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Mar 15, 2022
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When I went to college, I started out at an online university for two quarters before transferring to an in-person university. I took General Biology I at my online school, but obviously didn't have a lab since the courses were online. My college doesn't require a second semester of general biology for a health sciences degree, but the medical school I'm most interested in does require two semesters of Gen Bio, both with labs. I've taken Microbiology with lab, Human Anatomy & Physiology I & II with labs, Cell Biology with lab, and Medical Genetics (no lab). I'll also be taking biochemistry during my final year (no lab).

I called the admissions office of the medical school I'd most like to attend, and the person I spoke with said that she believes that anything other than General Biology I and General Biology II would be considered "Advanced Biological Sciences" and would therefore not count toward that requirement. Has anybody else had this happen? I really am not looking forward to finding the time to add two labs and a general biology course to my next two semesters or the summer.

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It’s odd that your school doesn’t offer gen bio or some variation of it. That being said, I don’t think the anatomy and physiology courses+lab will satisfy the gen bio requirement. I’d look into taking those courses in a neighboring university if possible.
It’s odd that your school doesn’t offer gen bio or some variation of it. That being said, I don’t think the anatomy and physiology courses+lab will satisfy the gen bio requirement. I’d look into taking those courses in a neighboring university if possible.
My university does offer them, they just aren't required for my health sciences degree. I made the (obviously incorrect) assumption that the more advanced biologies would be suitable in place of the general biologies for med school. I also found out that the online general bio course I did take before transferring to an in-person university will not be counted by my medical school of choice since it was an online course. I hadn't even thought about that. I'll have to plan to take General Biology I and II with labs over my next two semesters. Thanks for taking the time to respond!
My university does offer them, they just aren't required for my health sciences degree. I made the (obviously incorrect) assumption that the more advanced biologies would be suitable in place of the general biologies for med school. I also found out that the online general bio course I did take before transferring to an in-person university will not be counted by my medical school of choice since it was an online course. I hadn't even thought about that. I'll have to plan to take General Biology I and II with labs over my next two semesters. Thanks for taking the time to respond!
Ofcourse, glad that I was able to help a little bit. I wish you the best of luck on your upcoming coursework (I think you will do great considering you tackled upper-level coursework) .