winter clothes for U of MN interview in Nov

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Jun 17, 2011
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Hi guys,
I have an interview in University of Minnesota in November, I just checked their average temperature and know that it's gonna be snowing around that time. I'm living in California, so I don't know what clothes I should prepare for this trip. Also, cuz we have to dress professionally, I don't think the suits alone can keep me warm for the entire interview :( Any people in Minneapolis can give me some ideas? I'll appreciate your help!!!:love:

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oh yeah. They interview you outside the building in Nov :)
I would imagine it would be pretty toasty inside. what you should be worring about is wearing an undershirt, button down, and jacket inside a stuffy building with the heat cranked up.
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you wont need boots or anything yet...probably ;) bring mittens tho!
Get yourself an overcoat. You will look pretty ******ed arriving in a ski jacket over your suit.
Their interview email literally tells you to dress professionally as a courtesy to the folks in the building and around campus. I wouldn't take any chances.
I always felt bad for you peeps from Cali or the south, coming up to the frozen tundra.
This is a hard one to answer because in this particular situation you won't be wanting to compromise your outward appearance - image is everything. Plus, what you need to stay warm is probably a lot different than what an eskimo needs to stay warm.

You may get a little snowfall towards the end of the month but it probably won't accumulate on the ground so you shouldn't need to bring your Uggs; just tough it out in your fanciest shoes.

The wind is gonna be your worst enemy. You probably don't want to mess up your hair with a hat, so buy a warm scarf. You can also wear tights/long underwear under your pants - it makes a huge difference.
Add a pair of gloves and you should be set.
What about the opposite?? Those of us from the north headed down to Florida soon. Do people (girls especially) end up taking off their suit jackets from the heat or do you just suck it up and sweat?
What about the opposite?? Those of us from the north headed down to Florida soon. Do people (girls especially) end up taking off their suit jackets from the heat or do you just suck it up and sweat?

I think it will have cooled down enough so keeping on the suit jacket would be fine. It'll most likely be in the 80s from now on or even cooler. I think you'll be inside mostly, so I wouldn't worry too much about this. If it gets to be too much, I'd only take it off if you have an appropriate blouse. I don't know how conservative a sleeveless or slightly sheer blouse would look. All this is just an educated guess. You can always just watch and see if the other interviewees are taking off the jacket.
It's perfectly acceptable to take off your jacket and fold it over your arm when walking to and from the school. If it's really that hot, why not. Just put it on as you enter the building. But this should really be a non-issue, the school should have AC and you shouldn't have to walk miles to the school.
I live in Minnesota and all I can tell is the state becomes a frozen tundra between Nov and Feb. I would wear a full suit w/ tie, winter jacket or trenchcoat if you have it over suit jacket, gloves, and a beanie of some sort. It gets so cold you can get frost bite on bare skin in seconds. Once you get inside, it'll be toasty warm so head to the bathroom and whip off your gloves and hat and jacket, throw em in a bag, and make sure youre lookin spiffy.:cool:

Ha but don't let me scare you away from considering the school. Minneapolis is an awesome city and the spring summer and fall are all beautiful, distinct seasons.
I live in Minnesota and all I can tell is the state becomes a frozen tundra between Nov and Feb. I would wear a full suit w/ tie, winter jacket or trenchcoat if you have it over suit jacket, gloves, and a beanie of some sort. It gets so cold you can get frost bite on bare skin in seconds. Once you get inside, it'll be toasty warm so head to the bathroom and whip off your gloves and hat and jacket, throw em in a bag, and make sure youre lookin spiffy.:cool:

Ha but don't let me scare you away from considering the school. Minneapolis is an awesome city and the spring summer and fall are all beautiful, distinct seasons.

Haha! I'm not scared at all. :) All for dental school! I have been living in hot weather for years, so I want to experience new places with snow.