2024-2025 New Mexico

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Plain-spoken Texan
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7+ Year Member
Jan 21, 2016
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Please share the Secondary essay prompts when available and tag a moderator.

Good luck to all applying!
Interview Feedback:

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  • At the UNM School of Medicine we are committed to building a dynamic, productive and positive learning environment in addition to promoting cross cultural and cross racial understanding among students of diverse talents, experiences, opinions and backgrounds. Share any unique or challenging factors in your background, such as the quality of your early educational environment, socioeconomic status, culture, and life and work experiences. How will your background or experiences contribute to the diversity of a medical school class? (2000)
  • Mentorship and clinical experience are integral to developing and understanding of the challenges and rewards of being a physician? Thinking back to your own road to applying to medical school, what is a patient experience or mentorship moment that was most formative to your progression so far? Please share this experience and explain how it fits into your motivation for pursuing a career as a physician. (2000)
  • While providing healthcare as a physician is often a rewarding career, it is also a profession that entails addressing constant challenges. What do you see as the most significant issues the medical profession will face in the next 20 years, and what are some potential solutions for these problems? (2000)
  • Part of the goal of the UNM School of Medicine is to address the healthcare inequities that face New Mexico. Public health and medicine are inextricably connected to health outcomes. What is a non-clinical public health intervention that would impact health inequities in NM populations? (2000)
  • Please describe a personal or professional challenge or conflict that you have experienced. How did you resolve it? What skills, resources and/or strategies did you employ? DO NOT write about the MCAT, a course, or an academic issue. (2000)
  • Please describe how COVID-19 has affected your preparation for applying to medical school. Describe any academic, personal, financial, or professional barriers/disruptions that COVID-19 may have triggered. (2000)
I can’t get the residency form page to be marked complete. Has anyone else had this problem? I’m not resident so I don’t have anything to mark for the “evidence” section at the bottom.
I can’t get the residency form page to be marked complete. Has anyone else had this problem? I’m not resident so I don’t have anything to mark for the “evidence” section at the bottom.
I would email them and send them a screenshot
Due to not reading UNM requirements, I sent a primary app and just received a secondary but have no strong ties. Is it even worth sending a secondary?
Due to not reading UNM requirements, I sent a primary app and just received a secondary but have no strong ties. Is it even worth sending a secondary?
Probably a waste of money, but you can call them if you want. They are very responsive to questions and friendly.
any news here? usually unm sends IIs pretty early in past years.
IS - How long did it take for you all after submitting your primaries to receive the secondaries? I submitted this weekend.
Anyone here from either the EDP or rolling admissions get an interview invite yet? Submitted by secondary in mid-September
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Not what you asked, but there are 4 interviews on CycleTrack and 2 on Admit.org. The Admit.org ones show complete dates in mid-August.

It's weak sauce, but it's all I got.
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The interview was very chill. 45 mins or so with a faculty member, then another 45 with a current med student. The questions from the Interview Feedback link in the first post are very high-yield. 😉

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He says the interviewer didn't have access to anything on the cognitive side, so no GPA or MCAT. Non-cog, yes, but they didn't go very in-depth. So, maybe kind of open?
For anyone who’s done the student Q&A, should we dress in interview attire or would it be ok to dress business casual/just wear a nice shirt?
For anyone who’s done the student Q&A, should we dress in interview attire or would it be ok to dress business casual/just wear a nice shirt?
It wasn’t anything formal and no admin is there. I think just a nice shirt would be fine. I did see others who were more dressed but I think it’s just because we were unsure what to expect. But it was just a chill conversation and Q&A session.
Anyone else who interviewed end of October/early November hear back anything yet?
Hi, does anyone know if anyone on the waitlist has been offered an interview opportunity or a spot in the Prep program? Also, could people at the bottom of the waitlist get interview opportunities for the Prep program?
Hi, does anyone know if anyone on the waitlist has been offered an interview opportunity or a spot in the Prep program? Also, could people at the bottom of the waitlist get interview opportunities for the Prep program?
I'm bottom of the waitlist and I was offered a PrEP interview. It came in my decision email