2021-2022 Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (Seton Hill)

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The Real PG
Staff member
10+ Year Member
May 10, 2012
Reaction score
Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator when the secondary prompt is posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview Feedback:

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Congrats! Did you apply you both campuses? I submitted the secondary for Erie on 06/22. Did you apply with AIS?
Thank you! Yes, I did apply to both campuses. I submitted my SAT as well as MCAT (AIS 133). I bet you will hear back from them soon. Feel free to pm me for questions!
II today!!!
OOS, rural, nontrad. Applied 10/15. Complete 10/18
II today. Applied to Erie originally but they said Erie applications are booked and that Seton Hill and Elmira are helping out with interviews.
Info session 11/22. Portal still says:
“Thank you for interviewing at the Seton Hill Campus, you will be notified when the committee makes a decision on your application.”

Any portal changes yet for November session attendees?
Hi all,

I recently received an interview invitation for LECOM Seton Hill (info session date is 2/3). I am very excited as I am hopeful to turn the interview into an acceptance; however, I am new to the online-record-yourself style interview. If anyone has any tips for preparation, I would be very grateful! Also, congratulations to everyone on this thread that has already received an acceptance!
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Hi all,

I recently received an interview invitation for LECOM Seton Hill (info session date is 2/3). I am very excited as I am hopeful to turn the interview into an acceptance; however, I am new to the online-record-yourself style interview. If anyone has any tips for preparation, I would be very grateful! Also, congratulations to everyone on this thread that has already received an acceptance!
Make sure to practice talking to your camera lens and not to the screen. Know your answers to the big questions every school may ask. Make sure you're in the right headspace before recording. Best of luck!
Just received email today informing me that I'm wait listed. Info session 10/13 at Seton hill, was applying to the PA bridge program, 3.6cgpa, 1 year practicing in rural family medicine as a PA.
Not sure if I will accept the wait list position because the email mentioned that movement typically begins in May and may continue up to the start of the semester, which wouldn't allow much time to transition my chronic care patients to other providers.
I got an interview at LECOM Erie. Am I supposed to get 3 separate interview invites from Erie, SH, and Elmira, or does that one LECOM Erie interview qualify me for A/R/WL at all 3 campuses? Because after the Erie interview, they had me fill out the form where I rank the 3 campuses in order of preference, so do I need to get 3 separate interviews still or no?
Also, if I get waitlisted at the Erie campus (top choice campus), do I automatically get waitlisted for the SH and Elmira campuses also (my 2nd and 3rd picks)? Or do I get separate notifications from each campus about acceptance/rejection/alternate listing?
Portal change today!


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Anyone know the questions they ask in the virtual interivew? or where we can go for advice?
To whom should I address my letter of intent? Dr. Freeman?
Anyone know the approximate timeline for hearing back on a decision?

Interviewed and completed info session 2/8.
AdCom mentioned the decision deadline was moved from 1month down to 2weeks recently to help expedite the process
Hi! I completed my interview for LECOM Seton Hill last week. After, the upcoming Info session on 3/3, would it hurt my chances of an overall acceptance if I instead rank Erie over SH? Also, can someone explain how the alternate list works (ie if I don’t get accepted to Erie, do I automatically then get considered at my second ranking SH or would I just get fully rejected)?

Hello everyone, is a 110 AIS score good for an interview?
Did you all send a thank-you email after interviewing? And if so was it just to the admission representative (for me that’s Alyssa)?
Did you all send a thank-you email after interviewing? And if so was it just to the admission representative (for me that’s Alyssa)?
Yes. I delivered separate hand-written thank you notes to Alyssa and to Dr. Freeman + committee during my campus visit. Sent thank you emails with applicant updates/letter of intent as well.
has anyone from 2/17 info session heard back about a decision yet?
ok i went ahead and called. she said decisions are coming thru in about a months time from when she sent our applications over to erie, so p much anytime from 1-3 weeks
ahh okay, thanks for taking one for the team and asking! hopefully we hear good news soon!
Portal finally changed and says "The Admissions Committee has made a decision on your application. You will receive an official letter in the mail, typically, within 14 days." Is this what it says for everyone regardless of decision? hoping to hear back soon! info session was in feb.
How long after the info session do you hear back? i had my info session 4/12
i was WL, interviewed mid feb. does anyone know when WL movement is to be expected this month?
Interviewed in Nov at SH (info session 11/23) and waitlisted in January. Have not heard back yet regarding an open seat. Still thinking positive! Many of my friends who are current students there said a lot of their classmates were from WL.
Interviewed in Nov at SH (info session 11/23) and waitlisted in January. Have not heard back yet regarding an open seat. Still thinking positive! Many of my friends who are current students there said a lot of their classmates were from WL.
do you know when WL movement will occur?