2022-2023 South Carolina - Greenville

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Thank you to @Nightcrawler00 for sharing this year's questions!
2022-2023 South Carolina - Greenville Secondary Essay Prompts

Academic History

Question 1: Did you apply to any MD or DO program during any previous academic year?

Question 1a: If you previously applied to any medical school, what was your final application status?

Question 1b: If you are a re-applicant, what have you engaged in and/or accomplished to strengthen your candidacy? (If not applicable, please write N/A) (3000 characters)

Question 1c: If you applied previously to the University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville, please provide the year(s) of your application(s). (1000 characters)

Question 2: If you are not accepted to medical school for the upcoming academic year, what are your plans? (5000 characters)

Question 3: Are you currently, or have you ever been subject to disciplinary action at a college or professional school that did not result in academic probation or dismissal?

Question 3a: If you answered ‘Yes’ to Question 3, please provide a brief description. (If not applicable, please write N/A) (5000 characters)

Question 4: Have you ever been placed on academic probation at or dismissed from a college or professional school?

Question 4a: If you answered ‘Yes’ to Question 4, please provide an explanation of the event and final outcome. (If not applicable, please write N/A) (5000 characters)

Question 5: Please briefly describe circumstances regarding any courses with a grade less than a B minus, or any course withdrawals. Additionally, please describe the circumstances if you took any required courses as Pass/Fail rather than graded due to COVID-19, including if you had a choice to take as graded or pass/fail and the context of that decision. (If not applicable, please write N/A) (5000 characters)

Question 6: If you are currently participating in an academic program, please outline intended coursework for the academic year. (If not applicable, please write N/A) (5000 characters)

Question 7: If you do not expect to spend this academic year in school, please explain how you intend to use this time. (If not applicable, please write N/A) (5000 characters)

Question 8: Please ensure you have completed the Prerequisite coursework section of the Applicant Gateway. If you need to explain any irregularities regarding your prerequisite courses, please indicate that here. (If not applicable, please write N/A) (5000 characters)

Activities, Service, Research

Question 1: Please describe any new or additional medically related employment, volunteer activities or observation experiences not included in your AMCAS application. (If not applicable, please write N/A) (5000 characters)

Question 2: Please describe any new or additional community service or volunteer activities not included in your AMCAS application. (If not applicable, please write N/A) (5000 characters)

Question 3: Please describe any new or additional research or leadership experiences not included in your AMCAS application. (If not applicable, please write N/A) (5000 characters)

Question 4: Have you participated in the U of SC School of Medicine Greenville Medical Experience Academy (MedEx)?

Personal Information

Question 1: Please consider sharing experiences, challenges, family or personal circumstances, interests, etc. that you believe would bring added value and diversity of lived experience to the learning community at UofSC School of Medicine Greenville. (5000 characters)
Question 2: If you are not a South Carolina resident, what relationships, bonds, or other interests or connections do you have to the state? (If not applicable, please write N/A) (5000 characters)
Question 3: Is there any additional information you would like the Admissions Committee to consider that has not been previously addressed? (If not applicable, please write N/A) (5000 characters)
Question 4: Why have you chosen to apply to U of SC School of Medicine Greenville and how do you think your education at UofSCSOM Greenville will prepare you to become a physician in the future? (5000 characters)


Please address the following questions. Each essay should be 500 words or less (either type or copy and paste into the text box):
***Essay Question 1*** How do you believe you will transform medicine as a physician?
***Essay Question 2*** If there were 25 hours in the day, how would you fill the additional time?

Demographic Profile

In responding to the following questions please keep in mind that the Admissions Committee seeks to select applicants with distinctive personal attributes and lived experiences who will bring added value to an inclusive learning community.
Question 1: Does this application represent a career change or shift (including military service)?
Question 1a: If you answered ‘Yes’ to Question 1, please describe your first career. (If not applicable, please write N/A) (2000 characters)
Question 2: What best describes your experience in a rural area (defined as less than 25,000 people and greater than thirty miles from a population of over 100,000 people) Please answer with one of the following options:
Question 3: Please share your racial identity as you indicated on your AMCAS application. (1000 characters)
Question 4: Please share your ethnic identity as you indicated on your AMCAS application. (1000 characters)
Question 5: Do you consider yourself as from a racial or ethnic population that is underrepresented in the medical profession, as defined by the AAMC, relative to their numbers in the general population?
Question 6: Were you eligible to participate in the AAMC Fee Assistance Program for this application cycle?
Question 7: Are you a first-generation college student? (Defined as an individual, neither of whose parents completed a baccalaureate degree; or an individual who, prior to the age of 18, regularly resided with and received support from only one parent and whose supporting parent did not complete a baccalaureate degree; or an individual who, prior to the age of 18, did not regularly reside with or receive support from a natural or adoptive parent; thus, if a student’s parent(s) and/or guardian(s) attended college but to not have a bachelor’s degree (i.e. did not graduate), the student is considered to be first generation.)
Question 8: Did you grow up in a home in which English was NOT the primary language?
Question 8a: If you answered ‘Yes’ to question 8, please list the primary language(s) used in your childhood home. (If not applicable, please write N/A) (1000 characters)
Question 9: Are there any additional aspects of your personal background or identity that you feel are important to share with the Admissions Committee? Examples might include barriers to educational opportunities; experience with socioeconomic disadvantage; and/or identification with a diverse culture, religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, or ability. (5000 characters)

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview feedback:
University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville Interview Feedback

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Hey guys im an incoming M1 to Greenville. Idk how much I can help since I haven’t even started yet but feel free to reach out for any general questions
Hey guys im an incoming M1 to Greenville. Idk how much I can help since I haven’t even started yet but feel free to reach out for any general questions
Is it worth applying to this school as a PA resident with zero ties to the state? I see the MSAR statistics, but I am not sure whether the OOS matriculants have any ties to the state
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Is it worth applying to this school as a PA resident with zero ties to the state? I see the MSAR statistics, but I am not sure whether the OOS matriculants have any ties to the state
Id say you can certainly shoot your shot. Greenville takes OOS students but from what I can see, a lot of the class definitely has some SC ties even if they are technically OOS but there’s definitely a few people who don’t have ties.
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Id say you can certainly shoot your shot. Greenville takes OOS students but from what I can see, a lot of the class definitely has some SC ties even if they are technically OOS but there’s definitely a few people who don’t have ties.
What counts as an SC tie? I have a friend who's currently enrolled, but other than that I have no ties to the state. Should I mention that in my secondary? I know there's typically a prompt that asks about ties to the state.
What counts as an SC tie? I have a friend who's currently enrolled, but other than that I have no ties to the state. Should I mention that in my secondary? I know there's typically a prompt that asks about ties to the state.
I wouldn’t consider just knowing someone in the state/school as a tie. Ties are usually if you went to highschool here, college, spent many summers here growing up, or have close family here. I wouldn’t mention it. Itll seem like you are stretching for ties.
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Any tips on filling out the secondary?
Just gotta honestly suck it up and just knock it out. I put it off for like 4 weeks because it was so long and I was burnt from other secondarys but im glad I eventually did it lmao
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OOS secondary received but instant regret
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Academic History​

Question 1: Did you apply to any MD or DO program during any previous academic year?

Question 1a: If you previously applied to any medical school, what was your final application status?

Question 1b: If you are a re-applicant, what have you engaged in and/or accomplished to strengthen your candidacy? (If not applicable, please write N/A) (3000 characters)

Question 1c: If you applied previously to the University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville, please provide the year(s) of your application(s). (1000 characters)

Question 2: If you are not accepted to medical school for the upcoming academic year, what are your plans? (5000 characters)

Question 3: Are you currently, or have you ever been subject to disciplinary action at a college or professional school that did not result in academic probation or dismissal?

Question 3a: If you answered ‘Yes’ to Question 3, please provide a brief description. (If not applicable, please write N/A) (5000 characters)

Question 4: Have you ever been placed on academic probation at or dismissed from a college or professional school?

Question 4a: If you answered ‘Yes’ to Question 4, please provide an explanation of the event and final outcome. (If not applicable, please write N/A) (5000 characters)


Question 5: Please briefly describe circumstances regarding any courses with a grade less than a B minus, or any course withdrawals. Additionally, please describe the circumstances if you took any required courses as Pass/Fail rather than graded due to COVID-19, including if you had a choice to take as graded or pass/fail and the context of that decision. (If not applicable, please write N/A) (5000 characters)

Question 6: If you are currently participating in an academic program, please outline intended coursework for the academic year. (If not applicable, please write N/A) (5000 characters)

Question 7: If you do not expect to spend this academic year in school, please explain how you intend to use this time. (If not applicable, please write N/A) (5000 characters)

Question 8: Please ensure you have completed the Prerequisite coursework section of the Applicant Gateway. If you need to explain any irregularities regarding your prerequisite courses, please indicate that here. (If not applicable, please write N/A) (5000 characters)

Activities, Service, Research​

Question 1: Please describe any new or additional medically related employment, volunteer activities or observation experiences not included in your AMCAS application. (If not applicable, please write N/A) (5000 characters)
Question 2: Please describe any new or additional community service or volunteer activities not included in your AMCAS application. (If not applicable, please write N/A) (5000 characters)
Question 3: Please describe any new or additional research or leadership experiences not included in your AMCAS application. (If not applicable, please write N/A) (5000 characters)
Question 4: Have you participated in the UofSC School of Medicine Greenville Medical Experience Academy (MedEx)?

Personal Information​

Question 1: Please consider sharing experiences, challenges, family or personal circumstances, interests, etc. that you believe would bring added value and diversity of lived experience to the learning community at UofSC School of Medicine Greenville. (5000 characters)
Question 2: If you are not a South Carolina resident, what relationships, bonds, or other interests or connections do you have to the state? (If not applicable, please write N/A) (5000 characters)
Question 3: Is there any additional information you would like the Admissions Committee to consider that has not been previously addressed? (If not applicable, please write N/A) (5000 characters)
Question 4: Why have you chosen to apply to UofSC School of Medicine Greenville and how do you think your education at UofSCSOM Greenville will prepare you to become a physician in the future? (5000 characters)


Please address the following questions. Each essay should be 500 words or less (either type or copy and paste into the text box):
***Essay Question 1*** How do you believe you will transform medicine as a physician?
***Essay Question 2*** If there were 25 hours in the day, how would you fill the additional time?

Demographic Profile​

In responding to the following questions please keep in mind that the Admissions Committee seeks to select applicants with distinctive personal attributes and lived experiences who will bring added value to an inclusive learning community.
Question 1: Does this application represent a career change or shift (including military service)?
Question 1a: If you answered ‘Yes’ to Question 1, please describe your first career. (If not applicable, please write N/A) (2000 characters)
Question 2: What best describes your experience in a rural area (defined as less than 25,000 people and greater than thirty miles from a population of over 100,000 people) Please answer with one of the following options:
Question 3: Please share your racial identity as you indicated on your AMCAS application. (1000 characters)
Question 4: Please share your ethnic identity as you indicated on your AMCAS application. (1000 characters)
Question 5: Do you consider yourself as from a racial or ethnic population that is underrepresented in the medical profession, as defined by the AAMC, relative to their numbers in the general population?
Question 6: Were you eligible to participate in the AAMC Fee Assistance Program for this application cycle?
Question 7: Are you a first-generation college student? (Defined as an individual, neither of whose parents completed a baccalaureate degree; or an individual who, prior to the age of 18, regularly resided with and received support from only one parent and whose supporting parent did not complete a baccalaureate degree; or an individual who, prior to the age of 18, did not regularly reside with or receive support from a natural or adoptive parent; thus, if a student’s parent(s) and/or guardian(s) attended college but to not have a bachelor’s degree (i.e. did not graduate), the student is considered to be first generation.)
Question 8: Did you grow up in a home in which English was NOT the primary language?
Question 8a: If you answered ‘Yes’ to question 8, please list the primary language(s) used in your childhood home. (If not applicable, please write N/A) (1000 characters)
Question 9: Are there any additional aspects of your personal background or identity that you feel are important to share with the Admissions Committee? Examples might include barriers to educational opportunities; experience with socioeconomic disadvantage; and/or identification with a diverse culture, religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, or ability. (5000 characters)
Is anyone else really struggling to answer "How do you believe you will transform medicine as a physician?" and "If there were 25 hours in the day, how would you fill the additional time?" in 500 words?

I am honestly reaching ~100 words and am struggling to add much more without diluting what I already said. Most people say quality> quantity, but when only using 1/5 of the allotted space, I feel like I am doing something wrong.
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Is anyone else really struggling to answer "How do you believe you will transform medicine as a physician?" and "If there were 25 hours in the day, how would you fill the additional time?" in 500 words?

I am honestly reaching ~100 words and am struggling to add much more without diluting what I already said. Most people say quality> quantity, but when only using 1/5 of the allotted space, I feel like I am doing something wrong.
Transform medicine is an interesting question to say the least.

As far as limits go, I haven't even come close to any of them. I wouldn't worry about it too much. If you've answered the prompt, you've answered the prompt. Good Luck!
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Question, for the prompt that states "Please share your racial identity as you indicated on your AMCAS application," should we just put White if that is our race, or are they asking us to provide further explanation? I'm just a little confused, since we are allowed 1000 characters for this prompt. Appreciate anyone who can offer some input here!
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Question, for the prompt that states "Please share your racial identity as you indicated on your AMCAS application," should we just put White if that is our race, or are they asking us to provide further explanation? I'm just a little confused, since we are allowed 1000 characters for this prompt. Appreciate anyone who can offer some input here!
For those demographic profile questions, I think most applicants will need just a few words.
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What would count as an irregularity regarding pre-requisite coursework?
What would count as an irregularity regarding pre-requisite coursework?
Maybe if there is a class that you are unsure would count for one of the pre-requisites and you could explain what the class was and why you believe it should count
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Is anyone else really struggling to answer "How do you believe you will transform medicine as a physician?" and "If there were 25 hours in the day, how would you fill the additional time?" in 500 words?

I am honestly reaching ~100 words and am struggling to add much more without diluting what I already said. Most people say quality> quantity, but when only using 1/5 of the allotted space, I feel like I am doing something wrong.
literally could not come up with anything more than a paragraph for "25 hours in a day" I feel like I answered the question but also idk. I really don't vibe with that prompt at all
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Aren't questions 2 and 7 basically asking the same thing?
Question #2 is more asking what will you do with your life if you are rejected. Will you move on from medicine, will you try again, what will you do?

While question #7 is asking what are your plans for the current year before entering medical school.

Thats how I understood it atleast.
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Did anyone else not use more than like 1500-2000 characters per prompt? Lol
Did anyone else not use more than like 1500-2000 characters per prompt? Lol
Yeah, I think 5000 characters is a tough bar to meet. If you feel like you answered the prompt then I think that's the most important part. That's how I'm answering the questions.
I feel like the very last question is overkill... are you guys leaving that blank or answering it?
I feel like the very last question is overkill... are you guys leaving that blank or answering it?
Yeah I'm pretty stuck. As someone who is not from a diverse background (straight;white;female) I'm not sure if I'm supposed to put anything at all.
Yeah I'm pretty stuck. As someone who is not from a diverse background (straight;white;female) I'm not sure if I'm supposed to put anything at all.
Same here. Has anyone spoken to current students to see if they put anything? I really have nothing to write.
Yeah I'm pretty stuck. As someone who is not from a diverse background (straight;white;female) I'm not sure if I'm supposed to put anything at all.

For what it’s worth, I submitted today and left it blank
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Idk about y'all but this secondary is wiping me out lol. So many questions with high character counts
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For the prerequisite part of the application, should you put the bare minimum number of classes to meet the prerequisite or should I include all the classes that I have taken that meet the requirement? For Example, I have taken a lot of economics classes, so should I put all of them for the humanities, social and behavioral science section or just put the bare minimum to meet the credit requirement and put the ones that I got the best grades in?
For the prerequisite part of the application, should you put the bare minimum number of classes to meet the prerequisite or should I include all the classes that I have taken that meet the requirement? For Example, I have taken a lot of economics classes, so should I put all of them for the humanities, social and behavioral science section or just put the bare minimum to meet the credit requirement and put the ones that I got the best grades in?

I did the bare minimum with the best grades. I assumed it was so they know they aren’t admitting people without their prereqs done
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II as well! Email at 12:20pm. Info in signature. Complete 7/22
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II Received!! Marked received 7/21, IS, URM, LM 67.5, and did not do MedEx
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Anyone having issues viewing the portal? When I login my screen is completely blank.
On the scholarship application, do we have to put VIPID, USCID, and SSN or can we just put SSN? I graduated so I am not sure if my VIPID and USCID are still valid lol
Anyone have tips on how to answer this prompt?

3. Is there any additional information you would like the Admissions Committee to consider that has not been previously addressed? (If not applicable, please write N/A) (5000 characters)

I typically use this question on apps to write a "why our school" essay or diversity essay, but considering how thorough this application is, I have already answered those things elsewhere!

Leave it blank?
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Anyone have tips on how to answer this prompt?

3. Is there any additional information you would like the Admissions Committee to consider that has not been previously addressed? (If not applicable, please write N/A) (5000 characters)

I typically use this question on apps to write a "why our school" essay or diversity essay, but considering how thorough this application is, I have already answered those things elsewhere!

Leave it blank?

I used that space for my COVID Essay and told a story related to an experience that derived from the pandemic.

But I definitely think you can leave it blank if you want :)
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For those who got an II, congrats!!! How are yall preparing for it though?
Are they only giving 2 week notice between the II and interview date like last year?
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Those who received II, did you apply early or regular decision?
I used that space for my COVID Essay and told a story related to an experience that derived from the pandemic.

But I definitely think you can leave it blank if you want :)
great idea! I forgot about my COVID essay. I will do this!
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What's up guys M1 here also willing to help out if needed
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hey yall i submitted my secondary recently (this week) but havent received any follow-up emails. does this school send "you're complete" emails and how long does it take?

I submitted my secondary yesterday and received a complete email today!
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