2020-2021 University of South Carolina - Columbia

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For those who were accepted, did y'all pay the seat deposit? or did you just click the button that said "I accept this offer of admission"? and are waiting until later to pay?
I would pay the fee immediately. I know nothing of how the system works, but why take a chance at losing your seat? This does not commit you to enroll, just holds your spot.

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I would pay the fee immediately. I know nothing of how the system works, but why take a chance at losing your seat? This does not commit you to enroll, just holds your spot.
Oh wait, it says instructions for the seat fee will be sent out in April 2021 and seat fee is required beginning May 1, 2021. So just clicking the "I accept this offer of admission" seems like all I can do for now.
Has anyone who interviewed this week on Wednesday 11/18 heard anything from admissions? The said we (should) know by the end of the week.
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Has anyone who interviewed this week on Wednesday 11/18 heard anything from admissions? The said we (should) know by the end of the week.
They usually make their decisions by 12:00 PM on Fridays. However, sometimes it gets pushed back to Monday.
Does anyone have any advice for getting off of the interview waitlist? I received an interview invitation but all of the time slots are full for this year. They said if a spot opens up they would email me but what are the odds someone cancels??

I got interview waitlisted literally less than 3 hours after submitting my secondary on the 6th of this month! Definitely kicking myself for not having submitted earlier. But I called and they said, "They're very confident they will interview on the waitlist at this time." They said it probably just wouldn't be until spring.
Interviewed 11/18. In state. Above average stats. Placed on Hold. Anyone know if people actually ever get off hold with USC?
Interviewed 11/18. In state. Above average stats. Placed on Hold. Anyone know if people actually ever get off hold with USC?
Hi there. Current M1 here.

i was placed on hold. That means you’re heading for the waitlist. They are waiting until interview season ends to rank you.

DM me if you want exact stats.
Interviewed 11/18. In state. Above average stats. Placed on Hold. Anyone know if people actually ever get off hold with USC?
Yes and no. Look at my previous post on this. It’s more likely for you to get to waitlist and then get off, but it doesn’t mean that you won’t get off hold before. Good luck.
Any current students have suggestions for tech? Definitely getting a new laptop considering mine almost died in undergrad but how about iPads?
Any current students have suggestions for tech? Definitely getting a new laptop considering mine almost died in undergrad but how about iPads?
For some reason, Apple iOS technology is sometimes glitchy with the testing exam software they use at the school. I would stick with PC/Windows platform if possible.

That’s just because I do not like the stress of worrying about whether or not the new Apple update will interfere with my ability to take a test the next morning.

when students report this problem, the tech person will send out an email warning students not to update their iOS until after the exam. Sometimes, from what I hear, the macs do it automatically.
For some reason, Apple iOS technology is sometimes glitchy with the testing exam software they use at the school. I would stick with PC/Windows platform if possible.

That’s just because I do not like the stress of worrying about whether or not the new Apple update will interfere with my ability to take a test the next morning.

when students report this problem, the tech person will send out an email warning students not to update their iOS until after the exam. Sometimes, from what I hear, the macs do it automatically.
Darn as a beloved Mac fan that’s sad to hear Hahahha thank you though definitely good to know! 🙂
Just to give some people here hope! I was on the Interview waitlist and just got an official interview date this morning!!! So don't give up hope just yet!
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If I got accepted on 11/23, should I be concerned that I have not received their acceptance packet yet? They said over the phone on 11/23 that they would be sending them out that day. I have checked that my AMCAS addresses are correct!
If I got accepted on 11/23, should I be concerned that I have not received their acceptance packet yet? They said over the phone on 11/23 that they would be sending them out that day. I have checked that my AMCAS addresses are correct!
I was accepted in October and never got a physical packet. Maybe they were talking about the email info?
Any current students have suggestions for tech? Definitely getting a new laptop considering mine almost died in undergrad but how about iPads?
I currently use the MacBook that I had throughout undergrad and an iPad pro. If classes are going to continue to be offered remotely and in-person, I would definitely suggest having two devices (so that you can stream the lecture on one and take notes on the other). They have sent out a few warning emails about the exam software possibly not working with Mac updates but they also offer laptops for you to use to take the exams on if you run into any issues, with that being said my MacBook has worked perfectly for every exam so far! I just got my iPad at the beginning of this year and would absolutely recommend investing in one, the apple pencil is a must for notetaking and apps like Notability make it super easy to mark-up lecture powerpoints and virtual labs! Overall, I use my laptop for streaming lectures, Anki, and test-taking, and I use my iPad for note-taking, drawings, and virtual labs. I know lots of my classmates use different tech and everyone prefers something a bit different, but I would say that if you like your current devices there's no need to dump them!
I currently use the MacBook that I had throughout undergrad and an iPad pro. If classes are going to continue to be offered remotely and in-person, I would definitely suggest having two devices (so that you can stream the lecture on one and take notes on the other). They have sent out a few warning emails about the exam software possibly not working with Mac updates but they also offer laptops for you to use to take the exams on if you run into any issues, with that being said my MacBook has worked perfectly for every exam so far! I just got my iPad at the beginning of this year and would absolutely recommend investing in one, the apple pencil is a must for notetaking and apps like Notability make it super easy to mark-up lecture powerpoints and virtual labs! Overall, I use my laptop for streaming lectures, Anki, and test-taking, and I use my iPad for note-taking, drawings, and virtual labs. I know lots of my classmates use different tech and everyone prefers something a bit different, but I would say that if you like your current devices there's no need to dump them!
Awesome thank you so much that’s super helpful 🙂
Just to give some people here hope! I was on the Interview waitlist and just got an official interview date this morning!!! So don't give up hope just yet!
When did you get placed on the waitlist if you don't mind me asking? Curious how long people have been being added.

I know its early but i've been looking at potential places to live. do most people plan on getting roommates or living on their own? And if there are any current students on here do you have any recommendations on potential apartments to rent? thanks in advance!
I know its early but i've been looking at potential places to live. do most people plan on getting roommates or living on their own? And if there are any current students on here do you have any recommendations on potential apartments to rent? thanks in advance!
Also curious! I definitely want to have roommates and was wondering if anyone had made a Facebook page or if not if people would join if I did?
I know its early but i've been looking at potential places to live. do most people plan on getting roommates or living on their own? And if there are any current students on here do you have any recommendations on potential apartments to rent? thanks in advance!
I went to USC For undergrad, there’s tons of places to live in Columbia. I’m sure the medical students have their own group, but trust me. There is no shortage of housing. Check out the retreat, stadium suites, rivers edge, etc!
I know its early but i've been looking at potential places to live. do most people plan on getting roommates or living on their own? And if there are any current students on here do you have any recommendations on potential apartments to rent? thanks in advance!
It is pretty mixed as for people living on their own or with roommates, I know people that have done both so it really is just whichever one you are more comfortable with. For apartments it really depends on your budget, I live in Hampton Greene, it is a five-minute drive to campus and is gated so you feel very safe. There is also a fairly large amount of other med students living here. Rent for a two-bedroom is around 1100-1200 and includes wifi and cable. The apartments are definitely not top-of-the-line but they are comfortable and good for the price point. A pretty comparable option is Wellington Farms, it is a similar distance from the medical school and similar quality to Hampton Greene but you have to make left-turns to get to campus. If you are wanting somewhere a bit nicer and have a higher budget, Creekside at Greenlawn is also very close to campus but is around the 1400-1500 price point for a two-bedroom. There are lots more options further out from campus though so don't limit yourself to these ones. Off the top of my head, I know people who live in Arcadia's Edge, Devine District, Sola Station, and Vista Towers. Definitely take the time to look around in person if you can, I would say try to stay within a 15-minute drive to campus just for convenience. Also, they made a class of 2024 Facebook page for us later on in the admissions cycle and we had a spreadsheet where current students and incoming students posted openings in their housing and also roommate ads so they will probably do the same for you guys!
I went to USC For undergrad, there’s tons of places to live in Columbia. I’m sure the medical students have their own group, but trust me. There is no shortage of housing. Check out the retreat, stadium suites, rivers edge, etc!

For those wondering: The Retreat is individual houses whereas stadium suites is condos. Stadium Suites is definitely undergrad heavy and a bit far. I wouldn't recommend the Woodlands or whatever its called now because I lived there and it's a huge party. There are tons of apartments closer to the med campus and further from the undergraduate that I would try for lol.
For those wondering: The Retreat is individual houses whereas stadium suites is condos. Stadium Suites is definitely undergrad heavy and a bit far. I wouldn't recommend the Woodlands or whatever its called now because I lived there and it's a huge party. There are tons of apartments closer to the med campus and further from the undergraduate that I would try for lol.
Also a USC student, would really recommend Otarre Pointe in Cayce it’s not student housing but not much price difference and is about 1-2 exits from the Med school maybe 10 min tops. I loved living there!
For those wondering: The Retreat is individual houses whereas stadium suites is condos. Stadium Suites is definitely undergrad heavy and a bit far. I wouldn't recommend the Woodlands or whatever its called now because I lived there and it's a huge party. There are tons of apartments closer to the med campus and further from the undergraduate that I would try for lol.
do you have any recs?
Also curious! I definitely want to have roommates and was wondering if anyone had made a Facebook page or if not if people would join if I didI

I would hold off on creating a Facebook. Someone from my class will create one and start adding people. I think ours was created around the end of spring semester (or at least I hadn't gotten an invitation until then)
Has anyone received the link to the scholarship application? or know where to find it?
When did you get placed on the waitlist if you don't mind me asking? Curious how long people have been being added.

Sorry for the super late reply I'm not usually on this. But I was placed on the waitlist, literally a few hours after submitting my secondary on 11/6!
Accepted via email today!! Interviewed yesterday so I’m over the moon. MCAT 509 cGPA 3.84 sGPA 3.92 🙂
Congratulations!! What time did they email you? I interviewed yesterday and am very anxious to hear back already!! lol

Nevermind! I just got that A!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
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So it seems that the wait for an answer after interview is rather short (a day to a week). That is refreshing since the other 2 interviews I’ve had, I STILL haven’t heard back. Not a peep.
Do you think those of us who got "under active consideration" will get accepted prior to the waitlist formation OR is it basically telling us you are going to be waitlisted?
Do you think those of us who got "under active consideration" will get accepted prior to the waitlist formation OR is it basically telling us you are going to be waitlisted?
The email did say “you may still receive an offer prior to the conclusion of our interview season.” So I guess there’s a chance? During the interview they made that sound less likely though. I’m not getting my hopes up to hear anything before March/April.
Do you think those of us who got "under active consideration" will get accepted prior to the waitlist formation OR is it basically telling us you are going to be waitlisted?

The email did say “you may still receive an offer prior to the conclusion of our interview season.” So I guess there’s a chance? During the interview they made that sound less likely though. I’m not getting my hopes up to hear anything before March/April.

I think it means you are a solid candidate, but they want to finish more interviews before they hand out more acceptances. At this point in the season, I can imagine with a class size of 100, spots are getting slimmer, but I think being under active consideration is reassuring, because they could have rejected you if they really did not see a chance in accepting you. I remember Dr. Rhinehart saying they normally conclude interviews in March, but this year they added two more dates in April because of more apps this cycle so I think more acceptances will go out around then. And the waitlist will be made after the last interview in mid-April! Good luck to you both!!
For some reason, Apple iOS technology is sometimes glitchy with the testing exam software they use at the school. I would stick with PC/Windows platform if possible.

That’s just because I do not like the stress of worrying about whether or not the new Apple update will interfere with my ability to take a test the next morning.

when students report this problem, the tech person will send out an email warning students not to update their iOS until after the exam. Sometimes, from what I hear, the macs do it automatically.
You don't take exams on school computers??
You don't take exams on school computers??
We use our own personal PCs.

They have a few school issues computers in the test room in case of emergency.
For all those accepted, take this summer to become very familiar with Anki. I suggest watching the “Anking” YouTube channel tutorials.
So it seems that the wait for an answer after interview is rather short (a day to a week). That is refreshing since the other 2 interviews I’ve had, I STILL haven’t heard back. Not a peep.

mary G’s, if you are anything like my situation you will get placed on their waitlist. I was placed bottom 1/3 which means you have a low chance of getting accepted.

just call back in April when they creat their waitlist. They should send you a letter in the mail.
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Does anyone know if its possible to get a tour now? I really want to visit before I make any decisions on where to go. Or if anyone is familiar with the school, would I be able to self guide a tour?
Does anyone know if its possible to get a tour now? I really want to visit before I make any decisions on where to go. Or if anyone is familiar with the school, would I be able to self guide a tour?

I work at the SOM (unrelated to admissions). In my opinion, you can get away with a self guided tour. The campus is very open so you can definitely check it out just by walking around. They aren’t doing check ins for covid anymore, so technically no one will stop you from walking it 😂
As a first year student, I can confidently say the school is a good choice for anyone.

The only drawbacks are due to covid making certain amenities unavailable. For example,the lack of an available gym for students to workout at (it is currently closed because the VA controls that part of the building) is an unfortunate situation.

However, by this fall, I would foresee more restrictions being lifted.

I would recommend a self guided tour, as well. If you live out of state, it may be worthwhile to visit the city of Columbia while you are down here.

The city is very limited compared to other SC major cities (I.e. Charleston and greenville). There are some outdoor lifestyle avenues within driving distance, lots of breweries with outdoor / rooftop hangout spots, and a decent culinary scene.

But again, you want to weigh that for yourself
Just some random encouragement for everyone. Today I realized that a year ago I was worried about never being a doctor, and I am sitting in my apartment today studying to do just that. Don’t give up, it may seem like it won’t work out now, but just keep trying. I and many of my classmates sat on the waitlist that is coming out soon, and many of us got into school that way.
Just some random encouragement for everyone. Today I realized that a year ago I was worried about never being a doctor, and I am sitting in my apartment today studying to do just that. Don’t give up, it may seem like it won’t work out now, but just keep trying. I and many of my classmates sat on the waitlist that is coming out soon, and many of us got into school that way.
I am living for these posts. THANK YOU.
mary G’s, if you are anything like my situation you will get placed on their waitlist. I was placed bottom 1/3 which means you have a low chance of getting accepted.

just call back in April when they creat their waitlist. They should send you a letter in the mail.
Totally missed your response to my post, my apologies! And I heard back from one today... waitlisted. Ugh. But I have my interview at USC in a couple weeks. Super pumped since even though I don’t currently live in SC, that’s where I’m from. And it would be nice to be close to my parents since they are getting older.