Honors Program. I've taken both gen chems (A's in both) Bio 2 (A- :( ), Calc II (A), Bio and Chem Labs (Both A's), and molecular genetics (A 4000 level genetics course, which I'm getting an A in.). Next semester I plan to take

Orgo 1
Physiology (4000 level course)
Writing for medical sciences
Possibly Spanish conversation of research for credit. Taking 17-20 credit hours.

Currently, I have served over 250 community service hours, been recognized for my community service with the Presidential Service Award, volunteer at my hospital, and my county's department of health, and hold a leadership position on the volunteer club I run. I am also about to be published for the research I am doing in my lab and will participate in an REU/SPUR this summer. I also am hoping to do another lab next semester in an area I'm more interested in (I'm keeping my lab now also because I have such a good relationship with my PI). I also plan to volunteer at a rural medical clinic taking vitals, and possibly shadow an anesthesiologist.

Any thoughts or comments are highly appreciated :)
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On this odds this isn't a troll.

You really need to chill out. This level of neuroticism will hurt you
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I'm not voting because that's ridiculous but OP you seem to have a good head on your shoulders just keep working hard. If you're doing everything you have been doing + having some sembalance of a social life than you're good. Work hard but don't forget too relax too. Come back in 2-3 years! GOOD LUCK.
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You keep this neuroticism up, and you won't make it to the end of undergrad. You're fine. Chill out.
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As implied by many others on this thread, It's time to rethink your career choice.
Come back when you have an MCAT score.

We also can only advise about odds of getting IIs. Getting accepted to med school is 100% on you.
I think OP is talking about the EAP at UF called Medical Honors, which doesn't require MCAT before admission (not sure if it requires it after).

Still a totally ridiculous post, though.
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OP, assuming you're not a troll, how the heck is a freshman in a level 4000 class? The pre reqs for molecular genetics are either genetics ( level 2000) or Biochem ( level 3000). How are you taking it? Especially since you didn't "AP out of" Gen Bio?
That's the part that makes me think OP is trolling.
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I've taken both gen chems (A's in both) Bio 2 (A- :( ), Calc II (A), Bio and Chem Labs (Both A's), and molecular genetics (A 4000 level genetics course, which I'm getting an A in.)
Exactly what I'm wondering! How did he manage to take an intro to Bio class and an upper level genetics class in the same semester? :thinking:

OP, assuming you're not a troll, how the heck is a freshman in a level 4000 class? The pre reqs for molecular genetics are either genetics ( level 2000) or Biochem ( level 3000). How are you taking it? Especially since you didn't "AP out of" Gen Bio?
That's the part that makes me think OP is trolling.
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Exactly what I'm wondering! How did he manage to take an intro to Bio class and an upper level genetics class in the same semester? :thinking:

Especially given that Microbiology (which OP'll take next semester) seems to be a pre-req for the course.

Next semester I plan to take
Orgo 1
Physiology (4000 level course)

"PCB 4522 Molecular Genetics (Spring) Credits: 3; Prereq: MCB 3020 or MCB 3023 with minimum grade of C.
Molecular biology of prokaryotes and eukaryotes covering the fundamentals of genome organization and gene structure, regulation of transcription, DNA replication and repair, and RNA processing. Also includes discussion of strategies, vectors and applications of genetic engineering in higher plants and animals. (Dr. William Gurley)

MCB 3023: Principles of Microbiology (Fall, Spring): Credits..."

Undergraduate Course Descriptions
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Especially given that Microbiology (which OP'll take next semester) seems to be a pre-req for the course.

"PCB 4522 Molecular Genetics (Spring) Credits: 3; Prereq: MCB 3020 or MCB 3023 with minimum grade of C.
Molecular biology of prokaryotes and eukaryotes covering the fundamentals of genome organization and gene structure, regulation of transcription, DNA replication and repair, and RNA processing. Also includes discussion of strategies, vectors and applications of genetic engineering in higher plants and animals. (Dr. William Gurley)

MCB 3023: Principles of Microbiology (Fall, Spring): Credits..."

Undergraduate Course Descriptions
You actually opened the UF course catalog. I appreciate the leg work.
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You actually opened the UF course catalog. I appreciate the leg work.
Got plenty of Down time at work... Besides, it was like the 2nd link when I googled "UF molecular genetics course"
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It's official- OP is a troll.
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I just finished my freshman year and I really want to get into medical school or my University's Junior Medical Honors Program (UF). I will apply to this program Spring Sophomore year. My science GPA dropped from a 4.0 to a 3.95 because I bombed the ecology section of my biology test (who needs ecology in medicine anyways). I haven't taken the MCAT yet as I hope to get into the Junior Medical Honors Program. I've taken both gen chems (A's in both) Bio 2 (A- :( ), Calc II (A), Bio and Chem Labs (Both A's), and molecular genetics (A 4000 level genetics course, which I'm getting an A in.). Next semester I plan to take

Orgo 1
Physiology (4000 level course)
Writing for medical sciences
Possibly Spanish conversation of research for credit. Taking 17-20 credit hours.

Currently, I have served over 250 community service hours, been recognized for my community service with the Presidential Service Award, volunteer at my hospital, and my county's department of health, and hold a leadership position on the volunteer club I run. I am also about to be published for the research I am doing in my lab and will participate in an REU/SPUR this summer. I also am hoping to do another lab next semester in an area I'm more interested in (I'm keeping my lab now also because I have such a good relationship with my PI). I also plan to volunteer at a rural medical clinic taking vitals, and possibly shadow an anesthesiologist.

Any thoughts or comments are highly appreciated :)

Bruhhhhh... nobody can give you a good answer to this question.
UF's Junior Medical Honors program is extremely competitive. (one big reason being that they give you admission to their COM with NO mcat required... you know this)
You obviously have done well in your courses (most people applying have), and have probably more EC's than most. You're in good shape, but still impossible to say you WILL/WONT get in. Good luck!
LOL I cast my vote and I knew all you little buggers would vote No (<60%) hahahah laughing at work right now. Typical SDN a-holes. love it.
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LOL I cast my vote and I knew all you little buggers would vote No (<60%) hahahah laughing at work right now. Typical SDN a-holes. love it.

I mean, they aren't wrong. As a freshman OP is in the general pool of people that have a <50% chance of acceptance.
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Historically you have

I mean, they aren't wrong. As a freshman OP is in the general pool of people that have a <50% chance of acceptance.
I think OP is specifically asking if a single A- in Bio2 is going to exclude him from UF's internal early admit program, to which the obvious answer is no. But it's funny to troll the troll by saying yes your odds are bad now.
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"Especially given that Microbiology (which OP'll take next semester) seems to be a pre-req for the course."

My professor just lifted the prereqs for that course so only bio 1 is required now, which I AP'd out of.
"Especially given that Microbiology (which OP'll take next semester) seems to be a pre-req for the course."

My professor just lifted the prereqs for that course so only bio 1 is required now, which I AP'd out of.
So a level 1000 course is the pre req to a level 4000 course?
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"I just finished my freshman year"

Stopped reading
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Yes. My professor just lifted the Bio2/ Microbio prereq this semester. I took it cause it was the only upper level class I can take with my bio 1 pre req.
Finish your orgo, your higher level major courses and biochem, take the MCAT, then you won't need anyone to tell you your chance.

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From one rich anesthesiologist to another, maybe CRNA is in your future.
PS many 3.9 people choke on the MCAT, so make sure you kill it or you really will be looking at Nursing Programs.
PPS Freshman year is usually significantly easier than the next couple years, so don't be too impressed with yourself. (Yet)

Il Destriero
I don't even think a 3.95 is enough to allow you clean the toilets at a medical school, let alone attend. Please, someone give me a #2 pencil with a screwed up eraser so I can make good use of this troll.
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