high gpa

  1. P

    Advice on areas of application to improve on

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for some advice on areas of my application that I should focus on improving upon. For some background, I am a Michigan resident and currently a senior, projected to graduate at the end of this semester. I applied during the 2022-2023 cycle and am currently on the...
  2. L

    WAMC for 2023-2024 Cycle? High GPA, Mediocre DAT

  3. R

    WAMC/School List Help! (Texas, ORM, high stats)

    Hi everyone! I'm currently a junior, and I'm trying to start building a realistic list of medical schools to apply to, that way I have a solid idea of the direction I'm trying to head when I start applying in May of 2023. Putting some general background info about me and my application below...
  4. I

    Low MCAT (501) - High GPA (3.88) WAMC for both MD and DO

    Arizona State University GPA: cGPA 3.88 sGPA 3.81 MCAT: 494 (122/124/122/126) 501 (125/126/125/125) Residence: Arizona Pakistani Male Clinical: Scribing: (250 hrs + anticipated), Cardiologist clinic volunteering (125 hrs). Non-Clinical Volunteering: ASU Clubs. Mainly two. One focused on...
  5. T

    Low MCAT & High GPA - Application Question

    Hi All, I'm in a difficult situation & would appreciate your advice. I recently got a 500 on my MCAT and do not know if I should submit my application or hold off. I have a strong application besides my mcat (3.80gpa, multiple international medical trips, 1+ yr of basic science research...
  6. Ray_of_Sunshine_MD

    MD 508 MCAT 3.92 cGPA (nontrad?)

    Hello everyone. I took my exam on 1/24 and came out with a 508 (125/126/129/128). I had 1.5 months of true studying, but I was passively studying since October. I ran out of time during C/P and CARS and that has been reflected in my score. Then again, I always ranged around 126-127 in CARS, but...
  7. Liliofthelamplight123

    19, in the US but considering UK schools as a backup plan

    Hello everyone, Right now I am 19 years old and I will be applying to both US medical schools and UK medical schools this cycle. I apologize in advance if this post is rather lengthy, but there is a lot I want to get off my chest. I have been working on my Biology B.S. here in the US since...
  8. Liliofthelamplight123

    19, looking at US and UK Medical Schools

    Hello everyone, Right now I am 19 years old and I will be applying to both US medical schools and UK medical schools this cycle. I apologize in advance if this post is rather lengthy, but there is a lot I want to get off my chest. I have been working on my Biology B.S. here in the US since...
  9. sillyxwabbit

    MD School List Help! Non-trad veteran. 3.96 cGPA. 4.0sGPA. URM. 509 on AAMC FL 2 and 3.

    Edit: I am not URM. I just submitted my primary to one school, but I took the MCAT 2 June, so I'm still waiting on that to submit the rest. ANY assistance is deeply appreciated! GPA: 3.96 cGPA 4.0sGPA MCAT: My AAMC FLs were 508/509/509 so it has been pretty consistent but low. 5 years in the US...
  10. Danielle Frasier

    Which Vet Schools Weight Grades Heavily?

    I applied to my IS vet school and was denied. They do not take GPA into account aside from having above a 3.0 GPA. I have veterinary and animal experience, but I guess not enough. I have a high GPA, and in the next cycle would like to apply to vet schools that are more likely to accept me. What...
  11. E

    3.83 GPA, 517 MCAT, Upwards Trend

  12. R

    Post Bac: 3.5 GPA but a very low MCAT

    Hey all, I know that this website is the holy land for guidance so I am reaching out and would like any advice or story about your own personal experience ETC. I've been weighing my options because I have a decent GPA (3.6, science 3.5) but a very low MCAT score. I took the old exam twice...
  13. wannabedoc1231

    Do I have a chance? Low MCAT high GPA

    I was not able to prepare enough for the MCAT and ended up scoring 492:smack:. I am 23 yo international student who completed all premedical coursework in the US. My GPA is 3.84, and I have done my best with the extracurriculars: mentored; volunteered; ran a health professionals club; done...
  14. G

    DO (WAMC) MCAT:506 cGPA:3.84 NY resident

    Hey Everyone! I would really appreciate some help on deciding if I should seriously apply with the stats that I have. I've recently started to look into Osteopathic schools to apply to however, my MCAT is unbalanced 506:127,122,128,129 and I think that might severely deter me from getting any...
  15. P

    Request for Advice - International Student 514 MCAT, 4.0 GPA

    Hello folks, I'm an international (non-canadian) student hoping to attend medical school in the US. A little backstory - I moved to the US for undergrad in 2011 - got an engineering degree, and in my junior year applied to medical school with a 36 MCAT and a 3.9 gpa. I was accepted at one place...
  16. ThunderDog

    Advice for waitlist at 2 TX schools: IS, URM, 3.9 GPA, 500 MCAT

    Does anyone seen or had experience with someone with my similar stats? 3.9 GPA 500 MCAT 64.4 LizzyM URM I interviewed at Houston and Lubbock back in October-November of 2016. I believe my interviews went exceptionally well as we connected pretty easily, but that could just be from my...
  17. ThunderDog

    URM, 3.9 GPA, 500 MCAT, waitlisted at 2 schools

    Does anyone seen or had experience with someone with my similar stats? 3.9 GPA 500 MCAT 64.4 LizzyM URM I interviewed at Houston and Lubbock back in October-November of 2016. I believe my interviews went exceptionally well as we connected pretty easily, but that could just be from my...
  18. M

    3.9+ GPA, great MCAT

    I'm an Asian male at a top level UC. I'm actually only a sophomore right now but I was wondering what my chances are of getting into a low to mid level med school with the following: 3.95+ GPA (assuming I am able to keep it) Great MCAT score (don't know what qualifies as great at this point) 2...
  19. F

    Failed Nursing school/ low cGPA High sGPA. what are my chances?

    So I may be in a position where I fail out of nursing school. What are my chances of getting into a medical school with a high science GPA, high mcat score, but low overall GPA?? My friends in medical school are looking at my coursework and have said that my material is more difficult in some...
  20. G

    Great GPA, low CARS, WAMC? or advice for next steps/gap year.

    Hello Everyone! I thought I'd ask you guys for some advice as I've been struggling to decide what to do for the remainder of this application cycle. To start off, I am a NY resident however, I completed my undergrad at Queen's University in Ontario and I'm majoring in Life Sciences. My cGPA...
  21. B

    Anyone with similar stats as me - results

    Looking for results of people who applied with similar statistics, especially ones with similar community service and mcat score. I have around 50 hours community service. cGPA: 3.91, sGPA: 3.93, MCAT: 507. Summer research internship. Shadowing 300 hours. White male, middle class. Applied to all...
  22. T

    WAMC: 3.85 cgpa 4.0 sgpa sub-500 MCAT

    This is my first time posting, but I've been a long time lurker. So I recently took my MCAT and basically flunked it: 494. I think it was the anxiety and so little prep time. I'm aiming to apply this cycle with this score plus a 3.85 cgpa and a 4.0 sgpa, leadership positions, extracurriculars...