
  1. C


    Hi everyone! I am currently working as a dermatology MA part time while I study for the MCAT. I just graduated college this past May. I am an ORM and California applicant. After seeing a lot of other people's stats, I am not sure if I am a good enough applicant which makes me nervous, so I am...
  2. J

    WAMC Mid Stats

    deleted :) thank you everyone for the help !!
  3. B

    WAMC + school list: Current applicant looking for weak spots to improve on for next cycle

    I posted a thread earlier today regarding my situation, and people advised me to post a WAMC. Some background information: I am in my gap year, applying to medical school. I started submitting secondaries to my schools starting from early August, and submitted all of them before Labor Day...
  4. rottenapple90

    WAMC (503 MCAT/ 3.9 GPA) + school list

    Hi everybody, I recently took my MCAT last month for the first time and just got my score back. I've been working on my primary application for the past month, and I submitted my TMDSAS (applied to all the schools), but I'm still working on my AMCAS/ AACOMAS, and I was planning on submitting it...
  5. P

    LOW-ugrad gpa, 502 MCAT, hoping to go MD….?

    Hi! Seeking some advice here… Applying this cycle these are my stats, need advice. Already submitted my primary + filling out secondaries currently. uGrad gpa: 2.66 post bacc: 3.81 grad/masters gpa: 3.82 mcat: 502 🥲 FL resident, hispanic/latina woman, have great LOR’s and experiences...
  6. bkthmusic

    WAMC for UoP (OOS, NY). 4.0 GPA, 22AA

    Date of submission: applying in the upcoming cycle (junior) Overall GPA: 4.0 Science GPA: 4.0 Bio-Chem-Physics GPA: 4.0 DAT score (include AA and all sections): 22 AA/23 TS/25 PAT/18 RC/23 QR State of Residence: NY Undergrad Attended: CUNY Hunter College Major: Biological sciences Minor: maybe...
  7. P

    WAMC- higher gpa low DAT

    Hi!! I need some advice as I took my DAT July 31st and scored below average. I rushed my studying as I overloaded my schedule this summer/ tried to take it to apply this cycle. Any advice helps. Thanks in advance!! GPA: 3.89 DAT: (1st time taking) AA 18 TS 17 PAT 16 QR 16 RC 21 BIO 17 GC 19 OC...
  8. V

    WAMC: traditional path

    Hi I am from California and a rising senior planning to apply to vet school for the first time. GPA: at community college 3.7, currently GPA at uni:3.35 Hours: around 700 hours at the vet clinic and emergency clinic for pets (paid) 74 hours volunteering at the humane society and nonprofit cat...
  9. 1

    Looking for advice

    I’m looking for advice on things I should be doing or maybe steps to take. I began college playing football so my first two years as a science major I only managed to obtain a 3.0 average. I ended up getting hurt and had to transfer where I changed my major completely and after 4 years I...
  10. S

    WAMC c/o 2027 application advice and feedback

    Hey guys I really just need some advice on my application. I am terrified I will not get in because my GPA. Here is a rundown of everything! I am extremely passionate about vet med, in particular surgery! 22, Female, NY Resident, Traditional, 1st time applying Schools applying - majority of...
  11. B

    MD Ortho WAMC - research year between M3 and M4

  12. G


    Hello everyone, I'm super anxious over this cycle so was curious what some thoughts are about my chances. Interests: Large animal, public health, mixed practice... not sure yet Cumulative GPA: 3.8 science GPA: 3.9 last 45: 3.7 Any degrees achieved: Graduating with B.S. in Animal Science this...
  13. G

    WAMC/ School List (3.9/508/URM/Disadvantaged)

    Hello! I applied end of June, am awaiting verification, and currently finalizing my school list. I feel like my ECs are solid, but not necessarily extraordinary, due to the fact that I had to work multiple jobs in undergrad as my parents got divorced during this time and my financial...
  14. S

    WAMC c/o 2026, decent experience at 1 clinic

    Going into my senior year at Oregon State University (Oregon resident) and I'm 19, so a first-time applicant that's also graduating a year early. I took AP classes in high school and bought the college credit for them hence the transfer GPA even though I technically never set foot on their...
  15. D

    WAMC- c/o 2026

    Hey everyone! Thanks in advance for any help I can get this cycle! I am a Pennsylvania resident applying for the class of 2026. Female age 24 and unfortunately this will be my fourth time applying. Schools: Illinois, Iowa, Virginia Maryland, U Arizona, Colorado State, Midwestern, NC State, LIU...
  16. amaastha

    Should I apply this upcoming cycle? 2.5 cgpa, 3.8 grad/smp gpa

  17. S

    WAMC : I’m a nervous wreck!

    Hi guys, I applied this cycle to vet school and I’m just overwhelmed with anxiety about getting in. About: -Female, 21 -IS: Florida -I got to the University of Kentucky Applied to: Auburn, Mississippi State, Florida, Louisiana State, Purdue, Ohio, North Carolina, Cornell, Kansas State...
  18. D

    WAMC, Low Stat MD/DO, 511 MCAT

  19. D

    MD WAMC: Non-Trad, 511 MCAT, 3.5 cGPA / 3.12 sGPA

  20. P

    MSW or PsyD?

    First post here. I intend to apply to either an MSW or PsyD program in the fall. My personal therapist is an LCSW and she has cautioned me away from seeking a MSW in favor of the PsyD for the following reasons: 1. Over-saturation of MSW/LCSW's (especially in CA) 2. Diminished rigor of clinical...
  21. I

    WAMC at State Schools and other schools

    Hello everyone, I'm new to SDN and was wondering if I could get some feedback. So I am in my fourth year of college, and am staying an extra year to raise my GPA and take some more upper level science courses. Here are my stats/ECs/etc. Major: B.A. Biological Sciences Certificate Program...
  22. Purple&Gold7

    Thank you.

  23. E

    MD WAMC? 516/ sGPA 3.8/ cGPA 3.7/ FT employment

    This forum is so cool! I wish I had known about it a few months ago. I don't want to abuse it at the expense of people who really want answers, so disclaimer: I already submitted my apps and I think I can get at least one acceptance. I ask more out of curiosity at this point, so please only...
  24. H

    What should I do to get into med school at this point? Bad GPA.

    Hello, I am currently in my 3rd year of UG. I am a pre-med hopeful but definitely unsure but still very much wanna be a doctor. I was a great student in high school in the top 5% of my class and a great SAT score. However, I came into college as an engineering major and took core...
  25. A

    MD School List Advice

    My top choice is USUHS Academic Undergrad - Honors Biology Program with minors in Chemistry and Fine Arts cGPA 3.56 sGPA 3.4 Strong upward trend after freshman year. MCAT - Have not taken yet. Most recent AAMC practice test has me at a 513 Extracurriculars Clinical 50 hrs shadowing +4,000...
  26. A

    School list help?

    -Cumulative GPA: 3.81 -Science GPA: 3.78 -Graduated Summa Cum Laude; Class of 2016 Arizona State University -1,300+ hours of community service in underserved communities (various services) -1 year of neuro-oncology research at Mayo -Tutored at Arizona State for two years -Served as freshman...
  27. A

    What are my chances?

    -Cumulative GPA: 3.81 -Science GPA: 3.78 -Graduated Summa Cum Laude; Class of 2016 Arizona State University -1,300+ hours of community service in underserved communities (various services) -1 year of neuro-oncology research at Mayo -Tutored at Arizona State for two years -Served as freshman...