ACS Exam for Organic

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My Organic 2 class is taking the American Chemical Society Organic Chemistry standardized test for our final in a month. Has anyone else taken this exam? How did you study? Any tips?

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Do the problems in the official study guide for the ACS. Review first term material if you need a refresher. It tests heavily on first principles.
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It's also not very difficult. If I remember correctly, it tests much less on reactions than understanding of basic principles (as Prometheus said). It has been a while for me though.
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It's not too bad.

If you buy the study guide, it comes with a practice test.
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I guess it depends on your Organic professors... I had O-Chem 1 tests that were all free response, lots of rxns and roadmaps. Then O-Chem 2 was all multiple choice, but it could be A, B, and E on 1 question for example. ACS final was a breeze after that, bc it was multiple choice with only 1 right answer. I wouldn't waste money on study guides if you got an A in O-Chem 1 and have done okay in 2 so far...
I'm taking the ACS too soon. I'm killing O chem but why not invest 20$ to secure an A and get a feel for what the exam looks like ya know.
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I'm taking the ACS too soon. I'm killing O chem but why not invest 20$ to secure an A and get a feel for what the exam looks like ya know.
And then sell it for $15 to someone you know next year or on facebook :)
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The official study guide is 100% worth buying. I cant emphasize hiw worth it it is to pay for. The way they represent the structures on that exam were far different then my class leading up to the test.
My Organic 2 class is taking the American Chemical Society Organic Chemistry standardized test for our final in a month. Has anyone else taken this exam? How did you study? Any tips?
Our professor gives that exam too with orgo 1 and orgo 2 combined :(. Im gonna use the ACS book to study