Am I too late? + Supplementary Question

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Dec 5, 2016
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Hey guys,

1) So last night I submitted all of my primaries and have my transcripts verified, as well as my official DAT scores posted; however, I am still waiting on LORs. The last 2 LORs will be submitted early next week before September hits (so they say). Am I too late? AADSAS says my application has been processed, they're just missing the LORs. Is it a long waiting period for schools to receive these LORs?

2) I also still have 3 supplementaries to send out. Will schools look at my app before they receive the supplementaries? The schools are:



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I think you should be fine if you have great stats and application overall. Schools don't review AADSAS before they get their supplemental application $. I would recommend to add more schools. Add UIC and Midwestern if you are an Illinois resident
I think you should be fine if you have great stats and application overall. Schools don't review AADSAS before they get their supplemental application $. I would recommend to add more schools. Add UIC and Midwestern if you are an Illinois resident

Thanks for the input! Stats aren't a worry for me. I have 14 total schools including UIC 🙂. I'm officially broke