2022-2023 South Carolina - Greenville

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hey yall i submitted my secondary recently (this week) but havent received any follow-up emails. does this school send "you're complete" emails and how long does it take?
You should get a "Thank you for submitting your application to the University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville. We have received your Supplemental Application. Your application is now complete." email

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No II yet 🙁

Must've messed up on my secondary's essays unfortunately. At least I have one for USC-Columbia

Are a lot of IS people getting them? I’m OOS but with close ties. Was completed beginning of august but haven’t heard anything, figured that was normal
Are a lot of IS people getting them? I’m OOS but with close ties. Was completed beginning of august but haven’t heard anything, figured that was normal
I'm IS, went to Clemson for undergrad right by Greenville, got Columbia II but no Gville II (yet??). Still seems a bit early, don't freak out!
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No II yet 🙁

Must've messed up on my secondary's essays unfortunately. At least I have one for USC-Columbia
Nah, it’s still super early. Columbia just sends II’s several months in advance while Greenville’s are more spaced out throughout the cycle. Last year a friend of mine got an II in November for a December interview and was accepted.
anyone gotten any II between now and the last time users posted about getting IIs (Aug 9th ish~~)?????
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Greenville sent out some interviews ~2 weeks ago. Im not surprised this thread is quiet, its a pretty small school with not a huge applicant number. As a reapplicant, I have found greenville admissions incredibly responsive thru email, if you have questions or concerns, definitely reach out to them! Just remember it is really early in the cycle, greenville sends out interviews consistently thru like feb/mar, so I wouldnt stress yet for people who haven't heard anything. It's a longgg application cycle, and it has only been 1 month so far!
Thanks for this! How many applications do you think they get? I could only find stats for Columbia I think
I think about the same as the other SC schools. Per MSAR, they get ~3200 OOS and 614 IS. and their class size is like 108. So a little bigger than USC Columbia and smaller than MUSC. I guess im being subjective, but compared to most schools i applied to, the SC schools get fewer applications, probably because they emphasize very strong ties.
Thanks! Any tips on prepping for the interview?
Read up on current med events/ethical questions and concerns in the news right now to have quick responses for MMI questions. I found a forum last month of students listing the top questions they were asked at last year's USC - Columbia interview, maybe Gville has a similar forum.
Isn't it virtual?
Thanks! The Greenville MMI is 5 stations total with 4 of them as standardized patients. Ethical questions may definitely come up in these settings as well but I think the Greenville focus is more on how we'd communicate empathy etc. Good to know how to face vaccine/treatment hesitancy and ethical scenarios like that, but I'm not spending much time on understanding healthcare policy landscape.

Edit: it also looks like Columbia only has two 1:1 traditional interviews, & no MMI! Interesting 🙂
Fair enough. There's still the 50-minute traditional interview. And yeah Greenville's interview format is so extra... 50 minute 2-person traditional interview non-blind and the 5 5-minute MMI scenarios... that's a lot.

Per their site: MMI does not require "clinical knowledge." Rather it is designed to assess essential non-cognitive skills including communication, problem-solving skills, interpersonal and attentive listening skills, empathy, professionalism, general knowledge of relevant health care and societal issues and ability to respond and think critically during specific scenarios.
Thanks! Any tips on prepping for the interview?
The two questions no matter what you’ll be guaranteed to be asked are
1. Tell me about yourself
2. Why do you want to be a doctor

Practice those 100 times and have good answers for both.

They’ll ask you to share a fun fact in the beginning with everyone else interviewing so have that prepared. Beyond that, just be genuine confident and humble.
I had received a phone call from admissions talking about they liked my application update on my research presentation because I did it at furman U, but they said they are still reviewing. Not sure if its a good sign. MCAT is lower than average and I have some relatives there. Im OOS
Should I add usc Columbia and MUSC if I did research in the state and have family there ?
This is really cool! Congrats! I hope this signals a huge turn in your favor with this school. Either way and if not, I hope it’s the confidence boost and steam for you that we all need sometimes to keep going. You’re doing great things and the right people will notice and respect that in time!

Thank you so much ! But they said my MCAT could be my downfall despite it all ! So idk !
Should I add usc Columbia and MUSC if I did research in the state and have family there ?
I wouldn’t bother applying to MUSC unless you feel your ties are very strong (I think they have a list of what they consider to be strong ties). USC Columbia is slightly more OOS friendly but their app cycle runs early so you might not get an interview at this point until February or March
Is anyone who is RD and already interviewed heard back from admissions yet?